cv paco_english - Arte Clave Consultores

Paco de la Peña
(Guadalajara, Jalisco, 1951)
He started as an Artist in the city called City of Roses, in 1958 he started as
assistant of the Artist José María Servín helping him in his Murals artwork. He
enrolled the faculty of Graphic Arts in the University of Guadalajara where he
studied paint and sculpting, architectural sketching and graphic design.
From 1984 to 1985 the Washington University of San Luis Missouri,USA
granted him a scholarship; where he studied advance techniques of graphic
arts and started to do collagraphic art. In his career as an Artist he has had
more than 50 individual exhibitions and more than 300 collective exhibitions
around different states in the country as well in other coutries. In the following
states in México: Jalisco, Michoacán, Guerrero, Nayarit, Sinaloa,
Aguascalientes, Colima, Distrito Federal, Tabasco, Nuevo León, Guanajuato,
Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí; In the following cities in USA: San Francisco,
California; Labrea, Los Ángeles; Flagstaff, Arizona; San Diego, Fresno,
California; Tucson, Scott Dale, Arizona; Dallas y Houston, Texas; Wichita,
Kansas y St. Louis Missouri; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In other cities around
the world such as: Osaka, Japón; Bruselas, Bélgica; París, Francia; Madrid y
Barcelona, España; Berlín, Alemania; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Santiago de
Chile, Chile. He has received the following awards, (1995) "Maestro Contemporáneo de la
Pintura Jalisciense", by the National Chamber of Commerce of
Guadalajara; (1989) represented México in the seventh Bienal “Celebración
del Arte Iberoamericano”, México D.F.; (1982) second place award in
"Guadalajara, Ayer y Hoy", FONAPAS;(1975-1977) first place award in "Feria
Jacona", Jacona, Mich. Ironically he has never won his own hometown award
"el salón de Octubre". His artwork has been exhibit at movie productions, music albums covers,
book covers, poetry plaques and art magazines.
He worked as Director of the Regional Museum of Guadalajara- INAH, from
years 2009 to 2011. He was President of the board of Directors of "Seminario de Cultura Mexicana
Corresponsalía Guadalajara", from 2010-2012. Currently he is the CEO of Arte Clave Consulting, a company dedicated to
the promotion and development of cultural projects.
He is a certified appraisal of contemporary art. He is leader doing art
auctions since 1981 at national level and as well in the south of USA, with his
action work he has helped more than 300 non profit charity associations and
promoted more than 2,735 artists in more than 720 art auctions.
Ghilardí N.1128 Col. Mezquitan Country, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Méx.- CP44260 T38232785