Visi - Natté 380P / 007007 Gris Perla/gris Perla front: back: Anchos 250 cm ESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICAS ESTÁNDAR RESULTADO composición Fibra de poliéster recubierta de PVC factor de apertura NBN EN 410 5.00% peso NF EN 12127 415.00g/m² espesor ISO 5084 0.42mm ISO 7211/2 18.00yarn/cm density warp weft 19.00yarn/cm colour fastness to artificial light ISO 105 B02 colour fastness to artificial weathering ISO 105 B04 tear strength original warp ISO 4674-1 methode 2 weft elongation up to break original warp original warp ISO 1421 after colour fastness to artifical light warp ISO 1421 after colour fastness to artifical light warp ISO 1421 after colour fastness to artifical weathering warp 23.00% 21.00% ISO 1421 weft elongation up to break 165.00daN/5 cm 155.00daN/5 cm weft breaking strength 23.50% 20.50% weft elongation up to break 4.10daN 3.65daN weft breaking strength >7 160.00daN/5 cm 160.00daN/5 cm ISO 1421 weft breaking strength after colour fastness to artifical weathering warp ISO 1421 weft tear strength after climatic chamber -30°C warp weft ISO 4674-1 methode 2 3.95daN 3.80daN ESPECIFICACIONES ESTÁNDAR TÉCNICAS elongation up to break after climatic chamber -30°C warp ISO 1421 weft breaking strength after climatic chamber -30°C warp after climatic chamber +70°C warp ISO 1421 after climatic chamber +70°C warp ISO 4674-1 methode 2 after climatic chamber +70°C warp ISO 1421 24.00% 21.50% ISO 1421 weft air permeability 4.25daN 3.65daN weft breaking strength 165.00daN/5 cm 165.00daN/5 cm weft elongation up to break 23.00% 20.00% weft tear strength RESULTADO 165.00daN/5 cm 165.00daN/5 cm ISO 9237 UNE-EN 13501- clase de reacción al fuego Europe clase de reacción al fuego Francia NF P92-503 clase de reacción al fuego Italia UNI 9177 clase de reacción al fuego Alemania DIN 4102 clase de reacción al fuego Reino Unido BS 5867 clase de reacción al fuego EE. UU. NFPA 701 1:2007 C-s3,d0 Class 1 FR roll length 30 m cleaning con agua jabonosa confection por soldadura en caliente, por alta frecuencia o por ultrasonido FRONT - INTERIOR VISUAL PROPERTIES Tv: Visual light transmittance 6.20% Tuv: UV transmittance 4.90% SOLAR ENERGETIC PROPERTIES As = Solar absorptance 56.70% Rs = Solar reflectance 33.00% Ts = Solar transmittance 10.30% FABRIC + GLAZING: G-FACTOR Glazing A Glazing B Glazing C Glazing D 0.53 0.46 0.28 0.07 0.06 0.03 0.46 0.41 0.25 0.70 0.78 0.87 G = Total solar energy transmittance 0.53 Te = Direct solar transmittance 0.09 Qi = Secondary heat transfer factor 0.45 SC = Shading Coefficient 0.63 CLASES Visual comfort Normal solar transmittance 4 Class 0: very little effect Glare control 3 Class 1: little effect Privacy night 2 Class 2: moderate effect Visual contact with the outside 2 Class 3: good effect Daylight utilisation 1 Class 4: very good effect Thermal comfort G-factor = Total solar energy transmittance Glazing A 0 Class 0: very little effect Glazing B 0 Class 1: little effect Glazing C 1 Class 2: moderate effect Glazing D 2 Class 3: good effect Class 4: very good effect Qi-factor = Secondary heat transfer factor Glazing A 0 Class 0: very little effect Glazing B 0 Class 1: little effect Glazing C 0 Class 2: moderate effect Glazing D 1 Class 3: good effect Class 4: very good effect BACK - INTERIOR VISUAL PROPERTIES Tv: Visual light transmittance 6.20% Tuv: UV transmittance 4.90% SOLAR ENERGETIC PROPERTIES As = Solar absorptance 56.80% Rs = Solar reflectance 32.90% Ts = Solar transmittance 10.30% FABRIC + GLAZING: G-FACTOR Glazing A Glazing B Glazing C Glazing D 0.53 0.46 0.28 0.07 0.06 0.03 0.46 0.41 0.25 0.70 0.78 0.87 G = Total solar energy transmittance 0.53 Te = Direct solar transmittance 0.09 Qi = Secondary heat transfer factor 0.45 SC = Shading Coefficient 0.63 CLASES Visual comfort Normal solar transmittance 4 Class 0: very little effect Glare control 3 Class 1: little effect Privacy night 2 Class 2: moderate effect Visual contact with the outside 2 Class 3: good effect Daylight utilisation 1 Class 4: very good effect Thermal comfort G-factor = Total solar energy transmittance Glazing A 0 Class 0: very little effect Glazing B 0 Class 1: little effect Glazing C 1 Class 2: moderate effect Glazing D 2 Class 3: good effect Class 4: very good effect Qi-factor = Secondary heat transfer factor Glazing A 0 Class 0: very little effect Glazing B 0 Class 1: little effect Glazing C 0 Class 2: moderate effect Glazing D 1 Class 3: good effect Class 4: very good effect