Nuestros sentimientos Our Feelings Look at the emoticons below and practice saying the emotions in Spanish. cansado(boy) cansada(girl) tired enojado(boy) enojada(girl) angry triste sad contenta(girl) contento (boy) happy sorprendida(girl) sorprendido(boy) surprised Emociones Emotions Students: Find a mirror in your house. Using your face, show the 5 emotions listed above and practice saying how you feel after each emotion. Now ask a family member to show the emotions and practice saying how that person is feeling. Me siento contento(a). I feel happy. Me siento enojado(a). I am angry. Me siento triste. I feel sad. Me siento cansado(a). I feel tired. Estoy sorprendido(a). I am surprised. Family Members Feelings: El/ella se siente contento(a). He/she feels happy. El/ella se siente enojado(a). He/she feels angry. El/ella se siente triste. He/she feels sad. El/ella se siente cansado(a). He/she feels tired. El/ella está sorprendido(a). He/she feels surprised. Fun with Foreign Language 443-616-7343