EQUIPMENT FOR FAME DISTILLATION 96 134 06 63 P.I. Fuente del Jarro Ciudad de Elda,11 46988 Paterna | Valencia WORKING PROCESS Over 99,5% purity is reached from an impure fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) coming from the biodiesel fabrication process Over 99,5% quality is achieved from an impure mixture of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) coming from the biodiesel fabrication process with a purity of 90-94%. This continuous distillation system is formed by a deareation column, a distillation column and a final foambreaker. It incorporates an evaporator, a set of condensers, cooler of volatile substances, distilled methyl-ester deposit, process and vacuum pumps, and control mechanisms. The system is mounted in “skid”, a metallic structure with all the elements that form the system interconnected. PROCESS DIAGRAM C S-5 A gua a torre C S-1 C DR - C ol umna D es ti la dora R ec tifi cadora C S - Co ndensado res C T - Calent ad or EF - Enfr iant es D L - Depó sito d e li mpie za R T - Reca le nt ador IT - I nt e r c amb iador Tubular B - B ombas B V - Bo mb a de Vacío R P- R ompe esp umas F I - F ina li z a do r destilación D A- D es ai re ad or C S-3 C S-6 C S-4 C S-2 ATEX normative compliant RP FI LSH F luid o T érmico DA EF CDR V olát iles c onde ns ad os TT L SL F lui do Térmico TT L IT F lui do Térmico F l ui do Térmico A gua de t or re 30ºC B io dies el d es tilado R es id uo des tila ción RT F l ui do térmico S oluc io n d e limpieza DL -1 IT G as es inc o ndensables LI FI F luid o térmico To ma de muest ras LI PI PI BV 1 PT D L-2 G as es inc o ndensables PI PI PI PI PI PI BV 2 B -1 B -8 B -7 B -2 B -3 B -4 B -5 B -6 2ª Fr ac ci ón B io diesel A lime ntacion F r ac c ió n odorifera P RESU PU ES TO P . 3005 F lui do Térmico N ombre Nº O R D E N TRABAJO x xxx /xx P LA NO Nº F ec ha Di bujado J.T .T. 14-01-10 R e v isión P .G.M. 14-01-10 C LI EN TE --F l ui do Térmico ESCALA DIA GR AMA DE P RO CESO: S/E EQU IP O DE DES TILA CIÓN B IO DIESEL R ev. 0 G r ad o d e pr e c i s ió n DIN 7168: Basto INSTALLATION EXAMPLE | Installation of FAME DISTILACION for INTEGRAL BIOENERGIES SYSTEMS, S.L. in Paiporta (Valencia) with a treatment capacity of 150 Lts/h. (Pilot Plant)