S.I.S. KNIGHTLY NEWS “A successful school is not a matter of luck, it’s a matter of TEAMWORK!” Selah Intermediate School * 1401 W Fremont Avenue * Selah WA 98942 Jim Merz, Principal Josh Emmons, Assistant Principal January, 2011 Don’t Forget To Exercise Your Right To Vote! Selah School District Facilities Bond Vote-By-Mail Election — February 8, 2011 On February 8, 2011, Selah Voters will be asked to vote on a $39.95 million Facilities Bond addressing the following issues: · Safety and Security · Efficiency · Education Excellence The Bond proposal includes: · A New Junior High School for Grades 6-8 · High School Improvements · John Campbell Elementary Bus/Parent Load Zone and Parking Improvements · Partial Demolition of Robert Lince Elementary · Instructional Technology Upgrades for all Schools If passed, the increase to taxpayers is estimated to be 74 cents per $1,000 in assessed valuation (or $12/month on $200,000 home). If passed, the district will receive $19.2 million in state matching money to help complete the projects identified. If passed, the district will be re-configured to four (4) main campuses (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12). The Robert Lince campus will continue to house the maintenance shop, and will possibly house the district office, Pre School, and/or Selah Academy. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call Dr. Steve Chestnut or Chris Scacco at (509) 697-0706. Bono para las Escuelas del Distrito de Selah Elección de voto por correo; 8 de febrero, 2011 El 8 de febrero, 2011, se les pedirá a los votantes de Selah que voten acerca del Bono de $39.95 millones para corregir y mejorar los siguientes problemas: · Seguridad · Eficiencia · Educación de Excelencia La propuesta del Bono incluye: · Una escuela nueva de Junior High/Secundaria para los grados escolares 6-8 · Reparaciones y mejora para la High School/Preparatoria · Hacer una zona para alojar y desalojar estudiantes para los papas y los autobuses escolares en la escuela primaria John Campbell · Demolición parcial de edificio Robert Lince · Mejorar la tecnología educacional en todas las escuelas Si pasa el Bono, se les incrementaría a los pagadores de impuestos un promedio de 74 centavos por cada $1,000 de valor asesado (o por ejemplo una casa con valor de $200,000 se pagarían $12 al mes). Si pasa el Bono, el distrito recibiría $19.2 millones que el estado igualaría para los proyectos mencionados arriba. Si pasa el Bono, el distrito será reconfigurado a cuatro escuelas (Kinder-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12). La escuela Robert Lince va a continuaría siendo el edificio de mantenimiento y posiblemente la oficina principal del Distrito. También puede utilizarse como la escuela Pre Escolar y/o Academia de Selah. Si tiene preguntas, al respecto no dude en llamar al Dr. Steve Chestnut o a Chris Scacco al (509) 697-0706. WORDS FROM THE LIBRARY! Parents and Students, Selah Intermediate, Robert Lince Elementary and John Campbell Elementary have all recently updated the Accelerated Reader program to Enterprise. The most exciting part is that parents and students will have access to student progress online. Teachers will also have more tools to use to help students grow as readers. Please be watching for HOME CONNECT to be activated and further details about how you are able to access information about your son or daughter’s reading progress. Students already are able to use Enterprise to take tests. Some basic facts to know: No, students are not able to take AR tests at home, but they now have more than 140,000 tests available to them at school and we are able to ask for more tests for certain titles. HOME CONNECT is coming soon. Parents, teachers, and students can look to see if a book has a test at www.arbookfind.com The technology has just been updated to work better than before, but sometimes limiting your search to the author’s last name, spelled correctly, will give you a list. Please search two or three times before assuming there is no test. GET READY TO VOTE in early March! Students who read two of the twelve titles on the Sasquatch Reading Award list will be able to vote in March. Voting time will come soon so please encourage your son or daughter to try a few of these titles which have been nominated by teachers, librarians and students as “good reads”. All have AR tests. The lists are on bookmarks available at your library and online. It is always fun to see if we choose the winner AND each year’s list provides really good suggestions for reading with several reading levels and genres included. RESEARCH RESOURCES Parents, please take time to explore our Library Catalog found on the Intermediate Homepage which can also be used with a more visual Destiny Quest chosen from the menu on the left. Covers of the books can be seen there. If you have need of resources for research, WebPath Express lists excellent websites chosen by educators including the reading levels, K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. The Yakima Valley Regional Library, www.yvrl.org, has great tools for you too. Look for RESEARCH DATABASES in the menu on the left at their website. You will find World Book Online, magazine articles in Proquest and Ebscohost and much, much more. Look for the different reading levels that are available to help younger students. You must have a Yakima Valley Regional Library Card number to access their data base. Messages and Bus Passes….Because we canSNOW CLOSURE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 697-0515 FOR SCHOOL DAY SCHEDULE You may also access the web selah.k12.wa.us for snow closure information. not be confident that all students will receive their messages on time, our policy is that no messages will be given to students after 1:45p.m. In addition, for the safety and protection of our students, we will no longer issue bus passes after 1:45. We have had several students miss busses after school due to lack of planning on their part. STUDENT/PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Selah Intermediate School conferences will be student involved this spring. Our goal is for every parent/guardian and student to be involved in conferences and to meet with one of their teachers. In an effort to improve communication and conference attendance, 5th – 7th grade teachers will be scheduling conferences with individual parents. Instead of meeting with all of your child’s teachers, you will meet with only one. Your child and their teacher will help explain grades, progress and academic goals in all of their other classes. Conferences are scheduled for February 2-4. On those days, the Selah Intermediate school students will be on a late arrival schedule with school starting at 10:15. Conferences will begin at 7:00 AM on Wednesday and Friday and run 15 minutes in length with 5 minutes between each conference. As always we are having night conferences on Thursday, February 3rd from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Please be punctual and end the conference when your time is up. We will be sending home a conference selection form on January 18th. Please mark your top three choices for conference day and time. Please return them by January 21st. We will get back to you to confirm when you are scheduled. If we do not hear from you, we will assume you will be available to meet at any time and will assign you a time to come in. We are looking forward to meeting with you! Knights of the Round Table Our school has started a new program, Knights of the Round Table, to recognize students who are demonstrating the character trait of the month. For the month of December, the following students were recognized for their efforts in showing “Trust” Andi Harris, Ryan Schroeder, Caden Clark, Natalie Anderson, Jordon Newland, Hunter James, Autumn Roberts, Natalie Edlin, Isaac Pollard, Tonya Miller, Victoria Herrera & Victoria Cooper January’s character trait of the month is “Forgiveness”