
Notice to Candidates
The SEIU Texas Election Committee is a committee of members appointed to oversee the first officer
elections of SEIU Texas. As a candidate, you should be aware of the following rules for this election,
based on federal law and the SEIU and SEIU Texas Constitution and Bylaws.
Membership List
As a candidate, you have a right to inspect the list of eligible voters one time prior to the election. You
may not make copies of the list. To make an appointment to view the list, contact Gaston Perez
(contact information below).
You have a right to make campaign literature and mail it to the members at your own expense. We
have provided a list of member addresses to Thompson Mailing and Printing. If you wish to mail out
any campaign literature, you should make arrangements with them to do a mailing on your behalf. You
will be fully responsible for paying all the costs of the mailing and need to make your own arrangements
with the mailing service for paying for the mailing. Cotnact Lena Macias at (210) 590­7692 or
Campaign Bios
You may submit a short statement about yourself and why members should vote for you to be sent out
with the ballots. The bio or statement should be no more than 200 words and MUST be typed (not
handwritten). If it is longer than 200 words, it will be cut off. Please submit the statement to Gaston
Perez by email at gperez@seiutx.org or call Gaston at (210) 242­4507 to make other arrangements.
Bios must be submitted by October 25 and may be submitted in English or Spanish; they will be
translated for publication.
Campaign Restrictions
You may not solicit or accept financial support or any other direct or indirect support of any kind from
any person who is not an SEIU member. You may not use funds, property or resources from SEIU,
any other union or any employer in support of your candidacy. This would apply to cash contributions
as well as donated goods and services.
You are entitled to have an observer at all phases of the election. If you want to have an observer,
submit the person’s name to Gaston Perez in writing. Your observer will be entitled to observe all
phases of the election including the tabulation of ballots.
If you have any questions, please contact Gaston Perez at (210) 242­4507 or gperez@seiutx.org.