14 CBTis 172. Inglés II. Infinitive: To Ring Past: Rang Ing. Pedro González López Participle: Rung The telephone was ------- ringing and i didn't hear it. Nombre: 14 CBTis 172. Inglés II. Ing. Pedro González López Infinitive: To Become Past: Became Participle: Become Nombre: 14 CBTis 172. Inglés II. Ing. Pedro González López Infinitive: To Build Past: Built Participle: Built Inglés II. Infinitive: To Feed Past: Fed Ing. Pedro González López Participle: Fed Inglés II. Ing. Pedro González López Infinitive: To Forgive Past: Forgave Participle: Forgiven Nombre: He was ------- a good father while his son was growing. Verbo Irregular Verbo Irregular She was ------- the baby kangaroo for three months. Nombre: 14 CBTis 172. Verbo Irregular The architects were ------- the mall for four years. Nombre: 14 CBTis 172. Verbo Irregular Verbo Irregular He ------- us for all what we did him. 14 CBTis 172. Inglés II. Ing. Pedro González López Infinitive: To Throw Past: Threw Participle: Thrown Nombre: 14 CBTis 172. Inglés II. Infinitive: To Feel Past: Felt Ing. Pedro González López Participle: Felt Verbo Irregular The hourse was ------- its rider, while we were laughing. Verbo Irregular How did you ------- last week? Nombre: 14 CBTis 172. Inglés II. Infinitive: To Beat Past: Beat Ing. Pedro González López Participle: Beaten Verbo Irregular My heart was ------- for you all day. Nombre: 14 CBTis 172. Inglés II. Infinitive: To Keep Past: Kept Ing. Pedro González López Participle: Kept He was ------- a fake smile while I was speaking. Nombre: 14 CBTis 172. Inglés II. Ing. Pedro González López Infinitive: To Fight Past: Fought Participle: Fougth Nombre: Verbo Irregular Verbo Irregular Fish were ------- for fifteen minutes.