EqNG FORA DEVELOPMENTAL ASSESSME SOLORING BOOK WRITIEN 6 ILLUSIRATTO W YERONIq ,. I|I]'ITON, R{0. TAYOUT IRAN5LATION 6 SPANISH E. BAMIRZ 'Y 'ODYT}I 0 ffi. Atr R|G|fisR6tRvp. *'o 4' HOsflTA[ a5Jlfll=- 'Jd ,e ? f1, f r I frrd One doy Mom told me I wos going to the hospitol. HospitollI wos scored. I thoughtonly sickpeople went to the hospitol.WosI sick? Un dia Mamime dijoqueibamosal hospital. Hospital!Teniamedio.Yo pensequesololos enfermos ibanal hospital.Estareyo enfermo? s -a t:1. t:, \ r -2a Momtold me not to worry. I wosgoingto the speciol. hospitoltodo something Yoibaal Mamime dijoqueno me preocupara. hospitala seralgoespecial. Shesoidthot whenI woso boby,ollthe doctors were interestedin me. Nowtheywont to meet me ogoin. Elladijoquecuandoyo era un beb6,todolosdoctores en mi. Ahoraellosquieren estabaninteresados conocerme otravez. Momsoidit woskindof likeschool.Theyweregoing to osk me lotsof questions.Shesoid thot if I wen ond triedmy bestthe doctorscould leornhow I orn growingup. Mamime dijoque es comola escuela.Ellosme van a ser muchaspreguntas.Elladijoquesi yo ibay hacialo mejorqueyo podialos doctorespuedenaprendercomo yo estoycreciendo. E (, n' o (- 3 .l -s \' \ -/ I t a2 ,/ - at So,we put our cootson ond left. y nosfuimos. abrigos nuestros Nospusimos Thehospitolwos o big building. I / grande. El hospital eraun edificio \\ Ii ffi P Therewere lotsof people inside.I stoyedcloseto Mom, Adentrohabianmuchaspersonas.Me quedecercade Mami. 0l lt A nice womonwoshoppy to seeusl que Unasefrora amableestabacontenta hab'nmos llegado. :\ Sheoskedusto sitdown ond told usthot I wos goingto do monythings,Shesoidthot I didnt hove to, but thot I could reollyhelpo lot of childrenby workingwith her, Shesoidit wouldbe kindof fun. And shesoidI wosgreotto do it, y nosdijoqueyo iba Ellanospidioquenossent6ramos hacermuchas cosas.Elladijoqueyo no lo teniaque hacerperoqueyo podiaayudara muchosnifiossi yo trabajaba conella. Elladijoqueibaa sermuydivertid porhacerlo. Ellamedijoqueyo eramaravilloso a-6 J x >.re ',&Wr A/5 D\? P 7 We sot of the deskond lookedof pictures. y miramos a unosdibujos. Nossentamos enel escritorio a"* \ ^J ?. ? bl Sheoskedme questions. Ellame hizopreguntas. e - together. We hod o snocktogether. I put puzzles Thenshegove me o stickerfor workingso hord. juntos.frme rompecabezas. unamerienda Comimos porhabertrabajado Luegoellamediounacalcomania tanto. t t\ . l|F Thenthe doctor showedup. Luegollegola doctora. ffi I got meosured.Thedoctor oskedme to workond stondon one foot. P Ellame midi-o.La.doctora me pidi-o que caminaray que me pararaen un pie. Thedoctor topped my knee,ond it wos neot the woy my leg kicked! comopateo La doctorametocola rodillay quedivertido mi pierna! HAm{ArowRr-fftricsru0Y ?oi \t l^touchedmy noseond the doctor,s finger And I got onothersticker! mi1arizy el dedode la doctora. .t:f: Y rectDl otra calcomania! Hr4!rH ANv Wttt-ttlr'tc 5 ruuY ? a ? a ?\ oo ? a c ,\r Afterthe doctor left,I lookedof morepicturesor onsweredmorequestions. Despuesquese fue la doctora,mirea mdsdibujosy contestem6spreguntas. tltArlllArow8r-tttr,lcs1u0Y ? a "o{ c" .(. sticker! I took someschooltestsond got ANOTHER y recibiotra comoen la escuela Tom'e examenes calcomarfia! I a a t .ot - g 7 G,l' €t $g When I wos finished,I showedMom, Everyoneclopped, I felt proud, a Mami. le ensefre Cuandotermine, Mesentiorgulloso! Todosaplaudieron. $uDr [tArn AN9wBr-9Etl,,lc Z .' iit i / ar Thelodytold me thot sincel'd workedso hord,I could chooseo toy to toke home with me. La sgfiorame dijoquecomoyo nadiatrabajadotanto a casa' podi-a escojerunjugeteparallevarme 2z l r{: /' tl / 7 HV /ta q ffi Afterthot, we met the nurse. Despuesde eso,conocimos a la enfermera. l -. * s Shetook my blood, I wos nervous,but it reollydidnt hurttoo muchof oll. Ella me sacosangre. Estabaneryioso,pero no me dolio mucho. ThenMom ond I woved good-byeto everyone. We lefi the hospitol.And went homel LuegoMamiy yo lesdijimosad'iosa todos. Nosfuimosdel hospital.Y fuimosa casa! |larl)l AN9Wtu-BrtNG sluoY t ) \ ? YA n' tl, X'* \- -=: \-- ffi I felt good for hovingdone somethingso speciol! t6n especial! PROJECT DMD/BMD A study of the cognitiveskills associatedwith Duchenneand Becker rl4uscularDystrophy. Principle fnvestigotor: Veronico J. Hinton,Ph.D. Proiect Co-ordinotor:RobertFee Assistont:ShonoCyrulnik Reseqrch Center Locotedott G.H.Sergievsky Columbio-Presbyterion Medical Center Columbio University contoct: Formoreinformotion oboutthe study, pleose Center RobertFee@ G.H.Sergievsky Columbio P & 5 Box16 University, 630 W 168thStreet,NewYork,N.y. tOO32 212-305-?394 Phone number: emoi|: f eerobe@ sergievsky.cpmc.coIumbio.edu