From Ireland to Poland COLECCIÓN HISTORIA DE ESPAÑA Irlanda y el Atlántico Ibérico. Movilidad, participación e intercambio cultural (1580 - 1823). Valencia, 2010. I. Pérez Tostado y E. García Hernán (Eds.) Francisco de Borja y su tiempo. Política, religión y cultura en la Edad Moderna. Valencia-Roma, 2011. E. García Hernán y M.ª del Pilar Ryan (Eds.) Redes de nación y espacios de poder: La comunidad irlandesa en España y la América española, 1600-1825. Valencia, 2012. O. Recio Morales (Ed.) The Battle of Kinsale. Study and Documents from Spanish Archives. Valencia, 2013. E. García Hernán (Ed.) En tierra de confluencias. Italia y la Monarquía de España, siglos XVI-XVIII. Valencia 2013. C. Bravo Lozano y R. Quirós Rosado (Eds.) La presencia irlandesa durante las Cortes de Cádiz en España y América, 1812. Valencia, 2013. E. García Hernán y C. Lario Oñate (Eds.). Los hilos de Penélope. Lealtad y fidelidades en la Monarquía de España. Valencia 2015. R. Quirós Rosado y C. Bravo Lozano (Eds.) From Ireland to Poland. Northern Europe, Spain and the Early Modern World. Valencia 2015. E. García Hernán & Ryszard Skowron (Eds.). 9 788472 743175 This book, edited by Enrique García Hernán and Ryszard Skowron, offers a rare opportunity to learn more about relatively little known material and immaterial bonds in the Modern Ages between such apparently distant countries as Spain, Poland and Ireland. By putting a special stress on migrations (religious, economic, military etc.) and their consequences on the cultures of the respective countries, it also becomes an interesting contribution to the contemporary debate on the advantages and threats of this phenomenon. Tomasz Arabski Ambassador of Poland to Spain Enrique García Hernán and Ryszard Skowron have brought together a fascinating collection of writings on the myriad links between Spain and northern Europe in the Early Modern period, ranging from Ireland in the west to Poland and the Hanseatic states in the east. The volume provides a welcome addition to our understanding of the historic ties that continue to bind our peoples and the rich and ongoing affinity between Spain, Ireland and Poland. David Cooney Ambassador of Ireland to Spain ALBATROS EDICIONES Colección Historia de España y su proyección Internacional sobrecubierta_def.indd 1 From Ireland to Poland Northern Europe, Spain and the Early Modern World Y SU PROYECCIÓN INTERNACIONAL Northern Europe, Spain and the Early Modern World Enrique García Hernán Ryszard Skowron (eds.) Enrique García Hernán is Research Professor at the Institute of History of the CSIC. His work focuses on the cultural, military and religious history of the early modern period. He is a Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Academy of History, Board Member of the Spanish Commission of Military History and Fellow of the Ambrosiana Academy of Milan. He recently published a biography of Ignatius of Loyola (Madrid 2013) and he is now preparing a book on Thomas More and Juan Luis Vives. Ryszard Skowron, Professor of History at the University of Silesia in Katowice, is a specialist in the international relations between Poland and Spain during the age of the Habsburgs. His publications include Olivares, los Vasa y el Báltico, Polonia en la política internacional de España en los años 1621-1632 (2008) and Pax i Mars, Polsko-hiszpańskie relacje polityczne w latach 1632-1648 (2013). He is also Member of the “Institute La Corte en Europe“ (IULCE). 8 08/10/15 10:13