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Reading comprehension
Semana 2
Let´s start!
Hey, how are you doing this week? Esta semana, nos centraremos en la lectura
y análisis de las estructuras aprendidas. Vamos a leer textos y diálogos en los
cuales identificarás los estilos directo e indirecto en las oraciones.
El estilo indirecto es la forma que usamos para hablar acerca de lo que otros
nos han dicho. Es muy común decir a otros (amigos, familiares, compañeros o
colegas) lo que alguien más te ha dicho durante el día.
What do you know about... ?
¿Puedes identificar oraciones en estilo directo y oraciones en estilo indirecto?, ¿cómo las diferencias? Une las características que concuerdan con cada
estilo de la oración; coloca en cada espacio, según corresponda, ED (estilo
directo) o EI (estilo indirecto):
Se presenta en forma de diálogo (Sam: I like to…).
La persona habla en tercera persona (él - ella +
Es una oración compuesta.
Es una oración simple.
El hablante reproduce un mensaje recibido con algunos cambios.
El hablante reproduce su mensaje textualmente.
La persona habla en primera persona (yo + verbo…).
Your challenge is…
El reto de esta semana es practicar, para familiarizarte al máximo con estas
estructuras y poder utilizarlas en cualquier momento de tu vida, ya sea en
forma oral, escrita o en la lectura.
Semana 3
Reading comprehension
Let´s focus…
Vamos a enfocarnos en la lectura, donde identificaremos los estilos directo e indirecto en las oraciones. Lee cuidadosamente el relato y los diálogos.
Subraya en azul las oraciones en estilo directo; y en rojo, las oraciones en estilo indirecto.
Guess Who I Bumped Into?
Jake wandered along the path thinking aloud, “If I continue this diet I should
lose twenty pounds by the end of...” when, suddenly, he bumped into another
person, out for a day’s walk in the park.
Jake: “I’m terribly sorry”. “I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn’t see
you!” Smiling, Susana: “It’s ok. Nothing’s broken... I wasn’t watching my step
Suddenly they both stopped making excuses and stared at each other.
Jake: “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”
Susana: “You’re Jake, Jamal’s friend, aren’t you?!”
They both began to laugh as they had met each other the week before at a
party that Jamal had given. Still laughing, Jake suggested:
Jake: “Why don’t we have a cup a coffee and donut?”
Susana: “I thought you wanted to continue your diet!”
They both were still laughing by the time they reached the Swimming
Donut cafe.
1. Ahora, subraya la respuesta correcta a las preguntas siguientes:
A. Why did Jake bump into Susana?
a) He was on a diet.
Reading comprehension
Semana 3
b) He wasn’t paying attention.
c) He was writing his thoughts down.
B. Where do they live?
a) In the park.
b) In the countryside.
c) In the city.
C. Whose fault was the incident?
c) It’s not clear.
D. Where did they first meet?
a) In the park.
b) At the Swimming Donut.
c) At Jamal’s house.
E. Why was Jake’s suggestion funny?
a) He was supposedly on a diet.
b) The name of the cafe was strange.
c) They were on a walk and there were no donuts in the park.
2. Más tarde ese día, Susana le contó el episodio a su amigo Carlos. Llena los espacios en blanco en el texto debajo, con el estilo indirecto:
Carlos, guess who I bumped into this morning! Jake! Jamal’s
friend. We bumped into each other in the park. As he was walking down the path, Jake said if he
lose twenty pounds. When we ran into
each other, he apologized saying he
terribly sorry. I told him it
OK, that nothing
broken. Jake said he
so caught up in
thoughts that he
. He seemed embarrassed, so I added that I
my step either. At that moment we recognized each other! He asked me if he
from somewhere. I then remembered that he was Jamal’s friend. We both
had a good laugh and then he invited me to have a cup of coffee
and a donut. We had a great time together.
Semana 3
Reading comprehension
Let´s know more…
Usando el imperativo en estilo indirecto
Cuando se da una orden a alguien en inglés se dice “do it now.” Más tarde, cuando quieres hablar con otra persona sobre la orden en el estilo
indirecto (en otras palabras usar ‘reported speech’) tienes que usar el
verbo “tell” (‘told’) no “say” (‘said’) y el verbo en infinitivo:
Estilo directo: Joe said, “do it”
Estilo indirecto: Joe told me to do it.
Investiga un poco más al respecto en la siguiente dirección web: http://
Apply your knowledge
Hagamos algunos ejercicios para practicar lo que sabemos:
1. Lee el siguiente extracto del Fantasma de Canterville. Subraya las
oraciones en estilo directo con rojo y las oraciones en estilo indirecto, en azul.
The Canterville Ghost - Chapter VI
About ten minutes later, the bell rang for dinner, and, as Virginia did not
come down, Mrs Otis sent up one of the servants. After a little time he returned and said that he could not find Miss Virginia anywhere. So, the whole
family started looking for her.
The hours passed, but they could find no trace of Virginia. So, after dinner,
Mr Otis ordered them all to bed, and she said that nothing more could be
done that night, and that he would contact Scotland Yard in the morning.
Just when everybody was about to leave the dining-room, the clock struck
midnight, and when the last stroke sounded, a secret door opened in the wall
and in that door stood Virginia with a little box in her hand. Everybody ran up
to her.
“Good heavens! child, where have you been?” said Mr Otis, rather angrily, as
he thought she had been playing a trick on them.
“Papa”, said Virginia quietly, “I have been with the ghost. He is dead, and you
must come and see him. He had been very nasty, but he was really sorry for all
that he had done, and he gave me this box of beautiful jewels before he died.”
Then she led the others down a narrow secret corridor to a little low room.
There the family found the skeleton of Sir Simon, who had been starved to
Reading comprehension
Semana 3
death by his wife’s brothers. Virginia knelt down beside the skeleton, and, folding her little hands together, began to pray silently.
Meanwhile, one of the twins was looking out of the window in the little
room and suddenly said, “Look! The old almond-tree has blossoms.”
“Then God has forgiven him,” said Virginia and stood up.
El resto de la historia está en tu DVD. Puedes
leerla esta noche, antes de dormir… si no
tienes miedo.
Let´s show what we know…
En tu DVD encontrarás el resto del cuento “The Canterville Ghost”; su autor
es Oscar Wilde, un escritor que ya conoces, pues leíste otro de sus cuentos
en el semestre 7mo. Lee el resto de la historia y extrae de cualquier capítulo
varias oraciones en estilo indirecto. Llévalas al CCA y analícenlas con el facilitador y los demás compañeros. Realiza las actividades propuestas en el DVD
para esta semana.