Abstract submission For presentation to the conference, those interested should submit an abstract of their work(s) on topics dealing with Clinical Psychology and/or Health Psychology in order to be presented as oral communication, symposium or poster. Abstracts will be published in “Recent Advances in Clinical and Health Psychology 2016” that participants will receive at the beginning of the Congress. Abstracts should have a length between 250 to 300 words and must be submitted through the congress website (chapter “Abstract submission”) before May 13, 2016. Abstracts should include: Type of presentation, title, author(s), institution(s), address (rst author) and e-mail. Deadline should be strictly observed for possible acceptance and publication of abstracts and at least one of the authors of each work must be registered to the Congress (before July 15, 2016). Each author may submit up to three papers. Symposia consist of 4 or 5 different presentations around a central topic, and all the presentations should be sent at the same time. It should include the name of the chair and the title of the symposium. Posters are presentations in written format. The size should be 80 cm. wide x 100 cm. high. Secretary / Contact Address: 151 Calle Tanca San Juan, PR 00901 E-mail: apicsa.puertorico@msn.com Website: www.apicsacongreso.com Registration fees to the Congress Categories Until June 30, 2106 From July 1, 2016 Professional members of APICSA 145 dollars 175 dollars 90 dollars 120 dollars Professionals general 180 dollars 210 dollars Students general 125 dollars 155 dollars Profesionals special agreement 160 dollars 195 dollars Students special agreement 110 dollars 140 dollars Student members of APICSA Note: Specialization, Master, and Doctorate students belong to the category of Students. They must e-mail proof of their fulltime student status to the Secretary of the congress. Professionals and students with "special agreement" fees must conrm their belonging to the institution which made the agreement with APICSA (university/college registration, institutional license, etc. updated 2015/2016). After June 30, 2016 not refund available. VIII IBERO AMERICAN CONGRESS OF CLINICAL AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY “Current challenges of Clinical and Health Psychology” San Juan (Puerto Rico) September 27 - October 1, 2016 Workshop fees (for every workshop) Categories Venue: Carlos Albizu University San Juan – Puerto Rico Until June 30, 2016 From July 1, 2016 Professional members of APICSA 30 dollars 45 dollars Student members of APICSA 25 dollars 40 dollars Professionals general 40 dollars 55 dollars Students general 30 dollars 45 dollars Organizers: Note: To participate in the workshops you must be registered in the Congress. The number of assistants is limited and the duration of each workshop is four hours. Method of payment Ibero American Psychological Association of Clinical and Health issues (APICSA) ³Credit card (VISA, Mastercard) or Paypal: Registrations by credit card or Paypal will be made through the website: www.apicsacongreso.com Venue Main Hotel Carlos Albizu University San Juan – Puerto Rico Sheraton Old San Juan Hotel Limited availability ³Money transfer through Western Union: E-mail to the Secretary of the Congress for registration with this form of payment. ³Bank transfer: Bank: BMN Address: Paseo Emperador Carlos V, 15, 18008 Granada (Spain) IBAN: ES59 0487 3378 5920 0001 3022 BIC/code SWIFT: GBMNESMMXXX Account name: Asociación Psicológica Iberoamericana de Clínica y Salud (APICSA) Nota: The expenses charged by your bank to make the transfer are not shared, you must take care of them in their entirety. Given the costs of this type of transaction, we do not recommend registration for the conference in this way, except for residents in Spain or the European Union. APICSA Membership APICSA is an association that was founded with the idea of bringing together psychologists and other Spanish, Portuguese and American professionals studying or working in the areas of Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology from a behavioral or cognitive-behavioral perspective. To become a member of the APICSA see the information on our website www.apicsa.org Categories Co-organizer: VECA Foundation for the Advancement of Clinical Behavioral Psychology (FUNVECA) Collaborator: Group Advances in Psychopathology and Behavior Therapy (APYTEC) Annual fee* Professionals 55 dollars Students 50 dollars *Includes subscription to Behavioral Psychology/Psicología Conductual - International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (three numbers per year). Idiomas ociales Languages: Español / Inglés English / Spanish / Portuguese More information: www.apicsacongreso.com Tuesday September 27, 2016 Workshops Morning A1. Intensive treatment of specic phobias in youth: Principles and procedures. Thomas Ollendick (USA) A2. Evidence based treatment for perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Arturo Cantos (Puerto Rico) A3. Tratamiento cognitivo conductual de los trastornos de la personalidad. Vicente E. Caballo (Spain) A4. Las habilidades sociales y el éxito de hablar en público. María Jesús Irurtia (Spain) A5. Unied protocols for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders in children and adolescence. Jill Ehrenreich-May (USA) Midday B1. Assessment of intimate relations in marriage and long term relationships: A focus on treatments for conict and anger. Daniel O'Leary (USA) B2. Treating social anxiety disorder. Stefan G. Hofmann (USA) B3. Optimizando la adaptación de niños y adolescentes en familias inmigrantes. Cynthia García (Puerto Rico) B4. Conciencia plena (“mindfulness”) y compasión: aplicación clínica en ansiedad y depresión. Lucas Burgueño and Mª Jesús Irurtia (Spain)B5. Domando al dragón. Terapia cognitivo-conductual para el enfado patológico. Carmen Pastor y Juan Sevillá (Spain) Tarde Afternoon C1. Overcoming obsessive compulsive disorder in youth. Karen Cassiday (USA) C2. Entrenamiento práctico en la entrevista diagnóstica ADIS según el DSM-5. Luis J. García López (Spain) C3. Terapia de pareja centrada en emociones (TCE). Aida L. Jiménez (Puerto Rico) C4. Avances en terapia cognitivo conductual: de la teoría, la investigación y la práctica. Guillermo Bernal (Puerto Rico) Wednesday, September 28 - Saturday October 1, 2016 Lectures ³What does an Ibero-American perspective of Clinical and Health Psychology tells us about professional psychology? Antonio Puente (USA) ³Treatment of phobic and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: Where to go from here? Thomas Ollendick (USA) ³Prevalence, assessment, and treatment of physical aggression in intimate relationships. Daniel O'Leary (USA) ³Overcoming social anxiety in teens: Cognitive behavioral techniques for building social self-condence. Karen Cassiday (USA) ³Emotions in therapy. Stefan G. Hofmann (USA) ³Evaluación de las habilidades sociales y sus implicaciones para el tratamiento. Vicente E. Caballo (Spain) ³Los efectos de la pobreza en los primeros cinco años de vida. Cynthia García (Puerto Rico) ³El abuso psicológico en la sociedad actual: desde la escuela al trabajo. María Jesús Irurtia (Spain) ³Programa de fortalecimiento de familias (SFP10-14). Evaluación del proceso de aplicación. Larissa Nobre-Sandoval (Brazil) ³Estado actual del conocimiento empírico acerca de los agresores contra su pareja íntima en Puerto Rico: qué sabemos. Arturo Cantos (Puerto Rico) ³Conciencia plena (“mindfulness”) y bromialgia. Antonella Galli (Peru) ³Lenguaje y psicoterapia: aportes de las ciencias conductuales contextuales. Fabian Olaz (Argentina) ³Terapia cognitivo conductual para familiares de personas con trastorno límite de la personalidad. Isabel C. Salazar (Spain) ³Tratamiento cognitivo conductual en el suicidio. Arturo Heman (Mexico) ³Terapia vivencial de la conducta: nuevo tratamiento de la ansiedad social. Arturo Prieto (Chile) ³Albert Ellis y la terapia racional emotivo conductual (TREC): más de 30 años compartidos. Leonor Lega (USA) ³Imagen corporal, ejercicio de la sexualidad y vida en pareja cuando se padece cáncer de mama. Ariel C. Núñez (Colombia) ³Pasado, presente y futuro del trastorno de ansiedad social en adolescentes. Luis J. García López (Spain) ³Disociación y trastornos disociativos. Alfonso Martínez Taboas (Puerto Rico) ³Retos éticos en el trabajo con familias y parejas. Aida L. Jiménez (Puerto Rico) ³El estado de la ciencia en el tratamiento psicológico para poblaciones latinas: una revisión sistemática. Guillermo Bernal (Puerto Rico) ³Why do I feel this way? Rumiation on social anxiety disorder. Mariela Golberg (Uruguay) ³Terapia racional emotivo conductual con niños. Mª Celeste Airaldi (Paraguay) ³El afecto negativo como objetivo del tratamiento transdiagnóstico. Laura Hernández (Mexico) Some topics of the Congress ³Assessment and treatment of psychological disorders ³Anxiety disorders in children, adolescents and adults ³Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) VIII IBERO AMERICAN CONGRESS OF CLINICAL AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY “Current challenges for Clinical and Health Psychology” Puerto Rico, September 27 - October 1, 2016 Registration form Name: ___________________________________________________ Last name: ________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City: _______________________ State: ________________________ Postal code: _________________ Country: _____________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________ Registration as: Member APICSAa: Professional Professional General: c Special agreement : Professional Studentb Studentb Studentb a Apicsa members must have paid their annual registration fee or pay it with the registration to the Congress. b Students have to submit to the Secretariat a copy of their university/college registration or student card updated. c They must prove their belonging to the institution of the agreement by sending a copy of the institution license, certicate or registration. Total payment: Workshop (Number ______ / ______ / ______)....... US$ ________ Registration to the Congress...……………….…..... US$ ________ Annual fee of APICSA membership....................... US$ ________ TOTAL PAYMENT ............................................. US$ ________ Method of payment: Credit card Western Union Paypal Bank transfer ³Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) ³Intervention in situations of conict and violence in the couple ³Immigration and resilience ³Psychological abuse: bullying and mobbing ³Measurement in Clinical and Health Psychology ³Psychological treatment of chronic diseases ³Lifestyle and health Consider this information when registrating to Congress trought the website: www.apicsacongreso.com Main Hotel The Sheraton Old San Juan Hotel offers special prices for Congress attendees. Limited availability.