Julián Castro-Rea

Julián Castro-Rea (PhD, Université de Montréal) is Associate Professor,
Department of Political Science, University of Alberta. His broad research interest is
North American politics, both from comparative and trilateral perspectives. He
focuses on particular issues such as political ideologies (conservatism and
nationalism), federalism, Aboriginal peoples, elections and foreign policy. He has
written extensively on these topics. He is fluent in the three official languages of
North America.
Among his recent academic contributions are:
The edited book Our North America: Social and Political Issues beyond NAFTA,
Farnham: Ashgate, 2012.
The article “Le gâchis qu’ils ont fait : comment la droite a ruiné les politiques publiques
en Amérique du Nord » in Bulletin d’histoire politique, Spring 2012.
The book chapter “Delirios de grandeza: la agenda de Norteamérica y la política de
seguridad nacional de Canadá” in Hristoulas, Athanasios, ed., La seguridad de América
del Norte reconsiderada, Mexico City: Miguel Ángel Porrúa-ITAM, 2011; pp. 157-177.
The book chapter “After the PRI: Neo-Liberalism and Nationalism in Mexico”, in
Harrison, Trevor and Slobodan Drakulic, eds., Against Orthodoxy: Studies in
Nationalism, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2011; pp. 225-248.
The entry “Hypothesis”, in Mills, Albert J., Gabrielle Durepos and Ellen Wiebe, eds.,
Encyclopaedia of Case Study Research, New York: Sage, 2009.
The book chapter “Why is the Right Winning in North America? Comparisons and
Mutual Influences in Canada, Mexico and the United States”, in Galeana, Patricia, ed.,
Historia comparada de las Américas, Mexico City: Pan American Institute of Geography
and History, 2009; pp. 535-562.
The book chapter “Assessing North American Politics after September 11. Security,
Democracy, and Sovereignty” in Ayres, Jeffrey and Macdonald, Laura, eds., Contentious
Politics in North America: National Protest and Transnational Collaboration under
Continental Integration, London: Palgrave, 2009
The book chapter "North American First Peoples: Self-Determination or Economic
Development?", in Abu-Laban, Yasmeen et al, eds., Politics in North America:
Redefining Continental Relations (Broadview, 2007), co-authored with Isabel
The book chapter "La democracia en Canadá: partidos políticos, elecciones y grupos de
interés" in Hristoulas, A., et al, eds., Canadá: política y gobierno en el siglo XXI,
(Miguel Angel Porrúa, 2005), co-authored with Nidia M. Castro
The article "La Nation c'est moi: The Encounter of Québec and Aboriginal
Nationalisms", in Constitutional Forum Constitutionnel, Vol. 13, No. 3 and Vol. 14, No.
1, 2005; pp.65-79.