Spanish 103 Portland State University Cronograma (This schedule is tentative and may be altered during the course.) Material en clase Semana 1 Introducción al curso. Repaso Lección 9A: Etapas de la vida Luis Soriano, creador del Biblioburro Semana 2 Día de fiesta. No hay clase (MWF). Lección 9A (cont.) Luis Soriano, creador del Biblioburro Lección 9B: Historias de la calle Lola, la del quiosco del barrio Objetivos - Funciones Tarea y exámenes Se provee este espacio para anotar la tarea. Describe habits and situations in the past, compare the past with the present, refer to undefined quantities, express preferences, talk about length of time Cont. 9A Describe habits and situations in the past, compare the past with the present, refer to undefined quantities, express preferences, talk about length of time Identify with a characteristic, give directions, narrate in the past, tell anecdotes, express the beginning of an action Semana 3 Lección 9B (cont.) Lola, la del quiosco del barrio Unidad 9 Avance Lectura: Semana Santa: vacaciones y tradición Flash Cultura: Las fiestas Cont. 9B Identify with a characteristic, give directions, narrate in the past, tell anecdotes, express the beginning of an action Semana 4 Lección 10A: Al mal tiempo buena cara Carlos Salazar, médico de familia en La Habana Talk about the weather, describe symptoms and ailments, ask for advice, give advice, express obligation Semana 5 Lección 10A (cont.) Carlos Salazar, médico de familia en La Habana Lección 10B: Memorias Jorge Edwards, recuerdos de un escritor Cont. 10A. Talk about the weather, describe symptoms and ailments, ask for advice, give advice, express obligation Talk about memories, relate past events, ask for and give opinions, express agreement and disagreement, talk about what you remember Semana 6 Lección 10B (cont.) Jorge Edwards, recuerdos de un escritor Unidad 10 Avance Estrategias y Competencias Flash Cultura: La salud Lección 11A: De viaje José Carlos, encantado de ayudarlo Cont. 10B Talk about memories, relate past events, ask for and give opinions, express agreement and disagreement, talk about what you remember Give recommendations, communicate other people’s words, express objection, express satisfaction, welcome someone and wish them well Examen Unidad 9 Spanish 103 Portland State University Semana 7 Lección 11A (cont.) José Carlos, encantado de ayudarlo Lección 11B: Iniciativas Héctor y Gabriela, propietarios de Patagonia Natural Cont. 11A Give recommendations, communicate other people’s words, express objection, express satisfaction, welcome someone and wish them well Present a counterargument, talk about changes, express the highest degree, express wishes, add information Semana 8 Lección 11B (cont.) Héctor y Gabriela, propietarios de Patagonia Natural Unidad 11 Avance Cont. 11B Present a counterargument, talk about changes, express the highest degree, express wishes, add information Lectura: El Camino Inca Flash Cultura: Machu Picchu: encanto y misterio Examen Unidades 10 y 11 Semana 9 Lección 12A: Segunda oportunidad Ricardo Hernández, padre cien por ciento Describe personality and physical traits, express mood, talk about personal relationships, assess importance and express affection, talk about resemblances Semana 10 Lección 12B: Sin límites Unidad 12 Avance Estrategias y Competencias Flash Cultura: Las relaciones personales Talk about future commitments, express opinions, talk about desires and hopes, make requests and express consequences, express well wishes Examen final (examen oral):_______________________ Missing Exams: If you miss an exam, you need to do it with Testing Services, paying $10, within 3 days after the exam date. You need to contact your instructor and make an appointment with T. S., after discussing it with your instructor. Vista Help Request 1 800 248-2813 Vista Instructor Support 1 800 922-6003 (9-5, Eastern time)