The Puzzles is a band of Santander borned in 2006 and formed by Pablo Fernandez, Iván González, Fernando Bolado and Iñigo Bregel. The band-style moves between pop, rock and folk, all wrapped in harmonies of 3 or 4 voices using the same style of the great vocal bands of the 50ths. 1 The staging of the band is one of the most particular points of their show. All of the musicians playing downstage and the drummer standing and playing with maracas a Ludwig from the 50ths. On the other hand, the dynamic changes of instruments by each of its members makes their concerts an espectacular experience, changing from acoustic sets dressed by melodic and harp bass, to classic combo sets of guitars and Rhodes keyboard. The band was formed in 2006, when they decided to move to England to live together and build a serious band. The first stop was Reading (Berkshire), where the local council gave the band the chance to play in city activities, besides playing in different clubs in the city such as Global Cafe or Oakford Social Club. In September 2007, after signing a contract in two clubs of the city, the Bakery Inn and Oakfiel Inn, they moved to Liverpool where they played in important clubs of the city such as The Cavern Club or Zanzibar. In 2009, they returned to Spain and after publishing their first E.P., self-produced, titled “Miss Mister”, the band won the contest of young musicians “Juvecant of Cantabria” in the Pop/Rock category. In 2011 they released their second E.P. titled “A Sunny Day Out”, also self-produced and in september 2013 the band released their first L.P. “On The Backs Of.” They won the third place in the XXVI edition of the competition Pop -Rock Villa de Bilbao and the FNAC award for best band in the same competition. At the same time, artists of the independent national and international scene, such as Luis Auseron (Radio Futura) and Mica P.Hinson have shown great interest in the work of the band, collaborating in their latest musical works. They Recently won the award for the best group of Cantabria in the V. Pop-Rock Villa de Laredo Awards and currently the band is finishing the recording of their second album. 2 More information: Facebook:: Bandcamp: Youtube: Listen to the album ON THE BACKS OF…: Bandcamp: : Videoclips: She is Love Miss Mister: Watch interviews: Al Norte del Norte: ON THE BACKS OF…, one of the best national album of 2013: Efeeme: Hijos de Chinaski: “Pocos discos nos llegarán de las islas británicas tan bien facturados. Y es que The Puzzles lo tienen todo para triunfar: buenas canciones, buenos músicos y un buen productor. Cuidan los ritmos y en todos los temas potencia el protagonismo de unas armonías vocales excelentes.” Eduardo Izquierdo - Efeeme "Si una primera escucha remite indefectiblemente a las riberas del Mersey, es en posteriores cuando diriges la mirada al folkpop de la costa oeste americana, a las épocas en que las décadas de los 50 y 60 comenzaban a cambiar su nombre, a las armonías a varias voces de los chicos playeros." J.R.R.- Ruta 66 y 3 PAST SHOWS TOUR "ON THE BACKS OF…" March 21: Acoustic set, Plaza Pombo, Santander. March 22: Sol Street, Santander. April 17: Gijón Sound Festival, Gijón. April 24: Hendrik Röver & Los miticos Gts + The Puzzles. La Planchada, Astillero. April 26: Primavera Sol Cultural, Santander. “Se han buscado las alubias en Inglaterra, han sido banda fija en varios pubs de Liverpool, han tocado en The Cavern, etc. Ese cruce Beatles/Byrds resulta de lo más emocional y sensible que hemos escuchado en los últimos tiempos” Rio Rojo May 2: Action Weekend, Santander. May 16: The Puzzles + Hendrik Röver & Los miticos Gts. Circuito Música Itinerarte, Laredo, Cantabria. May 29: The Puzzles, La noche es Joven, Palacio de la Magdalena, Santander. June 18: The Puzzles, Ahopeko Kontzertuak, La Cosmos, Bilbao. June 19: The Puzzles, Fnac, Bilbao. “Los cambios de instrumentos por parte de los miembros hacen de sus conciertos una experiencia altamente dinámica, de guitarras eléctricas y piano Rhodes, a sets acústicos con harmónica bajo, todo ello al servicio de la melodía y las armónicas vocales a 3 o 4 voces.” Noche de Rock“ July 4: The Puzzles, Ereaga Terrace, Getxo, Vizcaya. July 25: The Puzzles, Jazzaldia, Fnac space, San Sebastian. August 8: The Puzzles, La Casona, Reinosa, Cantabria. August 22: The Puzzles, Best group of Cantabria 2015 - V. Pop-Rock Villa de Laredo 4 October 17: The Puzzles, EDP Bilbao Night Marathon. NEW ALBUM FOR SALE ON 5 FEBRUARY 2016 We will announce the dates of the Tour soon. BOOKING OPEN “Lo que une a este grupo cántabro es la pasión por la música. Por eso, crearon hace ya unos años The Puzzles, grupo ganador de varios certámenes de la región. Aunque muchos se empeñan en colgarles el cartel de los Beatles ellos defienden una identidad propia, basada en un sonido pop americano más que británico” Diario Montañes MANAGEMENT & BOOKING: Aitor Sanchez-Crespo - (+34) 630 657 989 – COMMUNICATION: Iñaki Aramburu– Más información en: Síguenos en: @RiverThamesMus 5