Present conocer

Sentence Match Quiz for Category: present_conocer
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
1) En primer lugar, ¿conoces algo sobre nuestra empresa?
- A: Information pannels allow you to know the scheduled departure and arriving times for the trains.
- B: Do you know if María knows Juan?
- C: This face I know.
- D: First of all, do you know anything about our company?
2) No hay nadie que yo conozca en esta reunión.
- A: There is no one that I know at this meeting.
- B: You don't know him.
- C: How long have you known Miss Gallardo?
- D: I don't know if Juan knows the girls.
3) Esta cara la conozco.
- A: Ever since I've known them, Toña and David have always gone everywhere together as if they were engaged.
- B: I don't know if Juan knows the girls.
- C: She knows (acquainted with) Pedro.
- D: This face I know.
4) Ellas conocen a mi tío.
- A: Ever since I've known them, Toña and David have always gone everywhere together as if they were engaged.
- B: There is no one that I know at this meeting.
- C: They know my uncle.
- D: Information pannels allow you to know the scheduled departure and arriving times for the trains.
5) Conoces a los niños.
- A: You know the children.
- B: Do you all know anyone here? No, we don't know anyone here.
- C: We don't know if the boys know her.
- D: I've known her for two months.
6) Yo no sé si María lo conoce.
- A: I don't know if María knows him.
- B: You know the children.
- C: She knows (acquainted with) Pedro.
- D: You know (acquainted with) my kitten.
7) A este hombre le conozco.
- A: I know this man.
- B: They were thinking about getting to know the city.
- C: We don't know if the boys know her.
- D: You don't know him.
8) Cuanto más lo conozco, más lo aprecio.
- A: I don't know if Juan knows the girls.
- B: She knows (acquainted with) Pedro.
- C: The more I know him, the more highly I think of him.
- D: Information pannels allow you to know the scheduled departure and arriving times for the trains.
9) Los paneles informativos te permiten conocer las horas de salida y llegada prevista de los trenes.
- A: Information pannels allow you to know the scheduled departure and arriving times for the trains.
- B: How long have you known Miss Gallardo?
- C: She knows (acquainted with) Pedro.
- D: Pleased to meet you. (formal)
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: present_conocer
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
10) Nosotros conocemos a tu vecina.
- A: We know your neighbor.
- B: This face I know.
- C: She knows (acquainted with) Pedro.
- D: I know a trail in the area around Madrid with practically no slope.
11) Desde que los conozco, Toña y David siempre han ido juntos a todas partes, como si fueran novios.
- A: Ever since I've known them, Toña and David have always gone everywhere together as if they were engaged.
- B: How long have you known Miss Gallardo?
- C: The more I know him, the more highly I think of him.
- D: Pleased to meet you. (formal)
12) La conozco desde hace dos meses.
- A: I've known her for two months.
- B: We know your neighbor.
- C: He knows me.
- D: I know this man.
13) ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que conoces a la Srta. Gallardo?
- A: You know the children.
- B: The more I know him, the more highly I think of him.
- C: I don't know if Juan knows the girls.
- D: How long have you known Miss Gallardo?
14) ¿Conoces a los niños?
- A: Do you know the children?
- B: He knows me.
- C: Ever since I've known them, Toña and David have always gone everywhere together as if they were engaged.
- D: I don't know if Juan knows the girls.
15) Hay alguien aquí que conozco.
- A: We don't know if the boys know her.
- B: Do you know if María knows Juan?
- C: Do you all know anyone here? No, we don't know anyone here.
- D: There is someone here that I know.
16) Usted no lo conoce.
- A: Do you know if María knows Juan?
- B: I don't know if Juan knows the girls.
- C: You don't know him.
- D: The more I know him, the more highly I think of him.
17) Nosotros no sabemos si los muchachos conocen a María.
- A: I know you.
- B: There is someone here that I know.
- C: We know your neighbor.
- D: We don't know if the boys know María.
18) Nosotros no sabemos si los muchachos la conocen.
- A: We don't know if the boys know her.
- B: Do you know the children?
- C: I know him very well. We see each other often.
- D: You know (acquainted with) my dad.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: present_conocer
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
19) Ellos pensaban conocer la ciudad.
- A: They were thinking about getting to know the city.
- B: We don't know if the boys know María.
- C: Do you know if María knows Juan?
- D: We don't know if the boys know her.
20) Él me conoce.
- A: This face I know.
- B: First of all, do you know anything about our company?
- C: He knows me.
- D: They were thinking about getting to know the city.
21) Aunque es taxista, no conoce la ciudad.
- A: Although he is a taxi driver, he doesn't know the city.
- B: I've known her for two months.
- C: We don't know if the boys know her.
- D: The more I know him, the more highly I think of him.
22) Lo conozco muy bien. Nos vemos a menudo.
- A: I know him very well. We see each other often.
- B: I know this man.
- C: She knows (acquainted with) Pedro.
- D: They were thinking about getting to know the city.
23) Mucho gusto conocerle.
- A: Pleased to meet you. (formal)
- B: How long have you known Miss Gallardo?
- C: Do you know if María knows Juan?
- D: He knows me.
24) Ella conoce a Pedro.
- A: He knows me.
- B: She knows (acquainted with) Pedro.
- C: We know your neighbor.
- D: I know this man.
25) Yo no sé si Juan conoce a las muchachas.
- A: I don't know if Juan knows the girls.
- B: He knows me.
- C: I don't know if María knows him.
- D: I know him very well. We see each other often.
26) Ella conoce a tu hermanita.
- A: She knows (acquainted with) your little sister.
- B: He knows me.
- C: We don't know if the boys know María.
- D: This face I know.
27) Tú conoces a mi gatito.
- A: How long have you known Miss Gallardo?
- B: We know your neighbor.
- C: She knows (acquainted with) your little sister.
- D: You know (acquainted with) my kitten.
Copyright © 2016 -
(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: present_conocer
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
28) ¿Sabes si María conoce a Juan?
- A: Do you know if María knows Juan?
- B: I know him very well. We see each other often.
- C: I know you.
- D: She knows (acquainted with) Pedro.
29) Ustedes conocen a mi papá.
- A: You know (acquainted with) my dad.
- B: They were thinking about getting to know the city.
- C: I know him very well. We see each other often.
- D: I don't know if María knows him.
30) Te conozco.
- A: They know my uncle.
- B: You know (acquainted with) my kitten.
- C: I know you.
- D: Information pannels allow you to know the scheduled departure and arriving times for the trains.
31) ¿Conocen ustedes a alguien aquí? No, no conocemos a nadie aquí.
- A: Do you all know anyone here? No, we don't know anyone here.
- B: I don't know if María knows him.
- C: I don't know if Juan knows the girls.
- D: Do you know if María knows Juan?
32) Yo conozco una ruta en los alrededores de Madrid que prácticamente no tiene desnivel.
- A: I know a trail in the area around Madrid with practically no slope.
- B: I know this man.
- C: Information pannels allow you to know the scheduled departure and arriving times for the trains.
- D: We don't know if the boys know María.
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Answer Key for Worksheet 154fe
Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1
1 = D , 2 = A , 3 = D , 4 = C , 5 = A , 6 = A , 7 = A , 8 = C , 9 = A , 10 = A , 11 = A , 12 = A , 13 = D , 14 = A , 15 = D , 16 = C ,
17 = D , 18 = A , 19 = A , 20 = C , 21 = A , 22 = A , 23 = A , 24 = B , 25 = A , 26 = A , 27 = D , 28 = A , 29 = A , 30 = C , 31 =
A , 32 = A
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