Voluntary verification

Voluntary verification
Inventory of
of Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
In accordance with ISO 14064
Solutions for
sustainable development
and environmental commitment
Social Responsibility
Climate change has been identified as one of the
biggest challenges that nations, governments,
industries and citizens will face in the coming
decades. Climate change has implications
both for human beings and for the natural
systems and may cause changes in the use
of resources, production and the economic
activity. In response to this, international,
regional, national and local initiatives
are being developed and implemented
in order to limit the concentrations of
greenhouse gases (GHG) in the earth’s
atmosphere. These initiatives on GHG are
based on the quantification, monitoring,
reporting and verification of GHG emissions
and/or removal.
As a consequence of the above, the International Organisation
for Standardization (ISO) developed a series of 14064 standards.
ement and communication
What is it?
First of all, standard ISO 14064-1:2006 “specification with guidance, at the level of organisations,
for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removal” details the
principles for the design, development and management of GHG inventories and for the
presentation of reports on said inventories.
It includes the requirements to determine the limits of GHG emissions and removals of the
organisation and to identify the specific activities or actions of the company aimed
at improving GHG management. It also includes the requirements and guidelines for the
quality management of the inventory, the report, the internal audit and the responsibilities
of the organisation in the verification activities.
On the other hand, standard ISO 14064-2:2006 focuses on projects designed specifically
to reduce GHG emissions or to increase their removal.
It includes the principles and requirements to determine the base line scenarios of the
projects and to monitor, quantify and report on the development of the project with respect
to the base line scenario and provides a basis for the GHG projects to validate or verify.
ISO 14064
AENOR offers its verification
services for:
The design, development and the
management of the GHG inventories for
companies and organisations, as well as for the
presentation of reports on these inventories in
accordance with the guidelines established in
ISO 14064-1:2006 standard.
Determine the base line scenarios of the
projects and to monitor, quantify and
report on the development of the project
with respect to the base line scenario in
accodance with the requirements included in
ISO 14064-2:2006 standard.
Taking this series of standards as a basis, AENOR provides its service for the independent
verification of the inventories of GHG emissions.
Credibility in the managem
of your GHG emissions inventory
Verification Process
The purpose of the verification is to give an independent guarantee that the declaration made
relating to the emissions of greenhouse gases, through the emissions report prepared is
complete, that is to say, exact, consistent, transparent and without any significant discrepancies.
1 Information analysis
A study is made of the processes
of the sites subjected to verification,
the methodology of the
quantification of emissions, the
emissions report issued and the
level of security required for the
data communicated.
2 Definition of
objectives, criteria, scope
and level of security of the
3 Preparation of a
Verification Plan and the sampling
to be carried out.
Following the analysis of the
information, a decision is made on
the sample to be carried out and
the Verification Plan is prepared.
This basically describes the level of
security, objectives, criteria, scope,
relative importance established by
AENOR, as well as the verification
activities and the methodologies to
be followed.
On site verification process.
In the on site verification AENOR
performs the following activities:
4.1. Evaluation of the information
system on the greenhouse gases
and the controls that the site has
4.2. Evaluation of the data and the
information provided by the site
on greenhouse gases, based on the
defined samples.
4.3. Contrasting the information
available with the verification
criteria, that is, with the established
monitoring methodology.
4.4. Evaluation of the emissions
report issued by the site.
AENOR is accredited by EMA to verify GHG emissions reports under regulation. It also
has accreditations from the UNFCCC for the validation, verification and certification of the CDM projects.
The accreditation status of AENOR can be consulted at http://cdm.unfccc.int/DOE/list
ment and communication
5 Preparing and sending the
Verification Report and the
Declaration of Emissions.
As a consequence of each
verification process carried out,
AENOR prepares and sends a
Verification report and a
Declaration. The Verification
Report includes the conclusions
obtained from the verification
process, as well as possible
improvements to be considered.
Through the verification of AENOR
organisations can benefit from participating
in the voluntary GHG register, in reporting
initiatives, in GHG markets or in regulatory
Consequently, verification in accordance
with these standards may produce the
following actions in the organisation:
• Handling GHG risks and identifying
opportunities to reduce them.
• Public report and participation in
Voluntary GHG programmes.
• Crease the credibility, consistency and
transparency of the GHG quantification,
monitoring and reporting, including the
projects for the reduction of emissions
and the increase in the removals of GHG
(with the public report
• Participation in Obligatory report
• Participation in GHG markets.
• Recognition of early action.
Faith in AENOR
Through these verifications, organisations obtain AENOR’s independent and rigorous backing of the quantification of the GHG emissions in their
activities, products and services, or of the reduction of emissions by implementing the projects they undertake.
Once the verification is complete the organisation obtains:
The AENOR Certificate of Conformity on the Verification
Of the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas emissions
In accordance with UNE-EN-ISO 14064-1:2006 standard
AENOR’s Declaration of Conformity
Certificado de Conformidad de
Verificación del Inventario de Emisiones de Gases de Efecto
Invernadero según la norma UNE-EN-ISO 14064-1:2006
Declaración de Conformidad de AENOR para la EMPRESA
CERTIFICADA del Inventario de CO2 2008
Actividades: Química España y Portugal
LA DIRECCIÓN EJECUTIVA (DE) EMPRESA CERTIFICADA ha encargado a la Asociación Española de
Normalización y Certificación (AENOR) llevar a cabo una revisión limitada del Inventario de emisiones de CO2
del año 2008 de sus actividades incluidas en el informe de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI) de fecha febrero
2009, el cual es parte de esta Declaración.
VIE- xxxx/2009
AENOR, Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación, certifica que la organización
con domicilio social en:
Inventario de emisiones de GEI emitido por la Organización: EMPRESA CERTIFICADA Dirección. Madrid (España)
Representante de la Organización: D. Nombre Apellidos (cargo en la empresa)
Madrid (ESPAÑA)
La EMPRESA CERTIFICADA tuvo la responsabilidad de reportar sus emisiones de CO2 de acuerdo a la norma de
referencia UNE-ISO 14064-1:2006.
localizado en:
Madrid (ESPAÑA)
conforme con:
UNE-EN-ISO 14064-1:2006
Verificación del Inventario de Gases de Efecto Invernadero
correspondiente al año 2008, realizado en las instalaciones que se
relacionan en el anexo 1, conforme a lo expuesto en la Declaración de
Verificación de AENOR de fecha 2009/03/03
El objetivo de la verificación es facilitar a las partes interesadas un juicio profesional e independiente acerca
de la información y datos contenidos en el Informe de GEI de la EMPRESA CERTIFICADA mencionado.
Alcance de la Verificación
Fecha de emisión:
La revisión limitada de AENOR verificó las emisiones de CO2 reportadas para el año 2008 generadas por la
EMPRESA CERTIFICADA en sus instalaciones ubicadas en España y Portugal.
Actividades directas y eventuales exclusiones:
Las fuentes de emisiones directas consideradas en el inventario son las comprendidas dentro de las
siguientes categorías:
Emisiones de combustión, incluyendo las procedentes de fuentes estacionarias y las fuentes
móviles correspondientes a vehículos propios que circulen por el interior de los centros
Emisiones de proceso, es decir, las emisiones de CO2 distintas de las emisiones de combustión
que se producen como resultado de reacciones entre sustancias o su transformación.
El Director General de AENOR
Génova, 6. 28004 Madrid. España
Tel. 902 102 201 – www.aenor.es
Tomando como referencia la definición de flujos fuente “de minimis” de la Decisión 2007/589/CE, de
18 de julio de 2007, por la que se establecen directrices para el seguimiento y la notificación de las
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The reliability and credibility of the inventory backed up by the independence and rigor of AENOR.
Head office: Génova, 6. 28004 MADRID
Andalucía • Aragón • Canarias • Cantabria • Castilla-La Mancha • Castilla y León • Cataluña • Comunidad Valenciana
Extremadura • Galicia • Illes Balears • La Rioja • Madrid • Navarra • País Vasco • Principado de Asturias • Región de Murcia
Ask us today for detailed information of the complete process of verification (reports, execution dates,
site visits…..) and an offer adapted to the needs of your organisation.