SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS, INC. 7811 Shaffer Parkway • Littleton, CO 80127-3732 USA • Tel: +1.720.981.7882 • Fax: +1.720.981.7874 E-mail: Student Chapter Annual Report Form This form is used to report on Student Chapter activities over the previous year. The report provides a useful medium to document the status and progress of individual chapters. Annual Reports are used to evaluate applications for SEG support and to keep information up-to-date on the SEG website. Please provide a summary of chapter activities in a concise form as suggested below. Description of programs may be supported by a limited number of photographs and figures in a format appropriate for publishing on our website. Submission Deadline: September 30th Submit to: 09/2014 09/2015 Month/Year Reported: From _______________________(mm/yyyy) – To _______________________(mm/yyyy) Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Medellin Campus Chapter Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Calle 25 sur #46-35 / casa 115 / Villagrande / Envigado Chapter Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Website: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Facebook: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Executive Committee (in office during the time frame captured on this report) (type “Vacant” if position not filled): President: Carlos Andres Arias Quintero __________________________________________ Name Paola Andrea Hoyos Giraldo Vice President: __________________________________________ Name Secretary: __________________________________________ E-mail Andres Areiza Peña __________________________________________ Name Treasurer: __________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________ E-mail Yuliana Correa Velásquez __________________________________________ Name __________________________________________ E-mail Chapter Academic Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing): Oswaldo Ordonez Carmona (+57) 3006125434 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________ Name E-mail Phone Calle 25 sur #46-35/casa 115/Villagrande/Envigado _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Address Fax Chapter Industry Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing and not affiliated with the student chapter’s institution): Jorge E. Lopez (+57) 3058379 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________ Name E-mail Phone AA 4899 Medellin/Colombia _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Address Fax UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA Sponsoring Institution or Company (name): _________________________________________________________________ Attach: 1. a list of names of all Student Chapter members (please indicate by * if SEG Student Member). 2. complete Student Chapter Membership Information form with the current Executive Committee listed on page 1. On a separate page(s) provide a summary of student chapter annual activities: 1. Regular meetings, lectures 2. Field trips (dates, area visited, field trip leaders, number of participants, sponsors, benefits for students). Note: this is not the place for a detailed field trip report that is required from a chapter who has received funding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund. 3. If your chapter received funding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund, please submit a separate actual accounting of how chapter funds were spent/used. 4. Organization of conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants, benefits for students) 5. Participation in conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants from the chapter, benefits for students) 6. Fund-raising programs 7. Other programs 8. Future plans Aug2015VS STUDENT CHAPTER 2014-2015 REPORT Student Chapter Executive Committee: President: Carlos Andrés Arias Quintero Vicepresident: Paola Andrea Hoyos Giraldo Secretary: Andrés Areiza Peña Treasurer: Yuliana María Correa Velásquez Student Chapter Executive Committee (Elected 2015-2016): President: Julián Enrique Vélez Vicepresident: Yamile Isabel Casasbuenas Cabezas Secretary: Lizeth Noriega Piñerez Treasurer: Manuel León Díaz SUMMARY OF ANNUAL ACTIVITIES OF SEG - ST CHAP REGULAR MEETINGS, LECTURES In this year all the student chapter joint effort were concentrated on getting funds for the planned fieldtrip, initially we thought travel to Canada but there were many elements that complicated this fieldtrip such as distance, costs, documentation, few replies of mines that could confirm our visit, etc. We’ve decided reprogram this fieldtrip to Perú, so in this way the regular meetings activities were focused on select the mines we would like to visit, getting contacts that could help us in geological cross sections, transport and hotels. About lectures, our student chapter host for the first time ever the visit of a Lecturer from SEG (Thayer Lindsley Visiting Lecturer) we received in our university, in a public conference from Karen D. Kelley the talk “The Giant Concealed Pebble Cu-Au-Mo Porphyry Deposit, Southwest Alaska: Evolution and Exploration Implications”. This talk was enriching for all the assistants due to the similarities in technical, geological and environmental between Pebble and some projects in our country. Figure 1.Student chapter and assitants with Dr. Karen D. Kelley FIELD TRIPS ● Quebradona mining project, Anglogold Ashanti, Middle Cauca Belt, Jericó, Antioquia On Tuesday September 8th the student chapter visited one of the three main exploration projects of Anglogold Ashanti in Colombia, a porphyry Cu-Au type mineralization which it was discovered nine years ago, its Inferred mineral resources are: 4Mt Cu, 6 Moz Au, 85 Moz Ag, Mo 70 Kt. During the visit, the student chapter met the geological models of the project and how they have perfected with 77000 m drilling made. They observed core drilling and a drilling rig operating at the time of the visit. Figure 2. The SEG student chapter in Quebradona project. CONFERENCE, WORKSHOPS, SHORT COURSES ● Curso teórico práctico “Fundamentos para la evaluación de recursos minerals” (Theoretic and practical short course on basics for evaluation of mineral resources) This course was offered for students, geologists, mining and geologist engineers, and all people related to the mining industry. This short course was given by the mining engineer and geostatitician Mario Rossi, its duration was 32 hours and the assistants learned the concepts of geostatistics and how to model resources through a statistics advanced software (GSLib) ● Tectonomagmatic controls on porphyry and epithermal mineralization This short course was offered also for students, geologists, mining and geologist engineers, and all people related to the mining industry. It was an enriching course for all the assistants, including foreign assistants, its duration was 24 hours and was given for the Ph. D Jeremy Richards, at this short course the assitants have the opportunity to learn about this expert and make some rocks and mineral identification from rock samples of Jeremy’s personal collection. Figure 3.Student chapter and assitants with Ph. D Jeremy Richards ● “The importance of ophiolites. Aburra Ophiolite basics” Ana María Correa On October 28th the Student Chapter organized a public conference with the geologist from Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Ana María Correa. She have been studying ophiolites since his undergraduate program. Between his works there are investigations on Aburra Ophiolite, this geological unit has so much importance in the understanding of geology of Aburrá Valley. Figure 4. Student Chapter at the talk “The importance of ophiolites. Aburra Ophiolite basics” PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCE, WORKSHOPS, SHORT COURSES During this year our vice-president participated on the fifteenth Colombian Geological Congress in Bucaramanga, she presented her thesis "Molybdenite in the Segovia Remedios mining district" which presents the mineralogical association of Cordoba system and the importance of molybdenite occurrence in the district. Figure 5. The SEG member in the fifteenth Colombian Geological Congress FUNDING RAISING PROGRAMS The principal funds raising for the chapter is the organization of student’s chapter integrations, barbecues, raffles, and selling of chapter items as divers, vest, hats, notebooks, notepads, etc. The funds are used to pay to the driver in the local field trips. Also for the planning of Perú field trip the chapter have received donations of geology and mining organizations such as SEG and Data Metallogenica FUTURE PLANS At december of this year the student chapter will be going to mining projects and world class deposits in Perú, there are some mines that have confirmed the visit such as Yanacocha, Cerro Verde, Poderosa and Cuajone. The objective is the general understanding of the full mining process: learn about how is the development of large scale mining, their impacts and environmental challenges, how is the geology and geodynamic setting and their relationship with the mineralization and some of the geotechnical aspects. Other idea is realize a field trip in Colombia where we can learn about the large-medium-small scale mining and its environmental and social impacts. The most important objective of this new period is return the student chapter to the high academic discussions around economic geology and in the other aspects that involve that and also promote the student chapter in the university with students of all different semesters. Carlos Andrés Arias Quintero President SEG Student Chapter Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellin Campus School of Mines