Doctoral Programs adapted to ESSE DOCTORAL PROGRAMS

Doctoral Programs adapted to ESSE
Nutrition and Metabolism
Identificative data of the program
Areas of the program
Maximum number of students
URL of the program
Nutrition and Metabolism
Ciències de la Vida
José A. Fernández López
Training period
UB master/s which is/are partially or totally integrated in this period:
Nutrició i metabolisme
Desenvolupament i Innovació d'Aliments
Seguretat Alimentària
Research period
General objectives of the program
The main objective of doctoral studies is to train doctors in advanced research of quality. To that end, the goals are:
- Incorporation of doctoral students to a research group.
- Expanding capacities to acquire an intensive specialization in the different directions provided by the research lines defined in the
- Enhance the initiative to develop research projects with the methodology and scientific principles proper to the line where doctoral
students conducted their investigation.
- Achieve general skills related to the ability of personal and group work, participation in research projects, management of bibliographic
databases, etc.
- Realization of the doctoral thesis
Procedimientos, requisitos y criterios específicos de admisión al programa, así como de valoración de los
méritos de las personas candidatas.
Having obtained a minimum of 60 credits in official postgraduate programs or have an official title of master, as long as the student
completes a minimum of 300 credits in all the universitary, graduate and postgraduate, studies.
To formalize the request for admission it will be necessary to deliver the application form, duly completed, to the Doctorate Commission. If
necessary, specific documentation required by the Commission will be also provided.
The application must include the student's personal data, that of his future thesis director, and the description of the proposed thesis
project. It will be signed by the student and with the approval of the Director.
Complements específics de formació en recerca, a cursar en màsters de la UB, que es considerin
necessaris i activitats que hauran de seguir-se durant el període de recerca (seminaris, cursos
metodològics o altres activitats formatives programades)
Doctoral training is essentially based on tutelary research (completion of the doctoral thesis). It can be supplemented with an offer of
conferences or seminars in the areas linked to the research programme organized by the research group and/or the department.
Offered research lines, teachers and researchers and registering centers
[+] 100539 Nutrición y cáncer
[+] 100540 Nutrición comunitaria
[+] 100346 Intervención nutricional sobre la funcionalidad del sistema inmunitario y la respuesta inflamatoria
[+] 100347 Transporte intestinal y función epitelial de barrera
[+] 100486 Componentes alimentarios bioactivos naturales e ingredientes funcionales
[+] 100488 Aromas y análisis sensorial de los alimentos
[+] 100497 Aporte de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga durante el embarazo y en la primera etapa de la vida: influencia en
el crecimiento y en el neurodesarrollo.
[+] 100333 Regulación del metabolismo energético y nitrogenado
General information
Procedimientos para la admisión y el seguimiento del proyecto de tesis
The documentation submitted to the admission of the student in the doctoral program includes a description of the proposed thesis, which
will be assessed by the Doctorate Commission.
With regard to the annual monitoring, the student annually will submit a report describing the work and progress made during this period,
together with a brief report of the director of the thesis. In the event that the student has to make a report to the justification for a
scholarship, this report may also be used for the annual monitoring in the doctoral program.
Procesos administrativos (plazos y procedimientos de preinscripción) y otros datos de interés para el estudiante sobre el programa.
Pre-registration: May-September
Procedimientos para que el estudiante, si lo desea, pueda formular reclamaciones en relación con el programa.
Students can direct any suggestion or complaint to the Doctorate Commission in writing or via coordinator e-mail, who forwarded it to the
coordination commission of the program.
Àrea de Planificació i Serveis Acadèmics
© Universitat de Barcelona
08/08/2008 11:09
Àrea de Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació
Aplicacions - Projectes de Gestió Acadèmica (GIGA)
Darrera Modificació Programa: 23/07/2008 09:41
Darrera Modificació Model: 25/06/2008 09:26