Liquidación Total is pleased to present GO!

international art exhibition
Liquidación Total is pleased to present GO!, Spanish artist Sally Gutiérrez´s new collaborative project
following the line of Scene of the Crime or yourview. GO! is a virtual/local collaboration which, using the
virtual chain letter strategy, invites international artists to make and send a piece based on the title;
Sally Gutierrez has invited five artists to make and send an artwork, and also to invite five more artists
who will do the same. By the end of the chain, GO! has reached 112 artists from around the world.
The show will open the 12th of December at Liquidación Total .
The command that gives the show its title is an invitation to act: Move! Start! Now! But at the same time
it can be read as an order to leave. Who should leave and who should stay?
GO! invites the artits to analize the phenomena of integration and exclusion in contemporary societies,
as emmigration/immigration, privatization and globalization.
Sally Gutierrez is known for her documentary style videos, that also work at a metaphoric plane, her
project GO! moves in a similar way; concept and structure mirror each other, the artists´ connections
are made visible, and from such relationships the project passes to a local level.
GO! Will include drawings, videos, photographs, paintings, posters, photomontage, digital prints,
tattoos and three dimensional pieces. Art works will be on sale for the symbolic price range between
0.99¤ and 200¤. 50% of sales will be used to support future projects in Liquidación Total.
We invite you not to lose the oportunity to see GO! and to acquire an artwork of internationally recognised
artists for a fantastic price, supporting in this manner a cultural, non profit independent space.
Thanks & GO!
Liquidación Total
23 San Vicente Ferrer. Madrid
Opening: December 12, 21p.m.
wparty 23.00p.m
Finnisage: January 16 - 21p.m.
w party 23.00p.m
December 12 - 2003 / January 16 - 2004
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 17 - 21.00 p.m
0) sally gutierrez (madrid/berlin/ny) invited:
1), 2), 3), 4), 5)
1) azucena vieites (san sebastián/madrid) invited:
1-1-1 hope hall (ny)
1-1-3 pascale wettstein (switzerland/ny)
1-1-4 jason jones (canada/ny)
1-2-1 john tarry (australia)
1-2-2 sharif waked (palestine/israel)
1-2-3-kathrin lock (germany)
1-2-4 angelika mittendorf (germany)
1-4-1 héctor marín (barcelona/madrid)
1-4-2 josé manuel nuevo (valladolid /madrid)
1-4-3 chema peralta (madrid)
1-4-4 alberto pina (athens/madrid)
1-4-5 mariluz ruiz (madrid)
1-5-1 bárbara fluxá (madrid)
1-5-2 juan carlos gómez (madrid)
1-5-3 mónica ramos (madrid)
1-5-4 raúl espinel (madrid)
1-5-5 sara quintero (madrid)
2-1 eduardo galvagni (argentina/madrid)
2-2 marta de gonzalo y publio pérez prieto (madrid)
2-3 belén cueto (madrid)
2-4 paula chalkho (argentina/israel/madrid)
2-5 nathalie hunter (belgium/antwerp)
3) alex villar (brasil/ny) invited:
3-1-1 pavel buchler (prague/manchester)
3-1-2 john smith (uk)
3-1-3 ayreen anastas (palestine/berlin/ny)
3-1-3-1 peter lasch (mexico/ny)
3-1-3-2 alia hasan khan (pakistan/ny)
3-1-3-3 jesal kapadia (india/ny)
3-1-3-4 ulrike müller (berlin)
3-1-5 pedro paixao (lisboa/milan)
3-2-1 katrin pesch (berlin/ny)
3-2-2 felipe mujica (ny)
3-2-3 diego fernandez (ny)
3-2-4 johanna unzueta (ny)
3-2-5 juan céspedes (santiago de chile)
3-3-1 a.s. bessa (brasil/usa)
3-3-2 laura carton (usa)
3-3-5 skúta (iceland/usa)
3-4-1 rene gabri (iran/armenia/ny)
3-5-1 christian nguyen (ny)
3-5-2 dario solman (croatia/ny)
3-5-3 jane benson (uk/ny)
3-5-4 liselot van der heijden (holland/ny)
3-5-5 brendan earley (dublin)
4-1 andrea creutz (sweden/denmark)
4-2 elena tzotzi (sweden)
4-3 jenny perlin (usa)
4-4 angel nevarrez (mexico/usa)
4-5 lars burchardt (denmark)
5) florian zeyfgang (berlin) invited:
5-1-4 oanna rajkowska (poland)
5-1-5 nick crowe (manchester)
5-2-1 kentaro hiroki (japan/sweden)
5-2-2 gregory fleischer (san francisco)
5-2-3 borga kanturk (turkey)
5-2-4 nuri alco (in the hearts of his audiences)
5-2-4 gulsen bal (london)
5-4-1 karl haendel (los angeles)
5-4-2 sharon hayes (ny/los angeles)
5-4-3 anne walsh (san francisco)
2) diego del pozo barriuso (madrid) invited:
2-1-1 ben dierckx (belgium/madrid)
2-1-2 kamen nedev (bulgaria/madrid)
2-1-3 karina maddonni (argentina)
2-1-4 cecilia de souza (argentina)
2-1-5 maría andrea padilla (colombia)
2-2-1 chechu álava (asturias/paris)
2-2-2 alberto baraya (colombia/madrid)
2-2-3 sofía jack (girona/madrid)
2-2-4 paco nadie (france/gijón)
2-2-5 jaime vallaure (oviedo/madrid)
2-3-1 diana nicolás (madrid)
2-3-2 ana pol (lugo/madrid)
2-3-3 gema pastor (aranda de duero/madrid)
2-3-4 maría iñigo (pamplona/madrid)
2-3-5 paula morón (madrid)
2-4-1 sergio stroker (big world)
2-4-2 mariana eliano (argentina/madrid)
2-4-3 oded ezer (israel)
2-4-4 maya may (israel)
2-5-1 kumi oguro (japon/belgium)
2-5-2 yves velter (belgium)
2-5-3 carlos aires (spain/belgium)
2-5-4 sarah corynen (belgium)
2-5-5 gudny rosa ingimarsdottir (iceland/belgium)
3-1 francois bucher (colombia/ny/paris)
3-2 cristobal lehyt (chile/ny)
3-3 ana linnemann (brasil/ny)
3-4 abdelali dahrouch (moroco)
3-5 catarina leitao (portugal)
4) maryam jafri (ny/pakistan/copenhague) invited:
4-1-1 anabela zigova (eslovaquia/ny/paris)
4-1-3 alexandra do carmo (portugal/ny)
4-1-4 takehito etani (japon/ny)
4-1-5 petra trygg (stockholm)
4-2-1 boris achour (france)
4-2-2 karlotta blöndal (sweden)
4-2-3 runo lagomarsino (sweden)
4-2-4 helena wikestam (sweden)
4-2-5 magnus thierfelder (sweden)
4-3-1 rachel urkowitz (ny)
4-3-2 meir gal (ny)
4-3-3 giancarlo norese (italy)
4-4-4 sarah jane lapp (seattle)
4-4-5 trebor scholz (berlin/ny)
4-4-1 maria alos (ny)
4-4-2 pia lindman (finland/ny)
4-4-3 valerie tevere (ny)
4-5-1 peter frimand (denmark)
4-5-2 iben dalgaard (denmark)
4-5-3 mikkel olaf eskildsen (denmark)
4-5-4 peter kjaer (denmark)
5-1 dave beech (manchester)
5-2 serkan ozkaya (turkey)
5-4 kerry tribe (los angeles)
1-1 itziar okariz (san sebastián/ny)
1-2 marisa maza (madrid/berlin)
1-3 estibaliz sadaba (bilbao)
1-4 fernando martín godoy (zaragoza/madrid)
1-5 angel sesma (madrid)