PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL PROMEDON PRODUCTS Available Resources Ophira Brochure with DVD Product Display Pelvis for demo Ophira DVD for Booth DVD for Booth ENGLISH: CODE B-30-17 (04) / 9-JUN-11 SPANISH: CODE B-30-17 (03) / 25-JUL-11 (ENGLISH DVD) PORTUGUESE: CÓDIGO B-30-20(03) / 14-JUL-11 (ENGLISH DVD) CODE (EXH-OPHIRA) REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Booth Graphics Logos, Pictures and video / 3-D animation Ophira Surgery Clinical Evidence REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE QR CODE Ophira Microsite promedon/moviles/ophira/ ophira.html Recursos disponibles Available Resources por producto Safyre VS, T & TPLUS Brochure ENGLISH: CODE B-30-27 (01) SPANISH: CODE B-30-29 (01) PORTUGUESE: CODE B-30-28(01) Pelvis for demo Safyre VS/T CD Safyre T Plus CD CODE B-30-02 Booth Graphics CODE B-30-07 Women´s Health DVD for Booth Product Display CODE (EXH-SAFYRE) REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Logos, Pictures and video / 3-D surgery animation Clinical Evidence REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Inventar formato redondo Women´s Health DVD for Booth REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Available Resources Unitape VS, T & TPLUS Brochure Unitape VS and TPlus CD Pelvis for demo ENGLISH: CODE B-30-11 (01) SPANISH: CODE B-30-18 (01) PORTUGUESE: CODE B-30-19 (01) CODE B-30-14 REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Booth Graphics Women´s Health DVD for Booth Logos, Pictures and surgery videos. Clinical Evidence Women´s Health DVD for Booth REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Recursos Resources disponibles Available por producto Calistar A & P Brochure Product Display Calistar A DVD Pelvis for demo With sacrospinous ligaments and internal obturator muscle ENGLISH: CODE B-90-90 (01) / 17 - JUN- 11 SPANISH: CODE B-90-08 (01) / 16 SEPT-11 PORTUGUESE: CODE B-90-07 (01) / 05-AGO-11 Calistar DVD for Booth (EXH-CALISTAR) REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE CODE B-90-11 Booth Graphics Logos, Pictures and Video/animation 3-D Calistar A surgery Clinical Evidence REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE QR CODE Calistar Microsite DVD for Booth REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE promedon/moviles/calistar/ calistar.html Recursos Resources disponibles Available por producto Opsys Brochure Opsys CD Opsys DVD for Booth DVD for Booth ENGLISH: CODE B-80-12 (02) / 31- May -12 SPANISH: CODE B-80-13 (02) / 19- Jun-12 PORTUGUESE: CODE B-80-14 (02) / 11 Sept - 12 REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE AVAILABLE 2013 Booth Graphics Logos, Pictures and 3-D animation REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Clinical Evidence REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE QR CODE Opsys Microsite moviles/opsys/opsys.html Available Resources Nazca TC and R Brochure ENGLISH: CODE B-00-01 (04) SPANISH: CODE B-90-03 (01) PORTUGUESE: CODE B - 90 -19 (01) Booth Graphics Nazca TC and R CD Product Display Pelvis for demo CODE (EXH-NAZCA) CODE B-90-02 Women´s Health DVD for Booth REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Logos, Pictures and video / 3-D surgery animation Clinical Evidence Women´s Health DVD for Booth REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Recursos disponibles Available Resources por producto Vantris Brochure Vantris DVD for Booth Vantris DVD DVD for Booth ENGLISH: CODE B-80-03 (03) / 04-MAR-11 SPANISH: CODE B-80-01 (03) / 25-JUL-11 PORTUGUESE: CODE B-80-17 (01) / 29-JUL-11 Booth Graphics REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE CODE B-80-04 (02) /25-April-12 Logos, Pictures and video/animation inyection 3-D Clinical Evidence QR CODE Vantris Microsite PANTONE 320 PANTONE 287 PANTONE 430 REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE moviles/vantris/vantris.html Ordering Information 10 15 10 10 15 65 15 9 T-0 9 0 10 T-1 0 0 11 T-1 1 0 12 T-1 2 0 12 T- 13 T-1 3 0 13 T- 155 70 Availabledisponibles Resources Recursos por producto 10 170 240 15 80 180 260 10 15 60 155 215 10 15 80 187 B-10-01 (03) 267 10 15 80 172 252 The length of the prosthesis may vary ± 2 mm Argus / Argus T Brochure Argus One Brochure REA R TIPS Clinical Evidence Dossier CODE The Argus Adjustable Male Sling System • Indicated for a wide range of SUI, from moderate to severe cases. • Designed for retropubic approach • 5-year successful clinical experience LENGTH Argus Adjustable Male Sling System Order Number: KIT-M-01b 1 Argus Adjustable Male Sling + 2 Adjustment Washers: 2 M Needles: DPN-MA 2 Washer Positioners: P-02-A 2 Adjustment Washers: AR-M 2 Reinforcement Washers: AR-M-B 1 Ruler: R-PU Argus T Adjustable Male Sling System Order Number: KIT-MT-01 1 Argus T Adjustable Male Sling + 2 Adjustment Washers: 2 Needles: DPN-HHA 2 Washer positioners: P-02-A 2 Adjustment Washers: AR-M 2 Reinforcement Washers: AR-M-S 1 Ruler: R-PU S-42M-AFhL S-42M-AFhT One Innovative Male Sling System Two Effective Approaches to Treat Stress Urinary Incontinence Argus / Argus T CD TUBE (mm) 15 T-090; T-100 15 T-110; T-120; T-120VS; T-130; T-130VS 10 T-090; T-100 10 T-110; T-120; T-120VS; T-130; T-130VS T-15S T-15xL T-10S T-10xL ARGUS ADJU STABLE SYSTEM FOR MAL INCONTINENCE E . CLINICAL EVIDENCE SUMMARY. ENGLISH: CODE B-30-03 (06) SPANISH: CODE B-30-21 (01) PORTUGUESE: CODE B-30-24 (01) Product Display ENGLISH: CODE B-30-42 (03) / 24 - May - 12 SPANISH: CODE B-30- 43 (02) / 24 - May - 12 PORTUGUESE : Available 2013 Pelvis for demo SIZERS CODE B-30-41 (01) / 10-AUG-10 CODE B-30-04 TS-9.9 mm. diameter stainless steel sizer marked in 0.5 increments up to 23 cm. Men´s Health DVD for Booth Clinical Evidence DVD for Booth Men´s Health DVD for Booth Clinical Evidence DVD for Booth 0197 B-30-03 (05) Ordering Information Advanced solutions to restore men’s quality ofl ife SSp Sánchez Sarmiento pproach 135 220 In case it is necessary to improve the performance of the device, the manufacturer reserves the right to modify the technical specifications without prior notice. e SUI cases. 65 200 ustomized to the indication, patient condition, ch – retropubic and transobturator. Adjustable m Code CODE (EXH-ARGUS) REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Booth Graphics REQUEST PRICE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Logos, Pictures and video / 3-D surgery animation REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Clinical Evidence REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE QR CODE Argus Microsite pantones cuatro colores REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE escala de grises sobre plenos REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE argus/argus.html Enhanced design for maximum performance Available RecursosResources disponibles por producto Tube CD (surgery only) Booth Graphics ENGLISH: CODE B-10-01 (04) SPANISH: CODE B-10-03 (01) PORTUGUESE: CODE B-10-04 (01) CODE B-10-02 REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Logos, pIctures and surgery video Clinical Evidence Tube Brochure when sel f - conf idence counts Code 10 15 65 10 15 65 135 9 T-0 9 0 10 T-1 0 0 11 T-1 1 0 12 T-1 2 0 200 155 220 10 15 70 170 240 10 15 80 180 260 10 15 60 10 15 80 10 15 80 155 12 T- 13 T-1 3 0 13 T- B-10-01 (03) 215 187 267 172 252 The length of the prosthesis may vary ± 2 mm REA R TIPS CODE LENGTH TUBE (mm) 15 T-090; T-100 15 T-110; T-120; T-120VS; T-130; T-130VS 10 T-090; T-100 10 T-110; T-120; T-120VS; T-130; T-130VS SIZERS when sel f - conf idence counts 0197 TS-9.9 mm. diameter stainless steel sizer marked in 0.5 increments up to 23 cm. Enhanced design for maximum performance pecifications without prior notice. T-15S T-15xL T-10S T-10xL In case it is necessary to improve the performance of the device, the manufacturer reserves the right to modify the technical s Ordering Information c: 100 m: 80 y: 0 k: 0 c: 100 m: 17 y: 0 k: 0 c: 100 m: 17 y: 0 k: 0 c: 100 m: 17 y: 0 k: 0 c: 100 m: 17 y: 0 k: 0 REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Testicular Prosthesis Available Resources N&S Brochure N&S[insert].qxp:n&s [insert] 28/4/08 16:47 Graphics Product Logos and Pictures High Booth technology and maximum safety Page 1 Testicular Prosthesis High technology and maximum safety ENGLISH: CODE B-20-01 (04) SPANISH: CODE B-20-02 (01) PORTUGUESE: CODE B-20-03 (01) REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE 306 [60%] c: 45 m: 0 y: 4.2 k: 0 428 [50%] c: 1 m: 0 y: 0 k: 9 REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Available Resources Exantia Brochure Exantia DVD Logos, PictureS and video / 3-D Surgery animation Logotipo Versión Standard Aplicación para fondos oscuros Colores Escala de grises PANTONE 3405 C / c:90 m:0 y:50 k:0 PANTONE Black - 65% / c:70 m:65 y:0 k:0 Aplicación en negativo ENGLISH: CODE B-80-23 (01) / 28 - May -12 SPANISH: CODE B-30-18 (02) / 28-May-12 PORTUGUESE: CODE B- 80 -19 (02) / 24-May-12 Booth Graphics REQUEST TO SOLICITAR A CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE AVAILABLE JANUARY 2013 Clinical Evidence REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Aplicación en negro REQUEST TO CUSTOMER SERVICE QR CODE Exantia Microsite promedon/moviles/exantia/ exantia.html 01112012(01) SOLICITAR A CUSTOMER SERVICE