IE3_Global_2015-2016_final - Universidad San Francisco de Quito

IES Abroad International
Student Assistantship
Program 2015-2016
nternationalize your campus and bring valuable linguistic and
cultural resources to your students through the IES Abroad Student
Assistantship program. This program connects U.S. universities with
highly-qualified international students who are eager to obtain
teaching experience, share their native culture, act as study abroad
resources, and study in the United States.
How the Program Works
The IES Abroad Student Assistantship Program is designed to connect
you with a pool of highly-qualified undergraduates and graduate students from IES Abroad’s overseas partner institutions. You select the
best candidate for the position at your university. IES Abroad contacts
the student with your offer.
If the candidate accepts your offer, the student will work for one academic year as a Student Assistant in your language department, Resident Assistant in an international residence hall, Teaching Assistant,
or a combination of the above. In return, you determine the award
package that your institution will provide for your student assistant.
Award packages include all or a combination of the following: tuition
waiver, room, board, insurance, small stipend.
Profiles of Possible Positions for Student Assistants
The responsibilities of Student Assistant are determined by your
institution. Below are a few of the most common positions assigned to
Student Assistants.
Language Department Assistant:
Department Assistants may work in an administrative capacity,
assist students with conversational aspects of the language in
foreign language laboratories, or organize cultural events.
Teaching Assistant:
Used at the undergraduate and graduate level, TAs may assist
professors with lesson preparations, instruction in the classroom,
or with corrections of student papers and tests. Occasionally, the
TA may team teach and offer the conversation component of a
language course.
Foreign Language Resident Hall Assistant:
Resident Assistants usually live in language residence halls or
houses and are responsible for promoting the everyday use of
their native language.
IES Abroad Partner Institutions:
▪ Universidad de Buenos Aires
▪ Beijing Foreign Studies University
▪ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
▪ Universidad de Chile
▪ Universidad de San Francisco de Quito
▪ Institut Catholique de Paris
▪ Université de Paris IV- Sorbonne
▪ Université de Nantes
▪ Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg
▪ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
▪ Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
▪ Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan)
▪ Università degli Studi di Siena
▪ Università per Strainieri di Siena
▪ Universidad Complutense de Madrid
▪ Universidad de Granada
▪ Universidad de Salamanca
Past U.S. participants:
▪ Bates College
▪ Bucknell University
▪ Claremont McKenna College
▪ DePauw University
▪ Franklin and Marshall College
▪ Grinnell College
▪ Gustavus Adolphus College
▪ Hope College
▪ Illinois Wesleyan University
▪ Mt. Holyoke College
▪ Occidental College
▪ Pomona College
▪ Scripps College
▪ St. Catherine University
▪ Washington and Lee University
▪ Whitman College
▪ William Jewell College
▪ Wofford College
For a request form and further details about the
IES Abroad Student Assistantship Program, please visit our website at
or contact Shannon O’Boyle at 312.264.5174 or
English Language
Learning Program 2015
IES Abroad Quito ofrece becas universitarias para el programa de Inglés intensivo en
la Universidad de Loyola en Chicago, Illinois (E.U.A.).
Fechas del Programa: 24 de Junio al 8 de Agosto, 2015
Requisitos :
Ser menor de 30 años de edad al momento de presentar la
x Haber asistido un mínimo de dos semestres consecutivos en la
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
x El estudiante no debe poseer un Doctorado, ni tener el cargo de
profesor en ninguna institución educativa pública o privada.
La Beca Incluye:
Costo de matrícula
x Alojamiento
x Costos parciales de transporte local
x Costos parciales para alimentación (se entregará un valor
para cubrir parcialmente el costo de la comida en la
Universidad de Loyola)
Estructura del Programa:
El Programa ELLP ofrece cuatro niveles de instrucción:
principiante, bajoͲintermedio, altoͲintermedio y avanzado.
Todos los cursos son en inglés. En cada nivel, los estudiantes
toman 18 horas semanales de instrucción, divididas en:
x Escritura y Gramática (6 horas)
x Técnicas de Comprensión y Lenguaje (6 horas)
x Lectura y Vocabulario (6 horas)
Para aplicar a esta beca, favor contactarse con Eduardo Ortiz:
IES Abroad QUITO Center (Institute for the International Education of Students) is offering
students FIVE (5) scholarships for a summer class in Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois
Students are encouraged to take courses in Humanities (literature, history, philosophy, religion)
or Social Science (psychology). All courses are in English. Course offerings, descriptions, and
schedules are available on Loyola’s website: All Summer Session B courses are open to
the selected Scholars, provided they meet the necessary prerequisites.
What’s Included
IES Abroad will cover the cost of tuition for one Summer Session B course, housing
in the residence hall with a roommate, local transportation, and a partial meal plan
at the university during the six-week academic program.
Students are responsible for their travel to and from Chicago as well as any
additional food or personal expenses during the program.
Summer Scholars will also participate in an IES Abroad-sponsored cultural seminar,
which includes cultural visits throughout Chicago.
Applicant requirements:
Under 30 years of age upon application submittal
At least two consecutive undergraduate or graduate semesters at Catholic University
of Ecuador (PUCE) before application submittal
At least two consecutive passing semesters at PUCE before application submittal
Students may not have a PhD or professor status in a public or private institution
Students should have a TOEFL score of 550 on the paper version, 213 on the
computer version, or 79 on the internet based (iBT) version.
Copy of students’ transcripts (with English translation)
Copy of the passport (photo page)