Presentación de PowerPoint

Shops I
ŠMarket: mercado de calle, mercadillo
ŠStall: puesto de mercado, barraca de feria
ŠStand: puesto, quiosco
ŠSupermarket: supermercado (DIA)
ŠMarketplace: mercado
ŠMarket square: plaza del mercado
ŠShopping centre: centro comercial
(Shopping Center, in USA) e.j. Grancasa
ŠShopping mall: centro comercial (mall, in USA)
ŠDepartment store: grandes almacenes
e.j. El Corte Inglés
ŠShop assitant: dependiente
ŠShopkeeper: tendero
ŠShopper: comprador
ŠConsumer: consumidor
ŠCustomer: cliente. I’m Zara: soy (cliente) de Zara
ŠStaff: personal, plantilla
ŠManager: director, gerente
ŠManaging director: director (en general)
ŠAssitant manager: subdirector/a, gerente
ŠAssitant: ayudante
ŠLearner: principiante, aprendiz
Learning difficulties: dificultades de aprendizaje
ŠSuperstore: hipermercado. e.j. Maxi
ŠStore: tienda (almacén, in USA)
ŠChain store: tienda de una cadena
ŠSupermarket: supermercado e.j. Dia
ŠTraine, trainee: aprendiz/a
ŠShop: tienda
ŠSecond-hand shop: tienda de 2ª mano
ŠClothes shop: tienda de ropa
ŠBoutique: tienda de ropa
ŠFurniture shop: tienda de muebles
ŠBookshop: librería
ŠShoe shop: zapatería
ŠShop selling: droguería
ŠDrugstore: farmacia-comestibles-periódicos
ŠBakery: panadería
ŠGrocery: tienda de comestibles
ŠGreengrocer’s: verdulería, frutería
ŠFishmonger’s: pescadería
ŠButcher’s: carnicería
ŠCarpentry: carpintería
ŠDealer: vendedor, traficante
ŠShoplifter: ladrón, ladrona
Shoplifting: robo en una tienda
Quino Villa
ŠTrader: comerciante
Trade: comercio
ŠPurchaser: comprador Purchase: compra
Vocabulary related
related II
ŠSales: rebajas
ŠJanuary sales: rebajas de enero
ŠBargain: chollo, ganga
ŠComplaint: queja, reclamación
ŠCompensation: indemnización
ŠGuarantee: garantía
ŠAfter-sales service: servicio de postventa
ŠGoods: artículos
ŠFake goods: artículos falsificados
Vocabulary related
related IIII
ŠIn stock: en existencia
ŠOut of stock: agotado
ŠSell-by-date: fecha de caducidad
ŠClossing date: fecha límite
ŠOut of date: caducado
ŠAdvert, Ats: abreviaturas de advertisement
ŠAdvertisement: anuncio
ŠAdvertising: publicidad
Vocabulary related
related III
ŠTroley: carro
ŠSopping troley: carrito de la compra
ŠShopping list: lista de la compra
ŠShopping bag: bolso de la compra
ŠQueue: cola
ŠTill: caja registradora
ŠReceipt: ticket
ŠLabel: etiqueta
ŠRefound: reembolso
ŠChange: vuelta
You can keep the change (puedes quedarte con...)
ŠBrand: marca (de alimento, ropa) A brand jeans.
ŠMake: marca (de coches, electrodomésticos)
What make of car you got?
ŠBest-seller: éxito editorial
ŠBest-selling: de éxito (adjetivo)
ŠBest-selling book: libro de éxito
Shops II
Some Definitions
ŠShop: ir de compras
ŠShop for something: buscar algo en una tienda
ŠGo shopping: salir de compras
ŠGo shopping mirror: ir de escaparates
ŠDo the shopping: hacer la compra
ŠShopping: comprar
ŠShop around: comparar precios
ŠTake something back: devolver
ŠBuy on credit: comprar a crédito
ŠCredit: abonar (en el mundo de las finanzas)
ŠComplain (about): quejarse (de), reclamar
ŠPack your luggage: recoja su equipaje
ŠBuy - bought - bought: comprar
ŠSell - sold - sold: vender
ŠCost - cost - cost: costar
ŠSpend - spent - spent: gastar
ŠPay - paid - paid: pagar
ŠYour shopping
ŠSteal - stole - stolen: robar objetos (wallet, a
ŠRob: robar en un banco, en una tienda...
ŠDeal in drugs: traficar con drogas
Vocabulary related
related IV
ŠGift: regalo
ŠPackaging: embalaje
ŠWrapping: envoltorio
ŠWrapping paper: papel de envolver
ŠA buy: una compra
ŠMy favourite buy: mi compra favorita
Quino Villa
A building or a part of a building where things are sold.
A place where goods are bought and sold, frequently outdoors.
ŠShopping centre
A specially built area containing a lot of different shops.
ŠShopping mall
A specially built covered area containing shops and restaurants which people can walk between, and where cars are
not allowed.
ŠDepartment store
A big shop where you can buy everything.
ŠThe shopping
The things which you buy when you go to shops.
The things that you have bought from shops, especially food.
ŠShopping list
A list of the things that you want to buy when you go shopping.
ŠWindow shopping
You spend time looking at the goods in the windows of shops without intending to buy anything.
ŠShopping chanel
A television channel that broadcasts programmes showing products that you can phone to buy.
ŠShop (verb)
You go to shops and buy things.
Vocabulary related
related VV
ŠToiletries: productos de tocador
ŠBranch: sucursal
ŠGlobal marketplace: mercado global
You can
can wear
wear with...
ŠCasual clothes: ropa informal
ŠCasual wear: ropa informal, de sport
ŠCasuals: zapatos de sport
ŠCasuals: ropa de sport
ŠSmart clothes: ropa elegante
To look smart: estar elegante