Ancient Near East 36

Fundada en 1945
Responsable de la Sección: Carmen Alcrudo
Muñoz Seca, 6. 50005 Zaragoza (España)
P.O. Box 503. 50080 Zaragoza (Spain)
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7 de julio de 2011
Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo
01 Acquaro, E.: Gli insediamenti fenici e punici in Italia
1988 – 126 pp., fig., 52 lám.col. € 11,00
02 Alram, M. / D. E. Klimburg-Salter, eds.: Coins, Art, and Chronology.
Essays on the Pre-Islamic History of the Indo-Iranian Borderlands
1999 – viii + 498 pp. € 113,00
03 Alram, M. & al., eds.: Coins, Art and Chronology, II: The First Millennium
C. E. in the Indo-Iranian Borderlands
2010 – 470 pp., fig. € 101,95
04 Andrae, W.: Memorias de un arqueólogo. Viajes y descubrimientos
alemanes en Babilonia y Asiria. Edición de J. M. Córdoba
2010 – 373 pp., lám. b/n y col. € 22,00
05 Arbel, D. V. / A. A. Orlov, eds.: With Letters of Light. Studies in the Dead
Sea Scrolls, Early Jewish Apocalypticism, Magic and Mysticism in Honor of
Rachel Elior
2010 – viii + 456 pp. € 129,95
06 Aula Orientalis. Revista de estudios del Próximo Oriente Antiguo, XXVIII/
2 — Julio 2010
2010 – 160 pp., fig. € 46,88
ÍNDICE: D. Arnaud: Textes du Levant en sumérien et en babylonien — A. Avanzini: A
reassessment of the chronology of the first millennium BC — R. Della Cassa: La frontera
septentrional en los documentos hititas: una lectura simbólica de las instrucciones de Arnuwanda
I al gobernador de provincia (CTH 261) — G. del Olmo Lete: The nominal postpositional
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
morpheme /-y/ in ugaritic. Gender, inflection, and vocalization — M. L. Mangado Alonso:
Consideraciones sobre un nuevo tipo de momificación egipcia hallada en la necrópolis del
Osireion de la ciudad de Oxirrinco — J. P. Monferrer: Al-H.igâz y los ‘orígenes árabes’ del
monoteísmo mosaico. A propósito de una reescritura en los Annales de Eutiquio de Alejandría
— J. Peterson: A fragmentary erotic sumerian context featuring Inana — M. Viano: The economy
of Emar I — Recensiones.
07 Berthelot, K. / D. S. Ben Ezra, eds.: Aramaica Qumranica. Proceedings
of the Conference on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran in Aix-en-Provence 30
June-2 July 2008
2011 – xii + 624 pp. € 187,20
08 Bolger, D. / L. C. Maguire, eds.: The Development of Pre-State
Communities in the Ancient Near East. Studies in Honour of Edgar Peltenburg
2010 – x + 224 pp. € 47,00
ÍNDICE: Introduction: D. Bolger / L. C. Maguire: The development of pre-state communities
in the ancient Near East — 1. Social Organisation and Complexity in Pre-State Communities:
M. Verhoeven: Social complexity and archaeology: a contextual approach — P. M. M. G.
Akkermans: Late neolithic architectural renewal: the emergence of round houses in the northern
Levant, c. 6500-6000 BC — D. Papaconstantinou: Abandonment processes and closure
ceremonies in prehistoric Cyprus: in search of ritual — D. Grankel: A different chalcolithic: a
central cypriot scene — H. Genz: Thoughts on the function of ‘public buildings’ in the early
bronze age southern Levant — 2. Early Urban Communities and the Emergence of the State:
T. Wilkinson: The Tell: social archaeology and territorial space — L. Crewe: Rethinking
Kalopsidha: from specialisation to state marginalisation — A. Porter: From kin to class — and
back again! Changing paradigms of the early polity — M. Frangipane: Different models of
power structuring at the rise of hierarchical societies in the Near East: primary economy versus
luxury and defence management — L. Cooper: States of hegemony: early forms of political
control in Syria during the 3rd millennium BC — 3. Technology, Economy and Society: O.
Nieuwenhuyse: A household affair? Pottery production in the Burnt Village at late neolithic
Tell Sabi Abyad — L. Steel: Late cypriot ceramic production: heterarchy or hierarchy? — G.
Thomas: The domestication of stone: early lime plaster technology in the Levant — D. Stordeur:
Domestication of plants and animals, domestication of symbols? — P. Croft: Herds lost in
time: animal remains from the 1969-1970 excavation seasons at the ceramic neolithic settlement
of Philia-Drakos site A, Cyprus — 4. Agency, Identity and Gender: B. Finlayson: Agency in
the pre-pottery neolithic A — G. Campbell: Understanding symbols: putting meaning into the
painted pottery of prehistoric northern Mesopotamia — D. Bolger: Gender and social complexity
in prehistoric and protohistoric Cyprus — L. C. Maguire: The painting process of white painted
and white slip wares: communities of practice — J. M. Webb: The ceramic industry of Deneia:
crafting community and place in middle bronze age Cyprus — 5. Insularity, Ethnicity and
Cultural Interaction: C. McCartney: Outside the corridor? The neolithisation of Cyprus — J.
Clarke: Contextualising neolithic Cyprus: preliminary investigations into connections between
Cyprus and the Near East in the later neolithic — D. Baird: Was Çatalhöyük a centre? The
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
implications of a late aceramic neolithic assemblage from the neighbourhood of Çatalhöyük
— A. McCarthy: The birth of ethnicity iin Iran: mesopotamian-elamite cross-cultural relations
in late prehistory.
09 Breyer, F.: Ägypten und Anatolien. Politische, kulturelle und sprachliche
Kontakte zwischen dem Niltal und Kleinasien im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr.
2011 – 633 pp., fig. € 165,90
10 Briquel Chatonnet, F. / M. Debie, eds.: Sur les pas des araméens chrétiens. Mélanges offerts à Alain Desreumaux
2010 – 448 pp. + lám., fig. € 57,20
11 Carrasco Serrano, G. / J. C. Oliva Mompeán, eds.: Escrituras y lenguas
del Mediterráneo en la antigüedad
2005 – 380 pp., fig., fot. € 21,00
ÍNDICE: G. Carrasco Serrano: Prólogo — J. L. Cunchillos Ilarri: Las nuevas tecnologías y las
escrituras y lenguas del Próximo Oriente antiguo — J. P. Vita Barra: Los primeros sistemas
alfabéticos de escritura — A. Bernabé Pajares: Lengua hitita y lengua griega — J. C. Oliva
Monpeán: Lengua hurrita: problemas y perspectivas — J. A. Belmonte Marín: Los dialectos
acadios y su presencia en Siria-Palestina — J. Cervelló Autuori: Los orígenes de la escritura en
Egipto: entre el registro arqueológico y los planteamientos historiográficos — F. Aura Jorro:
Escrituras y documentos en el Egeo del Ii milenio a. C. — J. A. Correa Rodríguez. Escritura
tartesia — F. Villar Liébana: La lengua celtibérica — J. Velaza Frías: La escritura y la lengua
en el mundo ibérico: algunas reflexiones.
12 Clark, D. R. / L. G. Herr / O. S. Labianca / R. W. Younker,: The Madaba
Plains Project. Forty Years of Archaeological Research Into Jordan’s Past
2011 – xx + 305 pp., 91 fig. € 87,00
ÍNDICE: 1. Madaba Plains Project Research after 40 Years: L. T. Geraty: The Madaba plains
project: a personal forty-year retrospective, 1967-2007 — Ø. S. LaBianca: Tall Hisban:
palimpsest of great and little traditions — L. G. Herr: Tall al-‘Umayri in the early and middle
bronze ages, and the late iron I, iron II, late iron II/persian, hellenistic, early roman, byzantine,
and islamic periods — D. R. Clark: The late bronze and early iron ages at Tall al-‘Umayri —
R. W. Younker & al.: The Madaba plains project: excavations at Tall Jalul — 2. Assessment of
the Contributions of the Madaba Plains Project to the Archaeology of the Southern Levant: W.
G. Dever: Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Madaba plains project — S. Richard: On the
periphery of the Madaba plains project: celebrating core accomplishments in the field of
archaeology — A. F. Rainey: Collaborative research with the Madaba plains project by an
historical geographer — 3. Legacy of the Madaba Plains Project throughout Jordan: Z. A.
Kafafi: From Tall Hisban to Tall al-‘Umayri: 40 years researching the late bronze age — G. L.
Christopherson / T. K. Entz: Where are those guys? Iron age I settlement in the Tall al-‘Umayri
hinterland — R. Root: The artist’s role in archaeology: artists and archaeologist: how they
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
work together — G. London / R. D. Shuster: Organizational aspects of pottery production in
central Jordan — T. P. Harrison: Beyond the Madaba plains project: a regional approach to the
archaeology of the Madaba plains region — P. M. M. Daviau: Discovering iron age towns in
central Jordan: the legacy of the Madaba plains project — B. J. Walker: From the Madaba
plains to northern Jordan — B. de Vries: «Be of good cheer! No one on earth is immortal»:
religious symbolism in tomb architecture and epitaphs at the Umm el-Jimal and Tall Hisban
cemeteries — C.-H. C. Ji: Khirbat al-Mahatta revisited: surveys, soundings, and the Tobiads
— U. Worschech: Alois Musil in and around the Madaba plains.
13 Cripps, E. L.: Sargonic and Presargonic Texts in the World Museum Liverpool
2010 – 138 pp., 49 fig. € 41,00
14 Culbertson, L., ed.: Slaves and Households in the Near East
2011 – vii + 151 pp., tabl. € 24,90
ÍNDICE: Introduction: L. Culbertson: Slaves and households in the Near East — 1. Early
Mesopotamia: H. Neumann: Slavery in private households toward the end of the third
millennium B.C. — L. Culbertson: A life-course approach to household slaves in the late third
millennium B.C. — A. Seri: Domestic female slaves during the old babylonian period — 2.
The Islamic Near East: M. S. Gordon: Preliminary remarks on slaves and slave labor in the
third/ninth century ‘Abbâsid empire — E. R. Toledano: An empire of many households: the
case of ottoman enslavement — 3. Second and First Millennium Empires: K. Kleber: Neither
slave nor truly free: the status of the dependents of babylonian temple households — F. R.
Magdalene / C. Wunsch: Slavery between Judah and Babylon: the exilic experience — J. S.
Tenney: Household structure and population dynamics in the middle babylonian provincial
«slave» population — 4. Response: I. Chatterjee: Slaves and households in the Near East: a
15 De Martino, S.: Hurrian Personal Names in the Kingdom of Hatti
2011 – 107 pp. € 32,20
16 Demare-Lafont, S. / A. Lemaire, eds.: Trois millénaires de formulaires
2010 – 472 pp. € 96,10
ÍNDICE: D. Charpin: Les formulaires des contrats de Mari à l’époque amorrite: entre tradition babylonienne et innovation — S. Démare-Lafont: Éléments pour une diplomatique juridique des textes d’Émar — W. van Soldt: The akkadian legal texts from Ugarit — D. Pardee: Les
textes juridiques en langue ougaritique — P. Villard: Les formulaires juridiques des textes
néo-assyriens — A. Lemaire: Les formulaires juridiques des tablettes araméennes — H.
Nutkowitz: Les formulaires d’Éléphantine: contrats de mariage et donations successorales —
F. Joannès: Les formulaires juridiques néo-babyloniens — J. Dusek: Les formules juridiques
dans les contrats du wadi Daliyeh — F. Bron: Les formulaires juridiques sudarabiques — M.
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
Abdelaziz: Les formules juridiques dans les contrats nabatéens — E. Cussini: Legal formulary
from syriac documents and palmyrene inscriptions: an overview — L. Vana: Le get et les
formulaires du get (lettre de divorce) en droit rabbinique — J. Olszowy-Schlanger: Les formulaires des documents hébreux de la Guenizah du Caire: un aperçu — G. Khan: Les documents
arabes juridiques de la Guenizah du Caire et leur contexte historique — Conclusion.
17 Dezzi Bardeschi, C.: Architettura domestica nella Mesopotamia settentrionale nel II millennio a.C.
1998 – xxvi + 405 pp., fig., 1 despl. € 106,00
18 Doumet-Serhal, C. / A. Rabate / A. Resek, eds.: Networking Patterns of
the Bronze Age an Iron Age Levant. The Lebanon and its Mediterranean Connections, Beirut (ACCP), 4-9 November 2008
2008 – vii + 218 pp., fig., lám.col. € 92,00
19 Dusek, J.: Les manuscrits araméens du Wadi Daliyeh et la samarie vers
450-332 av. J.-C.
2007 – xxvi + 702 pp., 44 fig. € 220,50
20 Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 32
2010 – 316 pp. € 27,00
21 Erickson-Gini, T.: Nabataean Settlement and Self-Organized Economy
in the Central Negev. Crisis and Renewal
2010 – xiii + 330 pp., fig., tabl. € 65,50
22 Evans, C. A., ed.: Routledge Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus
2010 – 752 pp. € 49,50
23 Freydank, H. / B. Feller: Mittelassyrische Rechtsurkunden und Verwaltungstexte IX
2010 – vi + 106 pp., 117 fig., 18 lám. € 56,00
24 Gander, M.: Die geographischen Beziehungen der Lukka-Länder
2010 – 224 pp., 4 fig. € 37,45
25 Glassner, J.-J.: Écrire à Sumer. L’invention du cunéiforme
2000 – 304 pp., fig. € 29,00
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
26 Golden, J. M.: Dawn of the Metal Age. Technology and Society During
the Levantine Chalcolithic
2010 – x + 234 pp., fig. € 87,00
ÍNDICE: The dawn of the metal age — Leaving the neolithic — The northern Negev copper
boom — Elite tombs of the chalcolithic — Cornets and copper – a metallurgical perspective
on chalcolithic chronology — A model for specialized craft production — Copper production
at Abu Matar — The seduction of the industry — Technology and society — Production and
social organization during the chalcolithic — Conclusion.
27 González Salazar, J. M., ed.: Rituales hititas: entre la magia y el culto
2009 – 288 pp. € 24,50
ÍNDICE: 1. El contexto: Introducción — Descubriendo y descifrando el enigma de los hititas
— Los hititas en el escenario del Mediterráneo oriental — La religiosidad entre los hititas —
El culto y la devoción entre los hititas — El culto y la devoción entre los hititas — Presentación
y selección de los textos — Sección de textos: Festivales. fiestas regulares oficiales — Festivales.
Fiestas regulares locales — Festivales. Otras festividades singulares — Rituales (comprendiendo
las esferas cortesana, militar o cotidiana).
28 Grajetzki, W.: Greeks and Parthians in Mesopotamia and Beyond, 331
BC-AD 224
2011 – x + 113 pp., 68 fig. € 21,15
29 Gregg, M. W.: Organic Residue Analysis and the First Uses of Pottery in
the Ancient Middle East
2010 – xii + 97 pp., fig. € 48,50
ÍNDICE: Organic residue analysis and the earliest uses of pottery in the ancient Middle East
— The task of extracting and identifying organic residues in archaeological pottery — Use of
‘conventional’ solvent extraction techniques in recovery of organic residues from archaeological
potsherds from 20 neolithic sites in the Middle East — A new method for increasing fatty acid
yields: microwave-assisted extraction of organic residues from archaeological pottery — Results
from use of microwave-assisted extraction techniques in recovery of free fatty acids from
archaeological potsherds from nine neolithic sites in the Middle East — Diagnostic potential
and limitations of different analytical methods in identifying the earliest uses of pottery in the
ancient Middle East — Summary of research findings and suggestions for archaeologists
considering the use of organic residue analysis.
30 Gubel, E.: Phoenician Furniture. A Typology Based on Iron Age
Representations with Reference to the Iconographical Context
1987 – viii + 327 pp., fig., lám. € 88,40
31 Hadas-Lebel, M.: Jerusalem Against Rome
2006 – xx + 581 pp. € 80,00
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
32 Held Jr., W. H. / W. R. Schmalstieg / J. E. Gertz: Beginning Hittite
1988 – ix + 218 pp. € 34,30
33 Jacobs, B. / R. Rollinger, eds.: Der Achämenidenhof / The Achaemenid
Court. Akten den 2. Internationalen Kolloquiums zum Thema Vorderasien im
Spannungsfeld klassischer und altorientalischer Überlieferungen. Landgut
Castelen Bei Basel, 23.-25. Mai 2007
2010 – xi + 941 pp., fig. € 123,00
ÍNDICE: B. Jacobs / R. Rollinger: Einleitende Bemerkungen zu den Achämeniden und
ihrem Hof — I. Vergleichsperspektiven und systemtheoretischer Ansatz: J. Hirschbiegel: Hof.
Zur Überzeitlichkeit eines zeitgebundenen Phänomens — G. B. Lanfranchi: Greek historians
and the memory of the Assyrian court — M. Jursa: Der neubabylonische Hof — D. T. Potts:
Monarchy, factionalism and warlordism: reflections on Neo-Elamite courts — A. Coppola:
Alexander’s court — II. Der Achämenidenhof im Spiegel ausgewählter Quellen und
Quellengruppen: R. Bichler: Der Hof der Achaimeniden in den Augen Herodots — C. Tuplin:
Xenophon and Achaemenid courts: a survey of evidence — H.-P. Mathys: Der
Achämenidenhof im Alten Testament — III. Die achämenidischen Residenzen und ihre
Architektur: D. Huff: Überlegungen zu Fuktion, Genese und Nachfolge des Apadana — IV.
Hofgesecllschaft und Hofzeremoniell: B. Jacobs: Höfischer Lebenstil und materielle
prachtentfaltung — E. Kistler: Achämenidisiche Becher und die Logik kommensaler Politik
im Reich der Achämeniden — M. Brosius: Das Hofzeremoniell — C. Binder: Das
Krönungszeremoniell der Achaimeniden — A. Keaveney. The Chiliarch and the person of
the King — J. Wiesehöfer: Günstlinge und Privilegium am Achaimenidenhof — V. Der
Achämenidenhof als religions-, rechts- und wirtschaftspolitische Instanz: A. de Jong: Religion
at the Achaemenid court — R. Rollinger: Extreme Gewalt und Strafgericht. Ktesias und
Herodot als Zeugnisse für den Achaimenidenhof — W. F. M. Henkelman: «Consumed before
the King». The table of Darius, that of Irdabama and Irtaštuna, and that of his satrap, Karkiš
— C. Waerzeggers: Babyloniansin Susa. The travels of Babylonian businessmen to Susa
reconsidered — VI. Der Achämenidenhof als Machtzentrum und Paradigma: M. Waters:
Applied royal directive: Pissouthnes and Samos — D. Kaptan: From Xenophon to Kritoboulos:
notes on Daskyleion and the satrapal court — M. C. Miller: Luxury toreutic in the Western
satrapies: court-inspired gift-exchange diffusion — VII. Resümee und Zusammenschau: A.
Kuhrt: Der Hof der Achämeniden: concluding remarks — J. Hirschbiegel: Achämeniden und
Burgunder. Bemerkungen am Rande.
34 Jericke, D.: Regionaler Kult und lokaler Kult. Studien zur Kult- und
Religionsgeschichte Israels und Judas im 9. und 8. Jahrhundert v. Chr.
2010 – x + 248 pp. € 56,20
35 Klock-Fontanille, I. / S. Biettlot / K. Meshoub, eds.: Identité et altérité
culturelles. Le cas des hittites dans le Proche-Orient ancien. Actes de collo-
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
que, Université de Limoges 27-28 novembre 2008
2010 – 237 pp. € 35,00
ÍNDICE: O. Artus: De l’influence des «traités de vassalité» hittites sur la composition du livre
du Deutéronome. Évaluation d’une théorie classique en exégèse biblique — J.-F. Blam: Des
«hourro-hittites» aux «éthiopiens-kushites»? Entre mythes et histoire, visions de l’âge du bronze
par les peuples de l’âge du fer (grecs et israélites) — C. Cannuyer: Le grand «mariage hittite»
de Ramsès II et son empreinte dans la mémoire égyptienne — J. De Vos: Amour, musique et
poésie au gré des relations égypto-hittites réflexions autour d’une statuette de harpiste «hittite»
de Médinet el-Gourob/Miour — R. Lebrun: L’apport hourrite dans l’élaboration de la culture
hittite du XIIIe s. av. J.-C. — J.-P. Levet: Palaïte Ha-a-ap-na-as (Hapnaš). Un vestige eurasiatique
en anatolien? — M. G. Masetti-Rouault / S. Salmon: L’Assyrie en Syrie et en Anatolie au
début de l’empire. Cultures en conflit, cultures en contact — C. Mora: Les hittites en Syrie du
nord. Contacts, influences et échanges — J. Tavernier: Les hittites dans les sources
mésopotamiennes — J. Vanschoonwinkel: Milet entre mycéniens et hittites — M. Zorman: La
réforme de la langue hittite au XIIIe siècle av. J.-C. Un instrument au service de la construction
de l’identité — J. Klinger: Postface: Ehtnogenèse et identité dans l’Anatolie de la période
hittite ou: qui étaient les hittites?
36 Kloner, A. / B. Zissu: The Necropolis of Jerusalem in the Second Temple
2007 – viii + 820 pp., 361 fig. € 96,00
37 Köroglu, K. / E. Konyar, eds.: Urartu. Dogu’da Degisim. Transformation in the East
2011 – 376 pp., lám.col. € 57,70
ÍNDICE: K. Köroglu: Urartu: the kingdom and tribes — P. Zimansky: A kingdom revived
from oblivion: urartian studies and literature — M. Salvini: An overview of urartian history —
P. Zimansky: Urartu and its contemporaries – J. Yakar: The ethnoarchaeology of the socioeconomic structure of east Anatolia in the urartian period — S. Kroll: Urartian cities in Iran —
A. M. Dinçol / B. Dinçol: Urartian writing and language — A. Çilingiroglu: Urartian religion
— E. Konyar: Tomb types and burial traditions in Urartu — H. Biber: Urartian weapons — R.
Çavusoglu: Urartian jewelry — A. Ü. Erdem / E. Konyar: Urartian pottery — M. T. Tarhan:
The capital city Tushpa — A. Çilingiroglu: Ayanis fortress — M. Karaosmanoglu: Erzincan
Altintepe fortress.
38 Kratz, R. G. / H. Spieckermann, eds.: One God - One Cult - One Nation.
Archaeological and Biblical Perspectives
2010 – xx + 463 pp. € 99,95
39 Kurkman, G.: Anatolian Weights and Measures
2003 – 432 pp., fig. € 265,00
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
40 Laneri, N.: Biografia di un vaso. Tecniche di produzione del vasellame
ceramico nel Vicino Oriente antico tra il V e il II millennio a.C.
2009 – 174 pp., 39 fig. € 38,00
41 Lang, M. / H. Barta / R. Rollinger, eds.: Staatsverträge, Völkerrecht und
Diplomatie im Alten Orient und in der griechisch-römischen Antike
2010 – x + 179 pp. € 39,50
ÍNDICE: Grundlagen: H. Barta: Zum Enstehen von Rechtsbewusstsein und Rechtsgefühl —
K.-H. Ziegler: Völkerrecht in den antiken Welten — Griechisch-römische Welt: A. Hirata: Die
alexandrinischen Dikaiomata als Quelle der historischen Rechtsvergleichung — P.
Scheibelreiter: «Die gleichen für Freunde und Feinde halten»: Rechtsvergleichende
Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Freund-Feindklausel — H. Graßl: Die ersten
völkerrechtlichen Kontakte Roms zu den Kelten — Ägypten und Vorderasien: S. Allam: Der
Vertrag Ramses’ II. mit dem Hethiterkönig Hattušili III. (nach der hierogliphischen Inschrift
im Karnak-Tempel) — M. Lang: Bilateralität und Vertragstechnik in der Amarna-Zeit — H.
Neumann: Zur rechtsgeschichtlichen und sozialpolitischen Bedeutung der hethitischen
Staatsverträge aus dem 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. — E. Otto: Biblische Motive des Völkerrechts in
persischer Zeit.
42 Laperrousaz, E. M.: L’attente du Messie en Palestine à la veille et au
début de l’ère chrétienne
1982 – 356 pp. € 55,00
43 Lara Peinado, F.: Textos para la historia del Próximo Oriente antiguo
2011 – 416 pp., fig., map. € 18,00
44 Larsen, M. T.: Ankara Kultepe Tabletleri VI-A: The Archive of the Shalim
Assur Family, 1: The First two Generations
2010 – xvi + 585 pp., 67 lám.col. € 46,00
45 Lebrun, R. / J. de Vos, eds.: Hethitica XVI: Studia Anatolica in Memoriam Erich Neu Dicata
2010 – vi + 206 pp. € 34,50
46 Livesey, N. E.: Circumcision as a Malleable Symbol. Early Jewish
Treatments of Circumcision
2010 – 200 pp. € 51,00
47 Lovell, J. L. / Y. M. Rowan, eds.: Culture, Chronology and the Chal-
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
colithic. Theory and Transition
2011 – x + 214 pp., fig., tabl. € 49,75
ÍNDICE: Introduction: Culture, Chronology and the Chalcolithic (Y. M. Rowan / J. L. Lovell)
— Chalcolithic Culture History: Ghassulian and Other Entities in the Southern Levant (I.
Gilead) — Ghrubba: Ware or Culture (Z. Kafafi) — Changes in Material Culture at Late
Neolithic Tabaqat al-Bûma, in Wadi Ziqlab, Northern Jordan (E. B. Banning & al.) — Continuity
and Change – Cultural Transmission in the Late Chalcolithic–Early Bronze Age I: A View
from Early Modi’in, a Late Prehistoric Site in Central Israel (E. C. M. van den Brink) —
Desert Chronologies and Periodization Systems (S. A. Rosen) — Newly Discovered Burials
of the Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age I in Southern Canaan – Evidence of Cultural
Continuity? (A. Golani / Y. Nagar) — Societies in Transition: Contextualizing Tell el-Mafjar,
Jericho (N. Anfinset & al.) — A Techno-Petrographic Approach for Defining Cultural Phases
and Communities: Explaining the Variability of Abu Hamid (Jordan Valley) Early 5th Millennium
cal. BC Ceramic Assemblage (V. Roux & al.) — Developmental Trends in Chalcolithic Copper
Metallurgy: A Radiometric Perspective Changed the World (A. N. Shugar / C. J. Gohm) —
Canaanean Blades in Chalcolithic Contexts of the Southern Levant? (I. Milevski & al.) — The
Transition from Chalcolithic to EB Iin the Southern Levant: A‘Lost Horizon’ Slowly Revealed
(E. Braun).
48 Maeir, A. M.: «In the Midst of the Jordan». The Jordan Valley During the
Middle Bronze Age (Circa 2000-1500 BCE). Archaeological and Historical
2010 – 299 pp., 77 fig. € 66,60
49 McGeough, K. M.: Ugaritic Economic Tablets. Text, Translation and
Notes. Edited By M. S. Smith
2011 – xxvi + 625 pp. € 104,00
50 Melville, S. C. / A. L. Slotsky, eds.: Opening the Tablet Box. Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Benjamin R. Foster
2010 – xviii + 489 pp. € 168,50
ÍNDICE: Bibliography of the works of Benjamin R. Foster — A. Archi: The god Hay(y)a (Ea/
Enki) at Ebla — A. Caubet: Or, pierres précieuses et artifices. Réflexions sur les productions
en matières vitreuses à Tello — D. Charpin: Un nouveau ‘protocole de serment’ de Mari — N.
Czechowicz / M. Dandamayev: A late achaemenid document from Tapsuhu — S. Dalley: Old
babylonian prophecies at Uruk and Kish — J. Darnell: A midsummer night’s succubus – The
herdsman’s encounters in P. Berlin 3024, the Pleasures of fishing and fowling, the Songs of the
drinking place, and the ancient egyptian love poetry — K. Foster: Well-tempered words: ceramic
metaphors in mesopotamian literature — E. Frahm: The latest sumerian proverbs — S. Garfinkle:
Merchants and state formation in early Mesopotamia — A. R. George: The assyrian elegy:
form and meaning — J.-J. Glassner: L’ordre de lecture des présages sur le foie de l’animal
sacrifié — E. Leichty: Dream on — M. Liverani: «Untruthful steles»: propaganda and reliability
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
in ancient Mesopotamia — C. Manassa: Defining historical fiction in new kingdom Egypt —
P. Matthiae: The seal of Ushra-Samu, official of Ebla, and Ishkhara’s iconography — E. Payne:
A new addition to the musical corpus — L. Pearce: Sealed identities — S. Richardson: A light
in the Gagûm window: the Sippar cloister in the old babylonian period — F. Rochberg: Sheep
and cattle, cows and calves: the sumero-akkadian astral gods as livestock — J. Sasson: Coherence
and fragments: reflections on the SKL and the Book of judges — G. Schwartz: Early noncuneiform writing? Third-millennium BC clay cylinders from Umm el-Marra — M. Sigrist:
Myth, magic, and ritual — M. van de Mieroop: A study in contrast: Sargon of Assyria and
Rusa of Urartu — G. Visicato: The career of Ur-Bagara as a chronological indicator of the
documents of Girsu from Šarkališarri to Gudea — A. Westenholz: What’s new in town? — J.
G. Westenholz: Drink to me only with thine eyes.
51 Nicolini, G.: Les ors de Mari
2010 – 482 pp., fig., lám.col. € 83,20
ÍNDICE: 1. Les techniques des ors de Mari: L’apport des Archives royales de Mari — Le
métal — Les techniques de la feuille — Les techniques du fil, la granulation — Les assemblages
et la finition — 2. Catalogue typologique des pièces: Les ornements de tête — Les boucles
d’oreille, les anneaux de nez et de chevelure — Les pendants d’oreille — Les colliers et
éléments de collier — Bracelets et anneaux — Les épingles à chas — Appliques, placages et
feuilles — 3. L’apport historique des ors de Mari: Les ors de Mari dans le Proche Orient
ancien — Les ors et la société — Les ors et la religion — Conclusion générale.
52 Nielsen, J. P.: Sons and Descendants. A Social History of Kin Groups and
Family Names in the Early Neo-Babylonian Period, 747-626 B.C.
2011 – xix + 331 pp. € 123,80
53 Nigro, L.: Tell es-Sultan / Jericho in the Early Bronze Age II (3000-2700
BC): The Rise of an Early Palestinian City. A Synthesis of the Results of Four
Archaeological Expeditions
2010 – 352 pp., fig. € 63,50
ÍNDICE: L. Nigro: Premise — L. Nigro: Introduction: the rise of an urban centre at Tell esSultan — L. Nigro: Founding the city: the earliest city-wall — L. Nigro: The Spring hill:
enucleation of the acropolis and the Spring quarter — L. Nigro: Domestic quarters on the
northern and southern sides of the tell — L. Nigro: EB II tombs in the necropolis — M. Sala:
Early bronze II pottery productions at Tell es-Sultan — L. Nigro: Conclusions: The early city
of Jericho and palestinian EB II urbanization.
54 Niveau de Villedary y Mariñas, A. M.: Cerámicas gaditanas tipo Kuass.
Bases para el análisis de la Bahía de Cádiz en época púnica
2003 – 336 pp., 75 fig., 10 lám. € 50,00
55 Niveau de Villedary y Mariñas, A. M.: Ofrendas, banquetes y libaciones.
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
El ritual funerario en la necrópolis púnica de Cádiz
2009 – 297 pp., 197 fig. € 24,00
ÍNDICE: Introducción — Estado de la cuestión. La investigación arqueológica en la necrópolis
de Cádiz — Los depósitos de materiales: fosas y pozos rituales — El repertorio material del s.
III a.C. Hacia una sistematización formal y funcional de la cerámica púnico-gaditana de
contextos funerario-rituales — Las acciones rituales en la necrópolis púnica de Cádiz a partir
del registro — Recapitalación y conclusiones.
56 Onasch, H.-U.: Ägyptische und assyrische Alabastergefässe aus Assur
2010 – ix + 244 pp., 34 lám. € 70,75
57 Otto, A.: Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der klassisch-syrischen Glyptik
2000 – xv + 364 pp., 40 lám., 7 map., fig. € 149,95
58 Payne, M.: Urartian Measures of Volume
2005 – xv + 387 pp., 33 fig., 31 tabl. € 101,00
59 Perrot, J., ed.: Le palais de Darius à Suse. Une residence royale sur la
route de Persepolis à Babylone
20112 – 520 pp., fig., lám.col. € 59,00
ÍNDICE: P. Briant: Suse et l’Élam dans l’empire achéménide — F. Vallat: Darius le grand roi
— N. Chevalier: Les découvreurs du palais de Suse — J. Perrot: Le programme franco-iranien
(1969-1979) — A. Hesse: Prospection électrique des radiers achéménides — D. Ladiray: Les
données archéologiques — J. Perrot: Restauration, reconstitution — J. Yoyotte: La statue
égyptienne de Darius — F. Vallat: Les principales inscriptions achéménides de Suse — A.
Caubet / N. Daucé: Les arts du feu — P. Amiet / C. Franck: L’art mobilier à Suse à l’époque
perse — R. Boucharlat: Autres travaux de Darius et successeurs — R. Boucharlat / H. Gasche:
Suse sans l’architecture iranienne et orientale — J. Perrot / J. Soler: Darius en son temps.
60 Prato, G. L.: Identità e memoria nell’Israele antico. Storiografia e
confronto culturale negli scritti biblici e giudaici
2010 – 328 pp. € 38,00
ÍNDICE: La storiografia nella Bibbia — Antico Testamento e culture coeve — «Straniero» —
La «torre di Babele» e la comunicazione interrotta — Dalla geografia neutrale alla mappa
ideologica centralizzata — Babilonia terra d’«esilio» e centro propulsore dell’ebraismo —
Epopea maccabaica e «grandeur» di Roma — La persecuzione religiosa nell’ermeneutica
maccabaica — Sapienza e Torah in Ben Sira — Cosmopolitismo culturale e autoidentificazione
etnica nella prima storiografia giudaica — Ebrei ed ebraismo nell’ottica storiografica greca —
Babilonia fondata dai giganti.
61 Puhvel, J.: Hittite Etymological Dictionary, 1-2: 1: Words Beginning with
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
A; 2: Words Beginning with E and I
1984 – xx + 504 pp. € 171,00
62 Puhvel, J.: Hittite Etymological Dictionary, 3: Words Beginning with H
1991 – x + 462 pp. € 160,00
63 Puhvel, J.: Hittite Etymological Dictionary, 4: Words Beginning with K
1997 – x + 333 pp. € 156,00
64 Puhvel, J.: Hittite Etymological Dictionary, 5: Words Beginning with L.
Indices to Volumes 1-5
2001 – 224 pp. € 134,00
65 Puhvel, J.: Hittite Etymological Dictionary, 6: Words Beginning with M
2004 – ix + 216 pp. € 144,95
66 Puhvel, J.: Hittite Etymological Dictionary, 7: Words Beginning with N
2007 – x + 158 pp. € 134,95
67 Puhvel, J.: Hittite Etymological Dictionary, 8: Words Beginning with Pa
2011 – ix + 221 pp. € 149,95
68 Riedweg, C., ed.: Grecia maggiore: intrecci culturali con l’Asia nel
periodo arcaico. Atti del simposio in occasione del 75º anniversario di Walter
Burkert, Roma, 2.2.2006
2009 – 172 pp. € 38,00
ÍNDICE: A. Panaino: Aspetti della complessità degli influssi interculturali tra Grecia ed Iran
— I. Hajnal: Wort und Schrift in der mykenischen Bronzezeit: mit- oder Nebeneinander? —
W. Burkert: Im Schatten des Basileus: griechisch-persische Kulturbegegnungen — M. L.
Gemelli Marciano: A chi profetizza Eraclito di Efeso? Eraclito «specialista del sacro» fra
Oriente e Occidente — G. Casadio: Ex Oriente lux?
69 Rochberg, F.: In the Path of the Moon. Babylonian Celestial Divination
and its Legacy
2010 – xxii + 445 pp. € 158,10
ÍNDICE: Fate and Divination in Mesopotamia — New Evidence for the History of Astrology
— Three Canonicity in Cuneiform Texts — The Assumed 29th A+û Tablet of Enûma Anu
Enlil — TCL 6 13: Mixed Traditions in Late Babylonian Astrology — Benefic and Malefic
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
Planets in Babylonian Astrology — Elements of the Babylonian Contribution to Hellenistic
Astrology — Babylonian Seasonal Hours — Babylonian Horoscopy: The Texts and their
Relations — Continuity and Change in Omen Literature — The Babylonian Origins of the
Mandaean Book of the Zodiac — Scribes and Scholars: The lupðar Enûma Anu Enlil — Lunar
Data in Babylonian Horoscopes — A Babylonian Rising Times Scheme in Non-Tabular
Astronomical Texts — Old Babylonian Celestial Divination — The Heavens and the Gods in
Ancient Mesopotamia: The View from a Polytheistic Cosmology — A Short History of the
Waters Above the Firmament — Periodicities and Period Relations in Babylonian Celestial
Sciences — Conditionals, Inference, and Possibility in Ancient Mesopotamian Science — “If
P, then Q”: Form and Reasoning in Babylonian Divination — Divine Causality and Babylonian
70 Rosen, S. A. / V. Roux, eds.: Techniques and People. Anthropological
Perspectives on Technology in the Archaeology of the Proto-Historic and Early
Historic Periods in the Southern Levant
2009 – 278 pp., 100 fig. € 67,00
ÍNDICE: V. Roux / S. A. Rosen: An introduction to technological studies in the archaeology
of the proto-historic and early historic periods in the southern Levant — Synchronic Variability:
A. Davidzon / I. Gilead: The chalcolithic workshop at Beit Eshel: preliminary refitting studies
and possible socio-economic implications — A. M. Maeir & al.: Macro- and microscopic
aspects of bone tool manufacture and technology in the levantine iron age: a 9th century BCE
workshop from Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel — S. Shalev: Metals and society: production and
distribution of metal weapons in the Levant during the middle bronze age II — Y. Abadi-Reiss
/ J. S. Schneider: Design theory and milling stone production and consumption in the highland
Negev early bronze age — Y. Paz / M. Iserlis: A golanite production and distribution center of
cooking pots during the early bronze age II — D. E. Bar-Yosef Mayer / N. Porat: Glazed
steatite paste beads in the chalcolithic of the Levant: long distance trade and manufacturing
processes — J. Vardi / I. Gilead: On the definition of errors in contexts of craft specialization:
Krukowski microburins from the Beit Eshel chalcolithic flint workshop — R. Shimelmitz:
Variability in specialized canaanean blade production of the early bronze age Levant —
Diachronic Variability: S. Bauvais / P. Fluzin: Archaeological and archaeometrical approaches
of the chaîne opératoire in iron and steelmaking: methodology for a regional evolutionary
study — H. Khalaily: The «Ghazalian culture», a transitional phase from pre-pottery to the
early pottery neolithic periods: technological innovation and economic adaptation — V. Roux:
Wheel fashioned ceramic production during the third millennium BCE in the southern Levant:
a perspective form Tel Yarmuth — N. Panitz-Cohen: Technological change and continuity in
the organization of ceramic production at Tel Batash in the second millennium BCE — E.
Braun: Social development in early bronze age I of the southern Levant: reflections on evidence
for different modes of ceramic production — S. A. Rosen: Production in the protohistoric
desert: comparative perspectives — S. A. Rosen: Epilogue: How far we have come.
71 Rosenberg, D. & al.: An Early Pottery Neolithic Occurrence at Beisamoun,
the Hula Valley, Northern Israel. The Results of the 2007 Salvage Excavation
2010 – xi + 138 pp., fig., fot. € 42,30
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
72 Rositani, A., ed.: Harvest Texts in the British Museum
2011 – 216 pp. € 230,00
73 Saenz Badillos, A.: Historia de la lengua hebrea
1988 – 362 pp. € 33,06
74 Smith, J. A.: Music in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity
2011 – xxii + 272 pp., 4 not. € 75,00
75 Stede, V. van der: Les pratiques de stockage au Proche-Orient ancien du
Natoufien à la première moitié du troisième millénaire avant notre ère
2010 – ix + 608 pp., 212 fig. € 95,70
76 Suter, C. E.: Gudea’s Temple Building. The Representation of an Early
Mesopotamian Ruler in Text and Image
2000 – xiv + 437 pp., 101 fig., 3 despl. € 198,65
77 Veenhof, K. R.: Kultepe Tabletleri V: The Archive of Kuliya, Son of Aliabum (KT. 92/K 188-263)
2010 – 230 pp., fig., 27 lám.col. € 35,50
78 Vila, E.: L’exploitation des animaux en Mésopotamie aux IVe et IIIe millénaires avant J.-C.
1998 – 206 pp., 111 fig., 21 fot., 29 tabl. € 38,00
79 Watson, R. / W. Horowitz: Writing Science Before the Greeks. A
Naturalistic Analysis of the Babylonian Astronomical Treatise Mul.Apin
2011 – xxviii + 224 pp. € 100,90
80 Wightman, G. J.: Sacred Spaces. Religious Architecture in the Ancient
2007 – xx + 1.156 pp., fig., lám.col. € 127,00
ÍNDICE: 1. Early Civilisations of Europe & Western Asia: The sacred mountain - Mesopotamia
and Elam — Houses of eternity - Egypt of the pharaohs — Face-to-face with god - SyriaPalestine — The thousand gods of Hatti - Anatolia before the greeks — Dilmun & the spice
kingdoms - Arabian peninsula & Persian gulf — Megaliths, earthworks & sacred groves Europe before the romana — Potnia & Labrys - Minoans, mycenaeans and early cypriotes —
The goddess & the bull - The preclassical west Mediterranean — 2. The Graeco-Roman World:
AVANCES 1035 — Oriente antiguo 36
A harmony of tensions - Greece and the hellenic world — Templum caeleste - Etruscan and
roman Italy — The stamp of Rome - The western roman provinces — Where east meets west
- Roman east and the parthian frontier — 3. Central & East Asia: Cults of fire & water - The
iranian world and central Asia — Footsteps of the Buddha - Pre-Gupta India — Heaven, earth
& ancestors - China from the neolithic to the Han — 4. The Americas: Land of the four
quarters - Pre-inca Peru and South America — Children of the jaguar - The preclassic period in
Mesoamerica — The land as temple - Archaic & earlier woodland North America — 5. Themes
& Issues: Identity and meaning — The language of sacred space — Text and image — Glossary
of architectural terms.
81 Wilson, K. A.: The Campaign of Pharaoh Shoshenq I into Palestine
2005 – viii + 151 pp., fig. € 40,55
82 Wilson, M.: Biblical Turkey. A Guide to the Jewish and Christian Sites of
Asia Minor
2010 – 400 pp., fig. € 35,00
83 Wissa, M., ed.: The Knowledge Economy and Technological Capabilities.
Egypt, the Near East and the Mediterranean 2nd Millennium B.C.-1 st
Millennium A.D. Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France 9-10 décember 2005
2009 – xii + 164 pp., fig. € 52,00
ÍNDICE: O. Grabar: Introductoy remarks — P. Vernus: Réception linguistique et idéologique
d’une nouvelle technologie: le cheval dans la civilisation pharaonique — D. Charpin: Archives
et comptabilité en Mésopotamie au deuxième millénaire av. J.C. — M. Jursa: Business
companies in Babylonia in the first millennium B.C.: structure, economic strategies, social
setting — A. Frendo: The invention of the alphabet and economic growth in the Levant in the
first millennium B.C. — I. Shaw: Socio-economic and iconographic contexts for egyptian
military technology: the knowledge economy and «technology transfer» — S. Branting:
Simulating movement, communication and flows of knowledge at Kerkenes Dag — P.
Nicholson: The production and exchange of vitreous materials in Egypt and the Aegean during
the second millennium B.C. — M. Wissa: Cornelian production techniques: evidence for a
technological knowledge in Egypt — P. Pomey: L’influence des techniques navales sur le
contexte économique de la Grèce à la fin de l’époque archaïque — W. Manning: The
metallurgical industries of roman Britain: the native and roman contribution — M. Loubet: A
medieval jewish community: an analysis of the tecnological context and the socio-economic
life through S.D. Goitein Mediterranean society.