Eduardo D. Rodriguez, MD, DDS `82 Dr

Eduardo D. Rodriguez, MD, DDS ’82
Dr. Rodriguez is Chair of the Department of Plastic Surgery, and an internationally recognized
leader in reconstructive, craniofacial and plastic surgery. He was born and raised in Miami,
Florida, the son of Cuban immigrants.
He earned his Bachelor of Science in Neurobiology from the University of Florida, followed by a
DDS degree from NYU. He completed residency in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at Montefiore
Medical Center / Albert Einstein College of Medicine and received his medical degree from the
Medical College of Virginia. He then studied plastic surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the
University of Maryland Medical Center. He subsequently completed an International
Reconstructive Microsurgery Fellowship at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan. He came
to us from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma
Center, where he was Chief of the Division of Plastic, Reconstructive & Craniofacial Surgery
and Professor of Surgery. Dr. Rodriguez was also the inaugural Paul N. Manson, MD,
Distinguished Professor in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the program director of the
combined Craniofacial Fellowship at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center and Johns
Hopkins Hospital. At Maryland, Dr. Rodriguez led the team that performed the most extensive
and comprehensive full face transplant completed to date, which was a groundbreaking advance
in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery.