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Palabra clave "cooperación institucional"
15 resultado(s)
Fecha de creación : 19-11-2016
The Role of the World Bank in International Trade Policy
Tipo de publicación
Ámbito político
Valor añadido europeo | Comercio internacional | Gobernanza global | Mercado interior y unión aduanera | Desarrollo
y ayuda humanitaria | Asuntos exteriores
Palabra clave política comercial común | Organización Mundial del Comercio | Banco Mundial | relaciones de la Unión Europea |
liberación de los intercambios | competitividad | cooperación institucional | régimen de ayudas | ayuda al desarrollo |
Fondo Monetario Internacional | cooperación económica
Resumen The EU's trade policy does not exist in a vacuum. On the one hand, it is affected by international standard and rulesetting. On the other hand, the EU is itself an influential actor shaping the international trade agenda by participating in
the work of international organisations and fora. This short note focuses on the World Bank.
Publicación en EN
The International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and International Trade
Tipo de publicación
Ámbito político
Palabra clave
Comercio internacional | Gobernanza global | Desarrollo y ayuda humanitaria | Asuntos exteriores
Organización Mundial del Comercio | papel internacional de la UE | cooperación institucional | reforma institucional |
Grecia | ayuda financiera | coordinación de políticas UEM | crisis monetaria | Fondo Monetario Internacional | comercio
Resumen The EU's trade policy does not exist in a vacuum. On the one hand, it is affected by international standard and rulesetting. On the other hand, the EU is itself an influential actor shaping the international trade agenda by participating in
the work of international organisations and fora. This short note focuses on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Publicación en EN
The International Labour Organisation and International Trade
Tipo de publicación
Ámbito político
Comercio internacional | Gobernanza global | Empleo | Desarrollo y ayuda humanitaria | Asuntos exteriores | Derechos
Palabra clave política comercial común | papel internacional de la UE | cooperación institucional | competencia institucional | norma
de trabajo | condición de trabajo | Derecho laboral internacional | trabajo de menores | comercio internacional | política
de empleo de la UE | Organización Internacional del Trabajo
Resumen The EU's trade policy does not exist in a vacuum. On the one hand, it is affected by international standard and rulesetting. On the other hand, the EU is itself an influential actor shaping the international trade agenda by participating in
the work of international organisations and fora. This short note focuses on the International Labour Organisation.
Publicación en EN
The United Nations and the EU Trade Policy: The Case of UNCTAD
Tipo de publicación
Ámbito político
Palabra clave
Comercio internacional | Gobernanza global | Desarrollo y ayuda humanitaria | Asuntos exteriores
política comercial común | Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo | Grupo de los 77 |
estructura institucional | preferencias generalizadas | papel internacional de la UE | cooperación institucional | ayuda al
Resumen The EU's trade policy does not exist in a vacuum. On the one hand, it is affected by international standard and rulesetting. On the other hand, the EU is itself an influential actor shaping the international trade agenda by participating in
the work of international organisations and fora. This short note focuses on the United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD).
Publicación en EN
Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2016 - PE
The Implications of International Economic and Financial Governance Agenda for EU Trade and
Investment Policy
Tipo de publicación
Autor externo
Ámbito político
Stephen WOOLCOCK, Taylor ST JOHN and Elitsa GARNIZOVA
Comercio internacional | Gobernanza global | Empleo | Desarrollo y ayuda humanitaria | Asuntos exteriores | Derechos
Palabra clave política de inversión | política comercial común | Banco Mundial | papel internacional de la UE | Organización Mundial
de Aduanas | Organización Internacional del Trabajo | Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual | competencia
exterior (UE) | OCDE | cooperación institucional | Fondo Monetario Internacional | comisión técnica ONU | Centro
Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones | comercio internacional | norma internacional | toma de
Resumen Many of the rules, norms, principles and practices that are central to EU trade and investment policy today have been
influenced by a wide range of different types of international organisations (IOs). This influence occurs through formal
rulemaking, voluntary codes of conduct or standards, the provision of technical and scientific expertise or the
dissemination of research and best practice. The influence is pervasive and decisions taken years ago in IOs can
shape EU trade policy today. With the difficulties facing multilateral approaches to rulemaking in the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) the impact of other IOs has increased.
Publicación en EN
EU-UN cooperation in peacekeeping and crisis management
Tipo de publicación
Ámbito político
Carmen-Cristina CIRLIG
Gobernanza global | Seguridad y defensa
Palabra clave seguridad regional | papel internacional de la UE | mantenimiento de la paz | cooperación institucional | fuerzas
multinacionales | ONU | prevención de conflictos | programa de actuación | política común de seguridad y defensa
Resumen In April 2015, the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General's report focusing on the partnerships, concerning
peacekeeping operations, between the UN and regional organisations set the goal of 'moving towards partnership
peacekeeping'. This goal was set in a world characterised by violent conflict, growing demand for peacekeeping and a
proliferation of multilateral actors engaged in various crisis management, conflict prevention and post-conflict
peacebuilding activities. Since 2003, the European Union (EU) and UN have strived to strengthen their strategic
partnership in peacekeeping and crisis management. More than a decade later, the EU and UN are cooperating
systematically at strategic and operational levels, with consultation and coordination mechanisms now established. But
challenges remain with regard to joint strategic planning, division of labour, joint reviews and coordination of exit
strategies, amongst others. However, there are possible new prospects for strengthened cooperation between the EU
and UN, as both are reviewing their strategic visions (a new European security strategy is in the works, while the UN is
revising its peace operations and peacebuilding architecture). The European Parliament has encouraged the EU to
support UN peacekeeping, and to cooperate with the UN in strengthening the peacekeeping capacities of regional
organisations, particularly the African Union. The briefing focuses on EU-UN cooperation regarding missions managed
by the UN's Department of Peacekeeping Operations, thus does not address the UN's political missions.
Publicación en EN
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Role of the European Union in International Economic Fora
Tipo de publicación Estudio
Fecha 06-07-2015
Autor externo Paul TUCKER, Fabian AMTENBRINK, René REPASI, Ivan VAN DE CLOOT, Eli HADZHIEVA, Joachim KOOPS, Lucia
QUAGLIA, Pierre-Henri CONAC, Sebastian BOTZEM and Lieve LOWET
Ámbito político Asuntos económicos y monetarios | Asuntos financieros y bancarios
Palabra clave estructura institucional | mercado financiero | papel internacional de la UE | Derecho bancario | política financiera |
inspección bancaria | OCDE | organismo de la UE | cooperación institucional | política económica | Fondo Monetario
Internacional | Grupo de países más industrializados | norma internacional | toma de decisiones
Resumen The European Union, via its institutions and Member States, is participating in various standard-setting fora in the
economic and financial area. Experts analysed the role of the EU in nine separate studies on selected international
economic fora (G20, FSB, OECD, IMF, BCBS, IOSCO, IAIS, IASB and IOPS). In this workshop, the authors discuss
and inform ECON Members on the EU's role, representation and activities in these fora and present their core
conclusions on these worldwide standard-setters with a special focus on transparency and accountability.
This workshop and the respective document was prepared by the Policy Department A at the request of the Committee
on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON).
Publicación en EN
Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2016 - PE
Marco de gobernanza económica: evaluación y desafíos
Tipo de publicación
Ámbito político
Palabra clave
De un vistazo
Asuntos económicos y monetarios | Asuntos financieros y bancarios
macroeconomía | convergencia económica | cooperación institucional | política estructural | recesión económica |
coordinación de políticas UEM | deuda pública | política presupuestaria | crisis monetaria
Resumen El objetivo del marco de gobernanza económica de la Unión Europea es detectar, prevenir y corregir las tendencias
económicas problemáticas, como los déficits públicos o los niveles de deuda pública excesivos, que pueden
obstaculizar el crecimiento y poner en riesgo la actividad económica. Como parte del procedimiento de revisión del
marco de gobernanza, el Parlamento Europeo insta a la Unión y a sus Estados miembros a que refuercen la
coordinación económica con miras a incrementar su capacidad presupuestaria y mejorar los mecanismos de
asistencia. El Parlamento destaca asimismo la importancia de la responsabilidad democrática, de la transparencia y
de la participación de los interlocutores sociales.
Publicación en ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL
The European's Union Role in International Economic Fora - Paper 2: The FSB
Tipo de publicación
Autor externo
Ámbito político
Palabra clave
Asuntos económicos y monetarios | Asuntos financieros y bancarios
estructura institucional | papel internacional de la UE | organización internacional | cooperación institucional | política
económica | competencia institucional | Comisión Europea | reglamentación financiera | base jurídica | Banco Central
Europeo | toma de decisiones
Resumen This paper forms part of a series of nine studies on the role of the European Union in international economic fora,
prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. It provides
factual background information about the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the Union’s role and representation therein,
its accountability as well as the coordination and impact thereof. Key conclusions are that, despite the importance of
the FSB, there is limited knowledge as to how it operates and is governed. Against this background, best efforts should
be made towards an effective, inclusive, transparent and in particular accountable, EU-wide and global, regulation of
the financial system. Within the current framework, there is more scope for coordination and communication amongst
EU institutions regarding the decision-making process in the FSB. Moreover, over time, the current, "soft law"
approach of the FSB could evolve towards a formal Treaty based system, with a more active role for the European
Parliament, although the efficiency and effectiveness of the process ought to be prioritized.
Publicación en EN
The European Union's Role in International Economic Fora - Paper 3: The OECD
Tipo de publicación
Autor externo
Ámbito político
Palabra clave
Asuntos económicos y monetarios | Asuntos financieros y bancarios
estructura institucional | OCDE | estatuto jurídico | papel internacional de la UE | cooperación institucional | reforma
institucional | política económica | competencia institucional | política fiscal | base jurídica | toma de decisiones
Resumen This paper forms part of a series of nine studies on the role of the European Union in international economic fora,
prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European
Parliament. It provides factual background information about the OECD, the EU’s role and representation therein, its
accountability as well as the coordination and impact thereof. Key conclusions are that, despite the particular
importance the OECD gained during the financial crisis, there is limited knowledge as to how it operates and is
governed. Although EU Member States constitute more than half of the OECD countries and the EU contributes
substantially to the OECD budget on a voluntary basis, the ambiguous and out-dated status of the OECD deprives the
EU from voting rights and budgetary oversight. The EU shall pay more attention to this ‘policy pathfinder’ OECD,
including when its Member States’ economic trends are being examined and when tailor-made advice is given to EU
Member States in economic distress, as well as on critical tax policy issues. Therefore, the EU could formalise its
status, develop a consistent and comprehensive coordinated approach on OECD issues by overhauling its longstanding coordination mechanisms, and establish a regular, open and effective reporting intra-EU institutions, which
could allow for parliamentary oversight.
Publicación en EN
Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2016 - PE
The European Union's Role in International Economic Fora - Paper 7: The IASB
Tipo de publicación
Autor externo
Ámbito político
Palabra clave
Sebastian BOTZEM
Asuntos económicos y monetarios | Asuntos financieros y bancarios
normalización | autorregulación | estructura institucional | estatuto jurídico | gestión financiera | papel internacional de
la UE | cooperación institucional | Comisión Europea | gestión contable | Banco Central Europeo | toma de decisiones
Resumen This paper forms part of a series of nine studies on the role of the European Union in International economic fora,
prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. International
Financial Reporting Standards define the rules for corporate accounting and are set by a private standard setter: the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The EU has no formal role in developing these standards, but de
facto endorses them ex post. This raises questions with regard to the overrepresentation of commercial interests in
accounting regulation and the need to debate a stronger role not only for civil society actors but also for public entities
such as regulators.
Publicación en EN
Anti-corruption measures in EU sports policy
Tipo de publicación
Ámbito político
Palabra clave
De un vistazo
Vivienne HALLEUX
Espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia | Cultura | Educación
organización deportiva | cooperación institucional | deporte profesional | moralidad de la vida económica | juego de
azar | financiación de la UE | competencia de la UE | espectáculo deportivo | corrupción | Tratado de Funcionamiento
de la UE
Resumen Corruption and good governance in sport have been a constant concern for the EU since the very beginning of its sport
policy. Preserving the integrity of sport has been given top priority in the two EU Work Plans for Sport adopted by the
Council in recent years.
Publicación en EN
The European Union's Role in International Economic Fora: Paper 5 - The BCBS
Tipo de publicación
Autor externo
Ámbito político
Palabra clave
Análisis en profundidad
Asuntos económicos y monetarios | Asuntos financieros y bancarios
estructura institucional | papel internacional de la UE | Derecho bancario | Comisión Europea | base jurídica |
inspección bancaria | cooperación institucional | competencia institucional | instancia de control | coordinación de
políticas UEM | política bancaria | sistema bancario | Banco Central Europeo
Resumen This paper forms part of a series of nine studies on the role of the European Union (EU) in International economic fora,
prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. It examines the
set up and the functioning of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), as well as the representation and
the influence of the EU therein. The final section of the paper evaluates the compliance of the BCBS with the
Recommendations for International Organizations issued by the International Law Association.
Publicación en EN
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Tipo de publicación
Ámbito político
Palabra clave
De un vistazo
Anita ORAV
Espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia
Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior | ayuda humanitaria | estructura institucional | control de las migraciones | papel
internacional de la UE | cooperación institucional | política migratoria de la UE | competencia institucional |
Organización Internacional para las Migraciones | Comisión Europea
Resumen Migration has become a key concern for the European Union following the intense flows of asylum-seekers and other
migrants: Frontex has reported 26 600 illegal border crossings in the first two months of 2015 alone and a sharp rise in
deaths at sea, costing the lives of 1 829 victims so far. The European Parliament has repeatedly urged a holistic
approach to migration, most recently in its resolution of 17 December 2014. There have also been calls to consolidate
cooperation with key international partners, such as the International Organization for Migration.
Publicación en EN
Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2016 - PE
Mainstreaming Support for the ICC in the EU's Policies
Tipo de publicación Estudio
Fecha 24-03-2014
Autor externo Olympia BEKOU (University of Nottingham, the UK) with the assistance of: Hemi MISTRY (University of Nottingham,
the UK)
Ámbito político Espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia | Derechos humanos
Palabra clave Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior | Sudán | Corte Penal Internacional | papel internacional de la UE | cooperación
institucional | Derecho humanitario internacional | Derecho internacional-Derecho interno | política de la UE - política
nacional | financiación de la UE | política exterior y de seguridad común | Kenia
Resumen The European Union and its Member States have been the staunchest supporters of the ICC system of international
criminal justice in the last two decades. That system is now at a critical juncture. With a view to the future, it is
necessary to examine how the ICC can overcome the current challenges and build upon its successes to date. And
more specifically, how the EU and its Member States can, and should, help the ICC in this respect. By critically
assessing the EU’s performance to date in mainstreaming support for the ICC throughout its policies and activities, this
study addresses these questions.
Publicación en EN
Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2016 - PE