Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación ABSTRACT Learning vocabulary means learning a language because words are necessary for people ‘s life in order to have communication. For this, we as teachers of a second language must reflect about our role in this hard teaching process. The teacher has to be a facilitator, guide, model, and friend for students. Also, we need to train constantly, since it is our duty to research and use activities in order to satisfy the diversity of our students’ learning. Teachers’ must know their students’ abilities, capacities, weaknesses, and strengths. Knowing that the student is the central part of the learning-teaching process, he or she has to be implicated in it with activities that provide them fun during the learning of words. After the acquisition of vocabulary students have to be able to produce words. It’s time to finish the application of traditional methodologies. We hope English teachers find this Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 1 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación project useful for their professional lives, making words memorable and meaningful for students. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 2 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación INDEX RESPONSIBILITY………………………………………… 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………. 7 DEDICATION…………………………………………….... 8 INTRODUCTION………………………………………….. 9 1. PROJECT CHARACTERIZATION….........…………………. 11 1.1. Antecedents ………………………………….. 11 1.2. Justification…………………………………… 12 1.3. Target Group ..……………………………… 13 1.4. Duration………………………………………. 14 2. PROBLEM.......................................................... 15 3. STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT…..............................………………… 19 3.1. Goal ………………...………………………… 19 3.2. Purpose…………………………………........ 19 3.3. Results …………………………………........ 20 3.4. Theorical Framework ……………………… 4. METHODOLOGICAL PROPOSAL……………………………................ Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga 21 25 Diana Isabel González 3 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 4.1. Important Aspects of Fun Activities to improve Vocabulary............................................. 25 4.1.1. Considerations for Applying these activities……................................ 27 4.1.2. Sample of Fun Activities…………………….......... 30 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION……………….………………. BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………… ANNEX………………………………………………… 71 73 76 Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 4 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIVERSIDAD DE CUENCA Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación. HOW TO IMPROVE THE VOCABULARY LEVEL WITH FUN ACTIVITIES IN THE EIGHTH YEAR OF BASIC EDUCATION FOR THE INSTITUTO TECNICO SUPERIOR AGRONOMICO SALESIANO. Trabajo académico integrador previo a la obtención del titulo de Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación con especialidad en Inglés. AUTORAS: Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Q. Diana Isabel González G. TUTOR: Dr. Ion Youman. Cuenca – Ecuador 2008 Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 5 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación RESPONSIBILITY The authors of the Project are responsible for the opinions in this work. __________________________________ María Isabel Chuquiguanga Q. ___________________________________ Diana Isabel González G. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 6 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación ACKNOWLEDGMENT Firstly, we thank God for illuminating us to develop this work happily. Moreover, we appreciate the availability of our tutor for helping us, and all the teachers who granted useful knowledge for our professional lives. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 7 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my family, especially to my sister, Mary, because she is like my mother and always supports me in all I decide to do. To my father, since he never abandoned us, although some hard situations had been presented in his life. To my dear sister, Cris, and brother, Juan, for being always with me. Isabel Chuquiguanga Q. I want to dedicate this work to every single person, who encouraged me to get this degree. Especially, this project is for: My husband, who understands me; My son, who inspires me; My brothers, who cheer me up; My father, who supports me; My dear mother, who teaches me to make true all my dreams. Diana González G. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 8 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación INTRODUCTION Our project is focused on how to improve vocabulary problems with fun activities, which is addressed to students of eighth year of Basic Education at the Instituto Técnico Superior Agronómico Salesiano. In chapter one, we mention which are the antecedents to perform this research. Also, we justify the main reasons why we decided to do it. At the end of this chapter, we name some important aspects about the target group and the duration that this job will have. Chapter two refers to our problem, which is based on the process of action research that follows these steps: 1. Identify the reasons that cause a lack of vocabulary. 2. Collect data through teachers’ and students’ interviews. 3. Interpret and analyze the gathered data to find a solution to the problem. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 9 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 4. Give some samples of fun activities to gain a wide vocabulary. We establish what we want to do with this project, in which we take into account the multiple intelligences theory. To finish this project we propose to teachers to apply fun activities, following the given sample ones. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 10 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 1. PROJECT CHARACTERIZATION 1.1. ANTECEDENTS The majority of Educative Institutions include English in their curriculum. However, some primary students don’t receive good knowledge of English because in some cases their teachers aren’t professional. Also, the designated time for this subject is not enough to learn accurately. That means that they have just one or two hours in a week. These have caused serious problems when they start high school. The lack of vocabulary is one of the inconveniences that teachers have to face with students of the eighth year of Basic Education. Personally, we have lived this experience with our students, especially in this year since the students’ book seems to contain advanced topics. Consequently, students can’t perform correctly the rest of the main skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 11 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 1.2. JUSTIFICATION In these days, many authors and publishers offer English teachers a variety of good books. One of them is Postcard which is used by students of eighth year of Agronómico High School. This book provides a wide array of activities for listening, reading, speaking, and writing that aren’t performed accurately by the students. Through a continuous evaluation, we have noticed that the trouble is the lack of vocabulary. To verify this problem in a general way, we apply teachers’ surveys which indicate that 60% of them have the same inconvenience with their students’ level vocabulary. So, we asked ourselves “What causes this problem? “ To clarify the main reasons for it, we also made students’ surveys, showing as a result that they like to learn words through different activities. For this reason, we see the need to elaborate an additional tool for teachers. This material helps them to apply new activities which are fun. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Moreover, these Diana Isabel González 12 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación activities encourage students not only to memorize new words, but also to use them, feeling the necessity to communicate. In addition, the acquisition of the vocabulary facilitates reading comprehension. If students don’t understand the words they read, they can’t possibly comprehend the text as a whole. Furthermore, students can take advantage of all audio aids that exist around them. Finally, students don’t use limited vocabulary but a variety of words to express their feelings, thoughts, ideas, and criteria. 1.3. TARGET GROUP This project is going to be addressed to students of Instituto Técnico Superior Agronómico, which is an important Educative Institution which is located in Paute – Uzhupud. It was founded in 1928 by Silesians. This High School offers just one specialization, Agronomy. Its infrastructure covers a large area where there are entertaining fields for sports, gardens, crops, and stables. There are about 600 hundred students and 56 teachers. Although it has this number of students and teachers, Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 13 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación there are not enough didactic resources for English. It doesn’t have a lab, which is so necessary to teach the subject accurately. Our target group will be the students of the eighth year of basic education, of which 80% are male, while the 20% are female because this high school begins to apply coeducation this year. It has brought benefits for the region since young people of different social-economics status, who want to study Agronomy, can attend to this prestigious institute. 1.4. DURATION This project will be applied during the next school year: 2008 – 2009. It will be carried out at the same time of the developing of the units during nine months. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 14 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 2. PROBLEM To start presenting the problem of our Project, we mention a concept: “Vocabulary permits everything we do in an English language class, which ever skill or language point is in practice”. Linda Tailor (page 23). Once we have mentioned the importance of vocabulary for the acquisition of a second language, we concluded that good English means having a big vocabulary. Nevertheless, we have identified a problem that is related to the lack of vocabulary in our students who are beginning the high school. It causes serious difficulties, since activities that the book contains can’t be performed accurately. This is not a singular problem due to many colleagues confront the same hard situation. To show this position we have collected data through teachers’ survey, which demonstrates that only 25% of them are professionals, meanwhile 30% are studying yet, and 45% are just graduated from high school. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 15 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación -10% of teachers have an excellent English level, 25% have a good one, and 65% have a very good level. -90% teach in high school. -70% of teachers work with students of eighth year. -According to teachers, the students’ vocabulary level is 0% excellent, 10% very good, and 60 % regular, 5% poor. -60% of the students have problems with memorizing words, 70% with using words, 85% with spelling and pronunciation, and 90% with meaning. -Many teachers agree that games, crosswords, flashcards, puzzles, songs, real things, pictures, field trips, etc. help students to practice vocabulary. As we can see, there are many reasons that produce the lack of vocabulary. Firstly, teachers are not professional. That means that they need to train in order Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 16 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación to enhance their acceptable English level. Besides, they probably use traditional methods to teach vocabulary, or they know appropriate techniques to present vocabulary, but they do not deem activities to practice learnt words. The students ignore why and what they learn words for. The students’ vocabulary problems are worrying. How can they read texts, talk in dialogues, listen to a tale, write descriptions, and so forth if they do not understand words? Moreover, the incorrect pronunciation that students apply turns the communication misunderstood in class, which sometimes becomes boring and fruitless. To know what activities students like to do to learn more words. We also made a students’ survey, which demonstrated that students like to learn vocabulary through different activities. Students like to - 78, 7% see pictures, photos, and flashcards. - 63, 6% repeat words by writing. - 81, 8% repeat words orally. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 17 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación - 81, 8% play in the computer or play station. - 87, 8% learn with help. - 90, 9% solve puzzles. - 93, 9% watch movies. - 63.6% draw and color. - 87, 8% listen to songs. - 63, 6% mime. It is urgent to take action in order to solve the problem that is shared with our students. We, English teachers, should take into account the setting of good bases of a second language in this year, where lads and lasses are starting a new educational level. For this reason, we feel the necessity to provide teachers and students a resource of fun activities, which are going to be used as a practical manner for students to learn words. The most important aspect is that teenagers will learn vocabulary while they enjoy playing with it. These activities are 100% interactive and communicative where students will assimilate, use, and pronounce words with Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 18 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación accuracy. In our case, these activities will be used to add and reinforce the existent tasks related to vocabulary in the book. Consequently, the rest of activities that are based in the application of the rest of skills will be easier to perform. 3. STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT 3.1. GOAL Our goal is to get an average of 85% of the eighth year of Basic Education to improve their vocabulary knowledge, in order to facilitate their book management by using these activities. 3.2. PURPOSE To provide fun activities for English teachers in order to help their students in the acquisition of vocabulary. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 19 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 3.3.RESULTS ¾ By practicing these activities, the students will learn vocabulary in an enjoyable way that permits students to better their academic performance. ¾ The teachers will apply activities to develop students’ vocabulary level considering their type of intelligence. ¾ The learners will feel the necessity to know words in these activities because they are going to see the value of use, spelling, pronunciation, memorization, and meaning while they develop daily class activities based on the rest of the skills. 3.4. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 20 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Everybody knows that human beings are different from the rest of living beings, for their intelligence. In 1987, Howard Gardner defines intelligence as: ¾ “The ability to solve problems that one encounters in real life. ¾ The ability to generate new problems to solve. ¾ The ability to make something or offer a service that is valued within one’s culture.”1 With these special definitions this researcher describes eight multiple intelligences: 1. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence is the capacity to effectively employ words, either orally or in writing. Characteristics: ¾ the structure or rules of language ¾ the meanings of language ¾ the pragmatic dimensions of language 1 Astudillo, Catalina. TEFL 3. 2002. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 21 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence is the capacity to employ numbers. Characteristics: ¾ logical patterns and relationships ¾ statements and propositions ¾ fuctions and complex processes ¾ related abstractions 3. Spatial Intelligence is the capacity to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and perform transformations upon those perceptions. Characteristics: Students perceive: ¾ colors ¾ lines ¾ shapes and forms ¾ space and the relationship that exists among these elements. Students have the ability to ¾ visualize ¾ graphically represent visual or spatial ideas Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 22 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación ¾ understand one’s position in a spatial matrix 4. Musical Intelligence is the capacity with musical forms to perceive, discriminate and judge, transform and express. Characteristics: ¾ rhythm, pitch, or melody ¾ the timbre or distinctive tone of a musical piece 5. Bodily- Kinaesthetic Intelligence is the capacity to use our body in expressing ideas and feelings. Characteristics: ¾ coordination ¾ balance ¾ grace in physical movement ¾ muscle strength ¾ flexibility ¾ speed, and ¾ sensitive touching Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 23 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 6. Interpersonal Intelligence is the capacity to be at work with people who are social. Characteristics: ¾ sensitivity to facial expressions, gestures, and voice qualities. ¾ ability to discriminate personal cues and feelings. ¾ expertise in responding to these cues 7. Intrapersonal Intelligence is the capacity to understand yourself and to act adaptively. Characteristics: ¾ an honest, accurate, and comprehensive picture of yourself ¾ an awareness of your inner moods, motivations, and feelings ¾ self discipline tendencies, and ¾ healthy self-esteem 8. . Naturalistic Intelligence is the capacity to adapt to the natural world of plants and animals, Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 24 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación as well as to natural geography and natural objects. Characteristics: ¾ appreciation and understanding of the environment. Our project guides teachers as to how they can implement these intelligences for the acquisition of a second language, because each student has different manners of learning. Especially when they are being presented with words, students need to practice them in a variety of forms, depending on what most developed intelligences students possess. 4. METHODOLOGICAL PROPOSAL 4.1. IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF FUN ACTIVITIES TO IMPROVE VOCABULARY As we know that vocabulary is a complex process, we propose these activities with some special features to Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 25 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación facilitate teachers and students in the process of vocabulary acquisition. First, these activities give young students the opportunity to enjoy vocabulary learning with a meaningful approach. Our students are from eleven to thirteen years old, so they have a lot of energy and joy. For this, fun activities are based on a games approach that facilitates the teaching and learning process. Also, Michael Wallace asserts that teachers can see two important reasons for using games in class. “First, an increasing emphasis on the importance of motivation, and of the appropriate kind of positive affective atmosphere in the classroom. Secondly, an increasing emphasis on the importance of “real” communication”.2 That means that young learners can play with words while they are learning them, feeling and being aware of the basic aspects of vocabulary: meaning, use, form, pronunciation, spelling, and collocation. Then each of these activities is focused on the learning and practice of those elements. 2 Wallace, Michael. Teaching Vocabulary, London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1987. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 26 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Besides, these activities particularly not only help students improve their receptive vocabulary, but also students enhance a productive vocabulary. Students should be able to use words when they need them in a certain context, producing the language. That is shown in the appropriate performance of basic skills (speaking, writing, reading, and listening). Moreover, students develop their multiple intelligences during these activities. The diversity of tasks favors students at the moment they have to put on their abilities in doing them. It’s very useful because we, as teachers always should consider students as human beings who feel and think. Here, we give some examples of fun activities, hoping that these will help teachers to improve students’ level of vocabulary. 4.1.1. CONSIDERATIONS FOR APPLYING THESE ACTIVITIES Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 27 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación We want to suggest some considerations which will be very useful for English teachers when they apply this kind of activities. Firstly, English teachers must be ethical and professional. A good teacher is one who considers his or her students as human beings with differences and needs. It’s not just an empty thing that has to be filled with lists of words. Students have to be the central part of the teaching and learning process. Only when teachers change traditional attitudes for professional ones, can we talk about an excellent teacher. Another useful consideration for teachers is that they have to include two essential aspects in class. The first one is students’ well-being. That is, teachers have to satisfy students in order to become an especial being in students’ internal life. It’s clearly reflected when we see a relaxed and quiet environment, where learners feel energy and vitality, adopting an open and sensible attitude to vocabulary learning. When teachers have a good relationship with their students, Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga students manifest Diana Isabel González 28 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación spontaneity and confidence. The second aspect refers to the measure students get involved in the activities. Students must compromise and participate dynamically a situation. Thus, teachers have to provide tasks where learners feel concentration, persistence, intense mental activity, energy and satisfaction. They need to show the highest limit of their capacities, being competent. In addition, we suggest to English teachers to consider vocabulary as a vital part of the language. Although some teachers believe that the learning and teaching process of a language is focused on the development of the basic skills and grammar, they should realize that it depends on the level of vocabulary in the students. Learners of a language need a wide variety of words to communicate. How to recognize this? The answer falls in the text of principles of learning and teaching vocabulary, that says a student may be able to “(a) recognize it in its spoken and written form; (b) recall it at will; (c) relate it to an appropriate object or concept; (d) use it in the appropriate grammatical form; Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 29 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación (e) in speech, pronounce it in a recognizable way; (f) in writing, spell it correctly; (g) use it with the words it correctly goes with, i.e. in the correct collocation; (h) use it at the appropriate level of formality; (i) be aware of its connotations and associations.”3 At the moment we teachers take into account these principles, we can appreciate one more time that teaching and learning vocabulary isn’t a simple process; it’s a complex one. To achieve success in class is the aim of all teachers and students. One way to get it is by following these important considerations 4.1.2 3 SAMPLE OF FUN ACTIVITIES Wallace, Michael. Teaching Vocabulary, London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1987. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 30 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación REVIEW: Before start units TITLE: Instructions TIME: 30-35 minutes PURPOSE: To recognize some basic instructions. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE: Bodily Kinesthetic. BASIC ASPECT: Meaning MATERIALS: no materials KEY VOCABULARY: stand up, sit down, shake hands, shake your head, bend your knees, fold your arms, cross your legs, bite your nails, clear your throat, blow your nose. PROCEDURE: 1. First, teacher says a phrase. 2. Then students have to do the activity according to what they are listening to. 3. The student who does not do the activity right, he/she has to sit down. 4. The winner is the student who does not make any mistake. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 31 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Teacher: “stand up” Teacher: “Shake hands” Students: Students: Teacher: “Cross your legs” Teacher: “Shake your head” Students: Students: Teacher: “Sit down” Teacher: “Bend your knees” Students: Students: Teacher: “Clear your throat” Teacher: “Fold your arms” Students: Students: Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 32 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Teacher: “Bite your nails” Teacher: “Blow your nose” Students: Students: Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 33 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: One TITLE: Color and numbers TIME: 25-30 minutes PURPOSE: To practice numbers and colors by solving some sums. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Spatial and mathematical BASIC ASPECTS: Meaning and form. MATERIALS: One copy for each student, color pencils. KEY VOCABULARY: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, white, green, blue, yellow, black, brown, red, orange, pink . PROCEDURE: 1. Give each student a copy of the picture. 2. Tell the students to solve the sums of the boxes. 3. Students have to look at the panel of colors and find what color has the answer of each sum that they solve before. 4. After students have identified the color that contains the answer of the sums, they have to color the picture. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 34 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 35 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: One TITLE: Greetings TIME: 30-40 minutes PURPOSE: To recognize the correct meaning and pronunciation of greetings MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Verbal Linguistic, Interpersonal BASIC ASPECTS: Meaning and Pronunciation MATERIALS: cards and a whistle KEY VOCABULARY: Formal: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, Good-bye. Informal: Hello, hi, hey, bye, see you, see you later, see you soon, and see you tomorrow. PROCEDURE: 1. Give one card with greeting to each student. 2. Divide the class into two groups. Group A and group B. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 36 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 3. Ask group A to make a circle in the middle of the classroom. Then ask students of group B to sit one by one in back of the students of group A. 4. Tell students to start greeting when they hear the teacher whistle. 5. Student A greets with the greeting on the card student B. e.g. “Hi, Marco. How are you?” 6. Student B answers with the one on the card. E.g. “Good bye, Vicky!” If they don’t have the same greeting, both students turn back. If they have the same greeting, they go out of the circle and have a short conversation. E.g. “How are you? I’m …… And you…? Good morning Hi See you later Good afternoon Hello See you tomorrow Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Good bye Good evening Bye See you See you Hey soon Diana Isabel González 37 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: One TITLE: Cardinal Numbers TIME: 40-45 minutes PURPOSE: Relate numbers with their written form in a reasonable way. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Logical-Mathematical and Interpersonal BASIC ASPECTS: Use and written form MATERIALS: A copy for each pair KEY VOCABULARY: Numbers from 1 to 40 PROCEDURE: 1. Put students in pairs 2. Give a “definition”. It’s the total of numbers to be written into the indicated squares. 3. Don’t use zeroes or any number higher than nine. 4. Use different numbers for each particular group. 5. An example is provided with the answer to 13Across. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 38 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de d Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación E Ma. Isabell Chuquiguaanga Diaana Isabel González G 399 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Two TITLE: Personal Pronouns and Possessive pronouns TIME: 25-30 minutes PURPOSE: To identify some words in order to complete some information MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Musical and Verbal Linguistic BASIC ASPECTS: Meaning, pronunciation, spelling MATERIALS: one copy of the worksheet for each student KEY VOCABULARY: My, she, I, you, it, your, her, we PROCEDURE: 1. Give each student a copy of the worksheet 2. Play the song twice before the students fill in the blanks 3. Play the song in order for the students to complete the song with some personal and possessive pronouns. 4. After students have filled in the information, check their answers. 5. Play the song again and sing it with the whole class. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 40 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación JAMES BLUNT LYRICS "You're Beautiful” _____(1) life is brilliant. _____(2) life is brilliant. ______(3) love is pure. I saw an angel. Of that I'm sure. ______(4) smiled at me on the subway. She was with another man. But ______(5) won't lose no sleep on that, 'Cause I've got a plan. You're beautiful. ______(6)'re beautiful. You're beautiful, _____(7)'s true. I saw _____(8) face in a crowded place, And I don't know what to do, 'Cause I'll never be with you. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 41 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Yeah, she caught _____(9) eye, As we walked on by. She could see from my face that ______(10) was, Flying high, Fucking high, And I don't think that I'll see ______(11) again, But _______(12) shared a moment that will last till the end. You're beautiful. You're beautiful. You're beautiful, it's true. ______(13)saw your face in a crowded place, And I don't know what to do, 'Cause I'll never be with ______(14). _____(15)'re beautiful. You're beautiful. You're beautiful, it's true. There must be an angel with a smile on ______(16) face, When _____(17) thought up that I should be with ______(18). But _____(19)'s time to face the truth, ______(20) will never be with you. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 42 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Two TITLE: Classroom Objects TIME: 20- 30 minutes PURPOSE: Bring classroom objects to mind and identify them clearly and fast. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Verbal Linguistic and Musical, Intrapersonal BASIC ASPECTS: Pronunciation and Stress MATERIALS: real objects or cards KEY VOCABULARY: pencil, eraser, blackboard, book, notebook, desk, chair, teacher, student. PROCEDURE: 1. Ask a student to make a mental note of something in the classroom (or on a wall chart). 2. The rest of the class has to guess what it is. 3. The student provides them a clue by giving them the first letter of the target word. e. g. “pencil” The student would say, singing, “I spy with my little eye something beginning with … P.” Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 43 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 44 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Two TITLE: Kinds of Transportation and Movement TIME: 30-40 minutes PURPOSE: Write and associate different kinds of transportation accurately. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Logical Mathematical and Interpersonal BASIC ASPECT: Spelling MATERIALS: A copy for each student KEY VOCABULARY: car, jet, canoe, float, lorry, plane, sulky, train, truck, bicycle, express, omnibus, rowboat, steamer, trolley, auto, bobs, cart, dray, lift, raft, ride, ship, sled, taxi, tram, a horse, launch, oxcart, pickup, sleigh, surrey, tandem, carriage, elevator, roadster, sailboat, water skis, and kiddie car. PROCEDURE: 1. Put students in pairs. 2. Solve this puzzle by fitting the words supplied into their proper places in the puzzle diagram. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 45 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 3. Consider the number of letters in the word and its beginning letter. 4. One word is filled in most diagrams to help students start. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 46 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 47 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Three TITLE: Nouns TIME: 40-45 minutes PURPOSE: To write some information in order to take care of the environment MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Naturalistic and Verbal Linguistic. BASIC ASPECT: spelling MATERIALS: markers, color pencils, color cards. KEY VOCABULARY: trees, rubbish, playground, aerosols, rivers, environment PROCEDURE: 1. Write some phrases on the board 2. Ask the students to complete the phrases 3. Then divide the class into seven groups 4. Ask each group to elaborate some posters with the phrases that they have written on the board 5. After that, the students have to go out of the classroom and place the posters where they want. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 48 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Plant ______ Don’t use __________ Don’t throw _______ on the playground Don’t pollute the _______________ Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Don’t step on the _________ Take care of the ________ Diana Isabel González 49 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Three TITLE: Countries and Nationalities TIME: 40-45 minutes PURPOSE: To remember nationalities with their corresponding countries. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Logical mathematical and verbal linguistic. BASIC ASPECTS: Use, pronunciation, and stress. MATERIALS: One copy for each group, one die; coins, or poker chips. KEY VOCABULARY: Peru-Peruvian, Brazil- Brazilian, Paraguay-Paraguayan, Colombia-Colombian, United States-American, Ecuador- Ecuadorian, China- Chinese, Germany-German, Australia- Australian, Mexico-Mexican, Japan- Japanese, Costa Rica- Costa Rican, FranceFrench, Poland-Polish, Spain- Spanish, Chile- Chilean, Morocco- Moroccan, Canada-Canadian, VenezuelaVenezuelan, Great Britain- British, Ireland-Irish, BoliviaBolivian PROCEDURE: Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 50 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 1. Put students in groups of three or four. Give each group a worksheet and one die. Explain that they are going to play a board game. 2. The first student rolls the die to move around the board. He/She has to say the nationality according to the country that he/she lands on. 3. If the student’s answer is correct, he/she gets to stay on that square; if it is incorrect, he/she goes back to the square where he/she began. 4. The first student to reach the end wins. 5. When one student has won, start the game again. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 51 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 52 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Four TITLE: Ordinal numbers TIME: 20-25 minutes PURPOSE: To practice spelling MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Spatial and Verbal linguistic BASIC ASPECTS: Spelling and use MATERIALS: One copy of the worksheet for each student KEY VOCABULARY: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, twentysecond, twenty- third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twentysixth. PROCEDURE: 1. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. 2. Ask them to look at the alphabet. 3. Tell students to number the letters according to the position of the letter in the alphabet. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 53 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 4. Students have to change their worksheets to check their answers A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 54 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Four TITLE: Months of the year TIME: 15-20 minutes PURPOSE: To identify the months of the year. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Verbal Linguistic and Logical Mathematical BASIC ASPECTS: Meaning and spelling. MATERIALS: One copy of the worksheet for each student. KEY VOCABULARY: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. PROCEDURE: 1. Give every student of the class a copy of the worksheet. 2. Ask them to read the sentences that arte incomplete 3. Then ask them to fill in the blanks with the correct month. 4. Students check the answers with their partners. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 55 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 56 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Four TITLE: Jobs TIME: 30-35 minutes PURPOSE: To practice basic job and word place vocabulary. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Interpersonal and Verbal Linguistic BASIC ASPECTS: Meaning, spelling, and use MATERIALS: One set of pictures, cut up and put in an envelope, for each pair of students KEY VOCABULARY: cashier, supermarket, till, dentist, dental surgery, drill, farmer, field, tractor, hairdresser, hair salon, scissors nurse, hospital, thermometer police officer, police station, walkie-talkie receptionist, hotel, computer teacher, classroom, board shop assistant, shop, clothes hanger waiter, restaurant, plates. PROCEDURE: Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 57 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 1. Divide students into pairs and ask the pairs to draw three columns with the headings Who, Where, What. 2. Give each pair an envelope containing the cut-up pictures. Ask students to sort the pictures into sets of three: Who (the worker); Where (where they work); What (what they use). 3. When the pairs have sorted all the cards into sets of three, ask them to write the words down in the appropriate columns, e.g. nurse, hospital, thermometer. Monitor and help as necessary. 4. When all the pairs have finished, check through the words and give pairs a mark for each picture correctly named and categorized. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 58 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de d Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación E Ma. Isabell Chuquiguaanga Diaana Isabel González G 599 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Five TITLE: Family tree TIME: 40- 45 minutes PURPOSE: To practice the vocabulary of family relationships MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Verbal Linguistic and Interpersonal BASIC ASPECTS: Pronunciation and Stress MATERIALS: One copy of the worksheet for each student KEY VOCABULARY: cousin, daughter, aunt, brother, brother-in-law, father, father-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, husband, mother, mother-in-law, nephew, niece, sister, sister-in-law, son, uncle, wife. PROCEDURE: 1. Divide the board into columns with the headings English male names and English female names. Elicit nine male and female names, and write them on the board. 2. Divide the class into pairs. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 60 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 3. Tell students A to write a man’s name from the board in each diamond space on their copy of the family tree. Tell students B to write a woman’s name from the board in each oval space on their tree. They shouldn’t look at each other’s trees. 4. Practice the question forms: What’s the name of …? What is …called? 5. Students take turns to ask each other question. Student A asks student B about the women in Steve’s family, e.g. what’s the name of Steve’s mother? What’s Steve’s niece called? and Student B asks Student A about the men in Steve’s family. Students write the replies in the correct spaces on their tree. 6. When students have finished, they compare their trees to check their answers. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 61 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 62 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Five TITLE: Verbs TIME: 10-15 minutes PURPOSE: To differ the use of some verbs that have similar meaning. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE: Intrapersonal. BASIC ASPECTS: Meaning and spelling. MATERIALS: One copy of the worksheet for each student. KEY VOCABULARY: go, come, bring, take, hear, listen, lay, lie, look, see, look after, look for, borrow, lend, beat, win, make, do. PROCEDURE: 1. Give each student a worksheet. 2. Students have to read the sentences and choose which of the two verbs goes first. 3. Go around the room to help students. 4. Then go over the answers with the class. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 63 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de d Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación E Ma. Isabell Chuquiguaanga Diaana Isabel González G 644 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Six TITLE: Describing people TIME: 30-40 minutes PURPOSE: Practice language of physical descriptionhair, build, and clothes MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Verbal Linguistic and Interpersonal BASIC ASPECTS: Meaning and pronunciation MATERIALS: one copy of the sheet, cut up in an envelope, for each student. KEY VOCABULARY: Hair: bald, beard, moustache Curly, dark, fair, long, short, straight Height: medium, short, tall Size: large, medium, slim Clothes: boots, coat, dress, glasses, handbag, hat, jeans, sandals, shirt, shoes, shorts, skirt, suit, sunglasses, sweater, tie, top, trousers, t-shirt PROCEDURE: 1. Provide each student an envelope containing a set of picture cards. Then students play in their pairs. Student A puts all their pictures face up on the table. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 65 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 2. Tell Student B to choose one picture from his or her own envelope and look at it without showing it to Student A. Student B pretends to be the person in the picture. 3. Student A must find out who student B is. Student A asks yes/no questions, e.g. Are you female? If B says “no”, then A can put all the pictures of women with dark hair to one side. 4. Play continues until Student A guesses Students’ B name. Then it is Student A’s Turn to choose a card. 5. Allow the game to continue for 10-15 minutes or as long as you feel appropriate. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 66 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de d Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación E Ma. Isabell Chuquiguaanga Diaana Isabel González G 677 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación UNIT: Six TITLE: Hobbies TIME: 30-40 minutes PURPOSE: To memorize some hobbies MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Spatial and Verbal Linguistic BASIC ASPECT: Memorization and pronunciation MATERIALS: One copy of the worksheet for each pair KEY VOCABULARY: camping, cards, chess, climbing, collecting stamps, computer games, cycling, dancing, fishing, gardening, gliding, knitting, music, painting, photography, pottery, reading, riding, sailing, sewing, walking, windsurfing, yoga. PROCEDURE: 1. Divide the students into pairs. 2. Give each pair a set of hobby cards and a set of equipment cards. 3. They should spread the word cards (hobby cards) out on the table, face up, and place the pictures (equipment cards) face down in the middle. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 68 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 4. They should take turns taking a picture from the pile. 5. Students have to match the equipment to the hobby. 6. The first player to find the right hobby card, saying the name of the hobby, may keep the pair of cards. 7. At the end, the player with most cards is the winner. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 69 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 70 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION We’d like to expose some realities and suggestions for people, who are involved in teaching the learning vocabulary process, such as: • Nowadays, the methodology to teach English is the most advanced one, especially strategies and techniques for vocabulary, which teachers should include in their curriculum. • Students like learning vocabulary by enjoying it, so teachers should use games. • Students have a diversity of learning. For this reason, teachers should apply different kinds of activities, where students demonstrate their abilities. • Vocabulary should be produced by students; therefore, teachers shouldn’t ask students only to memorize it. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 71 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Students’ vocabulary problems will never end for teachers. However, it depends on us to solve these problems, making students feel comfortable and happy with learning a second language. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 72 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación BIBLIOGRAPHY ¾ Brown, James Dean and Rodgers, Theodore S. Doing Second Language Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. ¾ Tailor, Linda. Vocabulary in Action. New York: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1992. ¾ Flower, John and Bernal, Michael. Build your vocabulary 2. England: Commercial Colour Press, 1989. ¾ Howard-Williams, Deirdre and Herd, Cynthia. Word Games with English 3. Oxford: Thomson Litho Ltd, 1986. ¾ Ascher, Allen. Saslow Joan, Top Notch 1. Person Education, Inc. ¾ Johnston, Kathryn. American Shine for teens. Oxford, 2002. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 73 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación ¾ Howard, Deirdre. Word Games with English 1. Oxford, 1994. ¾ Hadfield, Jill. Elementary Vocabulary Games. England, from Addison Wesley Longman Ltd, 1999. ¾ Gerngross, Gunter and Puchta , Herbert. Play way 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and Edition Helbling, 1998. ¾ Barker, Chris. Boots Your Vocabulary 1. England, Penguin Books Ltd, 2001. ¾ Wallace, Michael. Teaching Vocabulary. London, Heinemann Educational books, 1987. ¾ Colin, Grandger. Play Games with English 3. Great Britain, by Athenceum Press Ltd, Gateshad, Tyne & wear, 2003. ¾ Thomas, BJ. Elementary Vocabulary. , Great Britain: Bell and Barn Ltd, 1990. Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 74 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación ¾ O’Dell, Felicity and Head, Katie. Games for Vocabulary Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2005. ¾ Rafferty, Kathleen. 11th Book of Dell Crossword Puzzles. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc 1965. ¾ Astudillo, Catalina. TEFL3.2002. ¾ Lyrics A & Z Universe.2000. Adds by Google. 20 Jun. 2008 <http://www.azlyrics.com/> Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 75 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 76 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación ENGLISH TEACHERS’ QUESTIONNARIE Gender:______________________ Age: ______________________ 1) You are Professional ____ Graduated ____ Studying ____ 2) How do you score your English level? Excellent ____Very good ____ Good ____ Regular ____ 3) Which level do you teach? School ____ High school ____ If you teach in High School, please continue answering. 4) What year(s) do you teach? First ___ Second ___ Third ___ Forth ___ Fifth ___ Sixth___ If you teach first year, continue answering. 5) How do you evaluate your students’ level in the following aspects in a scale from 1 to 5? 1 2 3 4 5 Speaking Reading Listening Writing Vocabulary 6) Referring to vocabulary, what principal problem do you think your students have? Memorization __ Use ___ Spelling ___ Pronunciation ____ Meaning ___ 7) What do you believe about using technology such as internet for improving your students’ vocabulary? Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 77 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 8) What activities do you suggest to practice vocabulary? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ________________ 9) Describe your funniest activity or game that you use to enhance vocabulary? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________ Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 78 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Gender: ____________________ Age: ____________________ To learn vocabulary, YES NO 1) I like to see pictures, photos, and flashcards. ___ ___ 2) I like to repeat words by writing. ___ ___ 3) I like to repeat words orally. ___ ___ 4) I like to play in the computer or play station. ___ ___ 5) I ___ 6) like ___ 8) I ___ learn with help. ___ I like ___ to solve puzzles. I like ___ to watch movies. ___ 7) to like to draw and color. ___ Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 79 Universidad de Cuenca Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación 9) I like ___ ___ 10) I ___ listen like to to songs. mime. ___ Ma. Isabel Chuquiguanga Diana Isabel González 80