Grammar Lesson U— PREPOSITIONS Prepositions are used to relate two elements of a sentence, such as noun to noun, verb to noun, verb to infinitive, etc. 1. When a noun is modified by a preposition -+- noun, the prepositional phrase is equivalent to an adjective. un anillo de oro a gold ring (a ring of gold) un vaso de agua a glass of water un. vaso para agua a water glass (a glass for water) 2. When a verb is modified by a preposition + noun, the prepositional phrase is equivalent to an adverb. Sale con frecuencia. He goes out frequently (with frequency). 3. The second element may be a pronoun or an infinitive. Entra en el. He enters it. Comienza a leer. He begins to read. For a list of common prepositions, see page 176. PREPOSITIONS BEFORE INFINITIVES In Spanish, the only verb form that may follow a preposition is the infinitive, regardless of the English translation of the verb. Ces6 de Hover. It stopped raining, Acaba de entrar. He has just entered. Se desayun.6 despues de vestirse. He ate breakfast after getting dressed, I. VERBS REQUIRING a BEFOKE AN INFINITIVE Verbs expressing beginning, motion, teaching, or learning, and a number of other verbs, require the preposition a before an infinitive. comenzar a] empezar a , . . , >io begin to ponerse a principiar aj apresurarse a, to hasten (hurry) to ir a, to go to regresar a, to return to (to ... again) •motion salir a, to go out to venir a, to come to volver a, to return to (to ... again) ensefiar a, to teach to aprender a, to learn to 212 acertar a, to happen to (by chance) acostumbrarse a, to become accustomed to aspirar a, to aspire to atreverse a, to dare to convidar a, to invite to decidirse a, to decide to dedicarse a, to devote oneself to disponerse a, to get ready to invitar a, to invite to negarse a, to refuse to obligar a, to obligate, to compel to resignarse a, to resign oneself to PREPOSITIONS Comenzo a trabajar. Saldre a saludarle. El maestro Ics enseno a hablar. •Los aluimios aprenden a leer. Acert6 a pasar por allf. Me obligo a pagarle. 213 He began to work. I will go out to greet him. The teacher taught them to speak. The pupils learn to read. He happened to pass by there. He compelled me to pay him. II. VERBS REQUIRING de BEFORE AN INFINITIVE acabar de, to have just acordarse de, to remember to alegrarse de, to bo glad to cesar de, to stop dejar de, to fail to, to stop encargarse de, to take charge of olvidarse de, to forget to tratar de, to try to Acabamos de estudiar. Se alegran de estar aquf. A las tros ceso de Hover. Juanito dejo de preparar la leccion. We have just studied. They are glad to be hero. At three o'clock it stopped raining. Johnny failed to prepare the lesson. III. VERBS REQUIRING en BEFORE AN INFINITIVE consentir en, to consent to consistir en, to consist of convenir en, to agree to empenarse en 1 , . . , . . > to insist on msistir en J tardar en, to delay in, to be long in Consintio en ir al bailc. El verdadcro estudio consiste en leer y She consented to go to the dance. True study consists of reading and reviewing. re pasar. Se empeno en vender la casa. El treu no lardara en llegar. He insisted on selling the house. The train won't be long in coming. IV. VERBS REQUIRING con BEFORE AN INFINITIVE amenazar con, to threaten to contar con, to count on, to rely on Le amenazo con pegarle. Cuento con ganar el premio. Suena con ir a Espana. . sonar con, to dream of He threatened to spank him. I count on winning the prize. He dreams of going to Spain. Y. PREPOSITIONS COMMONLY USED BEFORE INFINITIVES a, to, at al -f- inf., upon antes de, before con, with (sometimes to or of) de, of, to despues de, after Al entrar, vio a su hija. Antes de salir, preparese. Despues de descansar un rato, se levanto, Se aeostt) en vez de estudiar. Salid sin decir nada. en, in, on, of en lugar de instead of en vez de hasta, until sin, without Upon entering, he saw his daughter. Before going out, prepare yourself. After resting a while, ho got up. He went to bed instead of studying. He left without saying anything. Note A. Other uses of prepositions will be found in the section on idioms, pages 256-258. B. Whenever prepositions are followed by the infinitive, the subject of both verbs (main verb and infinitive) is unchanged. If the subjects are different, que is required and a "conjugated" verb form is used instead of the infinitive. Me alegro de estar aquf. Me alegro de que Vd. este aqui. I am glad to be here. I am glad that you are here. Insiste en vender la casa. Insiste en que su marido venda la casa. She insists on selling the house. She insists on her husband's selling the house. He ate breakfast after preparing the coffee. Se desayun6 despues de preparar el caf<i. Se desayuntf despu6s-(de) que su madre pre- .He ate breakfast after his mother prepared the coffee. paro el cafe". VI. VERES THAT Do NOT REQUIRE A PREPOSITION BEFORE AN INFINITIVE deber, ought to, must dejar, to let, to allow desear, to wish, to desire esperar, to hope, to expect hacer, to make, to have (something done) lograr, to succeed in Debo ir a la cscuela hoy. No me dejan salir. Hizo construir una casa. Pienso comenzar mafiana. Suele volver a las doce. necesitar, to need oir, to hear pensar, to intend poder, to be able, can preferir, to prefer pretender, to attempt prometer, to promise querer, to want, to wish saber, to know (how) soler, to be accustomed to, usually ver, to see I ought to go to school today. They don't let me go out. He had a house built. . I intend to begin tomorrow. He usually returns at twelve o'clock. PREPOSITIONS 215 PERSONAL A The personal a is used before the direct object of a verb if the direct object is a noun denoting a definite person or anything personified. 1. Definite person Visita a sit amigo (a sus padres, a Roberto^ etc.). He visits his friend (his parents, E-obert, etc.). 2. Domestic animals (pets, etc,} Quiere a su perrito (a Fido, a su goto, etc.). She loves her little dog (Fido, her cat, etc.). 3. Geographic names (unless preceded by the definite article] Desea vera Espana (a Mexico, a Nueva York, etc.). but Desea ver la Argentina (los Estados Unidos, el Perii, etc.). He wants to see Spain (Mexico, New York, etc.). lie wants to see Argentina (the United States, Peru,- etc.). 4. Pronouns referring to persons, even though used in a negative sense Veo a alguien, I see someone. No veo a nadie. I see no one. Note A. The personal a is not translated into English. B. The personal a-is not used with the verb tener. Tengo un amigo. I have a friend. PARA—FOR I. THE USES OF para 1. Para means for in the sense of purpose, use, destination, for (by) a time in the future, considering that (in spite of the fact that). It is also translated in order to, to, by. Estudia para aprender. He studies in order to learn. (purpose) Es una caja Para dulces. It is a candy box (a box for candy). (use) but Compre" una caja de dulces. I bought a box of candy. Ayer sali6 para Espafia. Yesterday he left for Spain. (destination) Para el vierncs estara completo. For (By) Friday it will be complete. (future time) Para extranjero, habla bien el ingle's. For a foreigner, he speaks English well. (in spite of being) 2. Para also means para ser. Estudia para me"dico. He is studying to be a doctor. II, THE USES OF por I. Por means for in the sense of in exchange for, period or extent of time, for the sake of. Pag6 un ddlar^or el cuehillo. He paid a dollar for the knife. (exchange) Fue al campo por dos meses. He went to the country for two months. (period) Todo lo hagojjor ti. I do it all for you. (sake) 2. Por also means for after the verbs ir, enviar, luchar, Uamar, preguntar, • Fue (Envi6, Llamo, Pregunto) por el medico. He went (sent, called, asked) for the doctor. 3. Por also-means during and is often translated by in. Por la tarde juego al tenis. In the afternoon I play tennis. 4. Por expresses the idea of rate and is equivalent to per. Gana cincucnta ddlares por semana. He earns fifty dollars per (a) week. 5. Por also means by, through, along. Fueron atacados por sus enemigos. They were attacked by their enemies. El viajar^or avion es mas rapido. Traveling by plane is faster. Entraron por la ventana. They entered through (by) the window. Pasare" por esa calle. I'll pass along (through) that street. The following verbs are not followed by por or para, since the word for is part of the meaning of the verb. buscar, to look for (to seek) esperar, to wait for (to await) pedir, to ask for (to request) Buscaron un asiento. They looked for a seat. Quiero pedir\& un favor. I want to ask a favor of you* (I want to ask you for a favor.) Espero dos horas a su amiga. He waited two hours for his girl friend. RTERCICIOS A. las expresiones siguicntes: EJBMPLO: a steel knife-—un cuehillo ..... 1. a wooden cross una cruz 2. a cotton skirt una falda 3. the German class la clase 4. a silk cape una capa 5. .woolen socks calcetines 6. family secrets secretos 7. a straw mattress un colchdn 8. a stone house una casa 9. silver bracelets braaaletes 10. a gold chain una cadeiia EJEMPLO: a medical school-run a escuela 11. a hair brush un cepillo __. 12. a young ladies' school una escuela 13. a book case un estante 14. letter paper papel 15. ladies', handkerchiefs paftuelos 16. a fever remedy un remedio 17. cigar tobacco tabaco _, 18. wine grapes uvas 19. window glass vidrio 20. a candy box una caja B. Llenense los espacios con la preposicidn correcta, si hace falta. Si no hace falta una prepo sici6n, escribase una raya (—). 1. No se atrevid He didn't dare to reply. replicar. 2. Asisti6 a un partido beisbol. 3. Leyo" el telegrama entenderlo. 4. El rey consinti6 renovar el castillo, 5. Le ataron con una cadena 6; Me enseno hierro. 9. No pudo registrar la casa. realiaar sus suefios. partir, dio un abrazo a su madre. 13. Acertd pasar por alii. 14. En tales casos suele amigos. 15. Se march.6 los premios. 16. No me encargare' 17. Gesd distribuir gobernar el pals. Hover a las tres. He was poor before realizing his dreams. Upon leaving, he gave his mother a hug. He happened to be passing there. consultar a sus , The detective intends to search the house. They decided to confess. confesar. 11. Era pobre They tied him with an iron chain. He could not overcome his fury. dominar su furia. 10. Se decidieron The king consented to remodel the castle. He drank a glass of water. agua, 8. El detective piensa He read the telegram without understanding it. He taught me to write. escribir. 7. Bebi6 un vaso 12. He attended a baseball game. In such cases he usually consults his friends. He left after distributing the prizes. I will not take charge of governing the country. It stopped raining at three o'clock. 18. Les amenaz6 qucniar su casa. 19. El prisionero quierc 20. Las tropas tardaron He threatened to burn their house. cscaparsc. The prisoner wants to escape. _ avanzar. The troops delayed in advancing. C. Subrayese la palabra o raya outre pare'ntesis que complete correctamente la frase. 1. El zapatoro tropcz6 (coa, en) ol carnicero. 2. Desde el baledn mird (—, a) una esccnn, alcgro. 3. Querian ver (—, a) Francia. 4. El maestro no alabd (a, —) nadic. 5. La madre band (cl, al) pequcno Diego. 6. Piaarro fund6 (a, —) Lima. 7. Guardd (a, —) algo en el bolsillo. 8. Cincuenta estados forman (a, —) los Estados TJnidos. 9. El dictador matd (—, a) sus adversaries. 10. Aguardaba (a, —) alguion en la csquina. 11. El agricultor bused (a, —) su hijo Alfonso. 12. El dcpcndiente bused (a, —) otro emplco. 13. Se cas6 (a, con) la bonita rubia. 14. Vio (a, —) uu animal en el bosque. 15. El rey condend (el, al) traidor. 16. La nina abrazd (a, —) su quurido perro Fido. 17. En la calle dio (con, a) uu grupo de turistas. 18. Fucron a visitar (a, —) la Argentina. 19. El lobo nos cspantd (•—, a) todos. 20. La aotriz conmovid (al, el) publico. D. Comple'tense estas frases con para o por. 1. Las naranjas son bucnas 2. Se porta nuiy mal 3. la salud. reiua. sus movimientos se notaba su inquictud. 4. Permanecid fuera de la ciudad 5. !Enccndi6 la hi?. dos anos, iluminar la sala. 6. En la tienda vio unas preciosas tazas caf6. 7. jNIi nieta siempre tiene una sonrisa 8. El prisionero gano la libertad 9. Al amanecer, salid mi. cngafio. cl mercado. 10. Siguid el curso de cstudios ingcniero. 11. Es iiecesario usar veneno los insectos. PREPOSITIONS 12'. la semana que viene, estaremos en eammo. 13. miisico profesional, toca niuy inal. 14. Se arro,j6 al agua buscar el tesoro. 15. Estudia 16. medico. persona oulta, no es muy cortc"s. 17. Arm6 un cje'rcito ^ conquistar el pafs vccino. 18. La operacidn fue hecha un me'dico hdbil. 19. La zapateria quedd cerrada cinco dfas, 20. Busca varios estaiites libros. 21. No voy a pagar tanto ^ las pcrlas. 22. Ese pintor no sirve director do musco. 23. jGuanto daria yo utia copa de vino! 24. En la batalla fue herido en la espalda 25. Sabfan cl ruido que el-cuarto cataba lleno de niilos. 26. Aqui se entra 27. Pasd 28. Llamd una mano misteriosa. la pucrta, no la plaza publica con paso rapido. un medico. 29. El trees dc fcbrero salgo 30. la ventana. Europa. el viernes estard terminado su chaleco. E. Conte'stensc en espanol en frases completas. 1. ;,Ha visto Vd. alguna vez una explosion de dinamita? 2. ^Deja Vd. a su perrito corror por las callcs? 3. ^Ha comprado Vd. alguna vez una caja de dulces para su mama? 4. ;,Se alegra Vd. de podcr coutestar pcrfectamcntc a estas preguntas? 5. iLe gustaria a Vd. ayudar a las personas pobrcs? 6. (iAddnde va Vd. por la tarde? _ _ _ 7. .jSucfia Vd. cou visitar a Espafia? 8. iGuauto pagarfa Vd. por un automdvil? _. _ __ 219