1 The Social Contract in Corporate and Economic Ethics PROGRAM

The Social Contract in Corporate and Economic Ethics
PROGRAM as of May 8
Friday May 22 (Venue: School of Psychology, Campus de la Cartuja; Sala de Grados,
Ground Floor)
9,30 - 10,00
10,00 – 11,30
Keynote Speaker Thomas Donaldson (Wharton School of Business).
"What does the social contract mean for value creation and theories of
the firm?"
11,30 - 12,00 Break
12,00 – 14,00 Panel Session 1 (Chair: Marco Faillo)
César González Cantón (Bureau Veritas Centro Universitario, Madrid):
“Integrative Social Contracts Theory: The Toll of Two False Dichotomies”
Natalia Markova (University of St. Gallen)
“Business Ethical Norms in Russia – Integrative Social Contracts Theory
Germán Granda (Forética – U. Comillas)
“ISCT and CSR in Europe: a project”
Juan Antonio Azkunaga Elgezabal, Leire San-Jose and Sara
Urionabarrenetxea Zabalandikoetxea (University of the Basque Country,
“The social contract in financial institutions and the financial crisis of 2007”
14,00 – 15,30 Lunch break
15,30 – 17,30 Panel Session 2 (Chair: Pedro Francés)
Janina Filek (Cracow University of Economics)
“Social corporate responsibility as a new version of the social contract”
Kristian Høyer Toft (Aalborg University):
“It’s the Systems Fault! - Expanding the scope of CSR to the structure of global
Campus de la Cartuja
18071 Granada
Tfno. +34 958 24 3785
E-mail: pfg@ugr.es
Departamento de Filosofía I
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
BENEB Research Project
MINECO FFI2011-29005
J.M. González, F. Díaz Bretones, R. González, P. Francés (U. of Granada)
“Paradoxical approach to CSR in Spain in a context of economic and social
Rafael Cejudo Córdoba (University of Córdoba)
“Corporate Cultural Responsibility: an assessment model”
17,30 – 18,00 Break
18,00 – 19,30 Discussion paper:
G. Degli Antoni, M. Faillo, P. Francés L. Sacconi (U. Parma, U. Trento, U. of
“The Social Contract of the Firm and conceptions of justice: an experimental
21,15 Workshop Dinner- Restaurante “El Agua” (Placeta del Aljibe Trillo, 7, Albaycín).
Saturday May 23 (Venue: Carmen de la Victoria (Cuesta del Chapiz), Meeting Room first
floor; alternatively, Conference Room)
10,30 – 12,00 Panel Session 3 (Chair: Germán Granda)
Giuseppe Danese (Universidade Catolica Porto) “Sustainability and the social
contract of the stakeholders”
José Luis Retolaza and Leire San-Jose (Deusto Business School and
University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU): “Toward a new theory of the firm”
Virginia Cecchini Manara and Lorenzo Sacconi (SantAnna School of Pisa
and University of Trento): “Institutions, Frames, and Social Contract
12,00-12,30 Break
12,30 – 14,00 Closing Talk
Christoph Lütge (Technical University Munich)
“Contractarian Order Ethics”
14,00 Closing –
Campus de la Cartuja
18071 Granada
Tfno. +34 958 24 3785
E-mail: pfg@ugr.es
Departamento de Filosofía I
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
BENEB Research Project
MINECO FFI2011-29005