DAR ES SALAAM UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION A Constituent College of the University of Dar Es Salaam Gen: 022-2850975 Fax 022-2850972 E-mail: dpacademic@duce.ac.tz OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC P.O. Box 2329, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. AGREEMENT FOR HIRING OF ACADEMIC COSTUMES AN AGREEMENT made this …………………….. day of ……………….. 2015 between the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (hereunder called the Owner which expression shall where the context admits include the successors in the title of the Owner) of the one part and ………………………………………………….. (hereinafter called the Hirer) of the other part. WHEREBY the owner will let on hire to the Hirer, academic costumes which include a gown, hood and cap from the date of this Agreement including three days after the graduation day; that is on 21st November 2015 (hereinafter called the hire period) upon the following terms and conditions. 1. The Hirer shall pay the Owner the sum of Tshs 42,000/= for hiring of the said gown. 2. The Hirer shall use the said costumes for his/her graduation ceremony and for no other purpose whatsoever. 3. The Hirer during the continuance of the hiring will at his/her own expense keep the said costumes in good and substantial repair and condition and shall be responsible for all risks (damage by fire included) normal wear and tear excepted) and shall not remove the said costumes from his/her custody without the consent of the owner in writing. 4. The Hirer shall return the said costume to the owner immediately after the graduation ceremony and in any case NOT LATER THAN THREE DAYS after the date of the graduation ceremony. 5. If the Hirer fails to deliver the said costumes to the owner after the expiry of the hire period he/she shall PAY FINE AT THE RATE OF TSH. 10,000/= FOR EACH DAY SUBSEQUENT THERETO UNTIL THE OWNER RETAKES POSSESSION OF THE COSTUMES. 6. If the Hirer shall make default in payment of any daily sum payable under clause (5) above, the Owner may sue him/her for the amount due unless that amount can be agreed between him/her (Hirer) and the Owner. 7. If the said costumes are lost or damaged, the Owner shall recover the full amount of the lost or damaged costumes at the current market value of such lost or damaged costumes. 8. If the Hirer shall not return the said costumes to the Owner, he/she shall not be issued with his/her Provisional Results, Academic Transcript and University Certificate. WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed these presents on the day and the year and in the manner hereinafter appearing. SIGNED AND DELIVERED this ………………………….day of ……………………….. 2015 by: Name of the HIRER: …………………………………………………………………………. (in full) Signature: ………………………………………………………………… Postal Address: ……………………………………….. Mobile Phone No.………………………………………. IN THE PRESENCE OF (The witness should be a judge, magistrate or advocate): Name: …………………………………………… Signature: …………………………………………… Postal Address: ……………………………………………. Qualification: …………………………………………….. Signed on behalf of the Dar es Salaam University College of Education: Name:.. ………… ……………………………………… Signature: …………………………………………….. Designation: …...………………………………………