The following chart shows the SP500´s future con

The following chart shows the SP500´s future con-
trend line was probed as a clear support line.
tracts at weekly candlesticks. By the closing bell of
Besides, this could be the third week in a row
last Friday, June 12th 2015, the SP500 revealed a
the SP500 closes below that line. Thus, the
strong sell technical signal which suggests further
SP500 is confirming following falls, at least in
falls in the market.
the short run we can except new lower levels
from the aforementioned trend line.
The positive slope trend line, valid since august 2011,
has just been broken down. Back in time this exact
The daily chart speaks fluently. Notice the major
On the other hand, pay attention to the candlestick
positive slope´s trend lines have been broken.
formations can alert investors a strong selling peri-
Therefore price levels are in a clear bearish zone,
od is just round the corner. Notice the “evening
suggesting strong sell for the SP500 future con-
star” at a resistance level, built in the last three
days. This special candle stick formation indicates a
breaking point from last trend.
We can also notice a triple down trend divergence at RSI oscillator. This divergence has been
Bottom line, all this technical signals besides the
confirmed every time the oscillator is below its
markets has begun discounting the US rate hike
50 points level. We can find another confirma-
and the Grexit in advance, are suggesting investors
tion of the strong sell signal at the MACD, which
to tighten stop loss levels, take profits from stock
is crossing the zero level, showing a down trend
markets and assume more cash in portfolios. It is
divergence as well.
time to get defensive against the stock market, at
least in the short time.
Esta publicación ha sido preparada por la Unidad de Gestión de Activos, en conjunto con la Unidad de Investigación de Bencio Advisors. Ambas unidades conformadas por un grupo de Economistas con alta capacitación para la correspondiente elaboración del material presentado. Este
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