DAY CARE COUNCIL OF NEW YORK, INC. “Educated Children Are Our Future” F E BRU ARY T RA ININGS ENT RE ESP NAMI EN AÑO L IN TOS E N CLU I DO S H E A LT H & S A F E T Y M A T T R A I N I N G (9AM—6PM) - FEB 13TH ; (10AM—4PM) - FEB 19 & 20 (2 DAY TRAINING) Required training for providers interested in administering medication to their participants C P R & F I R S T A I D T R A I N I N G F O R I N F A N T S & C H I L D R E N (9AM—6PM) - FEB 7, FEB 28 IN CHILD CARE PROGRAMS Prepares caregivers on how to respond during infant and child medical emergencies. CHILD DEV E LO PME NT C U R R I C U L U M D E V E L O P M E N T (9AM—12PM) - FEB 18 By focusing on developmentally appropriate practices for early childhood education, this workshop ties curricula to the understanding of child development. R O U T I N E S & S C H E D U L E S (1PM—4PM) - FEB 18 This workshop explores how developing successful routines and a schedule contributes to children’s positive development. D I S C I P L I N A P O S I T I V A (1PM—4PM) - 11 DE FEB Los participantes aprenderán los objetivos y guias de la disciplina positiva y diseñar una lista de las reglas de la clase. También aprenderán cómo identificar los malos comportamientos comunes y cómo evitarlos. D E S A R R O L L O S O C I O E M O C I O N A L (9AM—12PM) - 11 DE FEB Las manos en el taller que explorarán estrategias para contribuir al desarrollo de los niños de confianza. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de profundizar su comprensión de los hitos sociales y emocionales, temperamentos para entender el comportamiento y orientación infantil para apoyar las necesidades individuales de los niños en su programa Trainings take place at our conveniently located Harlem office!!! DAY CARE COUNCIL OF NEW YORK, INC. 2082 Lexington Ave, suite 204, New York, NY 10035 Between 125th & 126th streets (4/5/6 trains, M60 bus) To learn more about our trainings, including the cost, please visit our online Training Catalogue. To register for any of our trainings, email the registration form to To speak to a staff member about any of our trainings, please call us at 212-206-7818.