Saint Joseph Cathedral - San Diego

St. Joseph Cathedral
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September 18, 2016
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saint Joseph
1535 Third Avenue
San Diego, California 92101-3101
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil 5:15 p.m.
7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,10:30 a.m.
12:00 noon, 1:30 p.m. (Spanish)
& 5:15 p.m.
7:00 a.m.,12:07 p.m. Monday-Friday
9:00 a.m. Saturdays
Holy Days
7:00 a.m.,12:07 p.m. & 5:15 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday 6:30 to 6:50 a.m.
& 11:30 to 11:55 a.m.
Saturday 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
or by appointment
First Friday
Adoration & Exposition
of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Benediction 11:45 a.m.
of the Blessed Sacrament
First Sunday of the month,
9:00 a.m. Mass
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Sunday, 11:40 a.m.
(Divine Mercy Chaplet)
Devotion to
Our Mother of Perpetual Help
after 7:00 a.m. & 12:07 p.m. Masses
St. Joseph Cathedral
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September 18, 2016
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Welcome to St. Joseph Cathedral
Bienvenidos a la Catedral de San Jose
We are blessed that you have chosen to join us in
worship and ministry here in Downtown San Diego.
We offer a special welcome to our visitors from outside San Diego and all are welcome here with the
spirit of St. Joseph! If you are new or have not registered in the parish, please take the opportunity to
contact our office so that we may welcome you in
person and assist you in any way possible to make
this your new parish home. Below, please find
some helpful information. We look forward in joining
with you in continuing to build God’s kingdom right
here in beautiful San Diego. WELCOME!
Rev. Patrick J. Mulcahy
Priests in Residence
Rev. Moses Chikwe
Rev. Michael Tran
Rev. Pedro Rivera
Deacon David Warren
Deacon Joe Moore
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Ruth Barreda, CHS ~
Business Manager
Blanca Garcia ~
Music Director
Patrick Robell ~
Faith Formation &
Hispanic Ministry Coordinator
Alicia Gutierrez ~
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Parish Mail
(619) 239-0229
(619) 239-3788
Director of Adult Faith Formation & RCIA
Bill Bischoff ~
Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
& Social Media Director
Dorinamae Cueva ~
Event & Volunteer Coordinator
Sandra Alonso ~
Complimentary Parking
Parking is available in the Ace Parking lot on the
corner of 3rd Avenue and Beech St. (please see
map below). This parking is complimentary for Cathedral visitors on weekdays AFTER 6:00pm and
ALL DAY on Saturdays and Sundays.
Support Staff
Lynn Martinez
Parish Secretary
Michele Anderson
Sonia Escamilla
Parish Receptionist
Fourth Ave.
St. Joseph
Third Ave.
Alberto Naldoza
Facility Maintenance
David West
Facility Maintenance/Restoration
Hortencia Gonzalez
Doug McMillion
Safety & Security
St. Joseph Cathedral
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September 18, 2016
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reflections, Announcements, News, Thoughts
The Pastor’s RANT…
Catechetical Sunday
Sunday September 18th
9:00 am + 1:30 pm Masses
A new year of catechism and faith formation has begun
for kids and adults! We are so grateful to those who serve
in the sacred ministry of Catechist and who volunteer
their talents and time in evangelization and faith formation. At the 9:00 am and 1:30 pm masses this Sunday,
we will bless our catechists and pray that the Holy Spirit
will guide their efforts in bringing their students closer to
Christ. Please keep them in your prayers throughout this
school year.
Holy Rosary Sunday
Sunday October 9th
In just a few weeks, we will be celebrating Holy Rosary
Sunday and we want to share the beautiful gift of the
Rosary with those who have not discovered or embraced
this beautiful prayer to Jesus through Mary. It begins
with having a rosary! So, we want to collect as many rosaries as we can to distribute on Holy Rosary Sunday.
Please check your closets, your desks, your nightstands,
your special places and see if there is an extra rosary that
would be a beautiful gift for someone who has no rosary.
Please drop off your rosaries in the basket at the entrance
to the church or to the parish office. Thank you for helping us to share the beautiful gift of the Rosary with others
Other Upcoming Parish Events…
Parish Picnic 2016
Saturday September 24
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
at Admiral Baker Park
Please plan to join us THIS Saturday for a special day of
food and games for all parishioners as we host our Parish
Picnic. We will be using Admiral Baker Park and building
a spirit of community! Church groups will provide the
food and drink. There will be GAMES for the kids and
families! Please bring a dessert or salad to share with others. This is NOT a fundraiser. It is simply an opportunity
for us to come together for good wholesome family fun!
COME, PLAY, and EAT with your fellow parishioners!
See you there!
Sat Oct 1st at 9:00am
Mass and Blessing of Cathedral Shrine
(In honor of St. John Paul the Great and St. Teresa
of Calcutta)
Cathedral Church
Most Rev. Robert H. Brom
Bishop Emeritus
Sat Oct 8th at 9:30am
Blessing of the Animals
In honor of St. Francis of Assisi
Cathedral Plaza Courtyard
Rev. Patrick Mulcahy, Pastor
Sun Oct 9th at 7:00pm
Vivaldi Concert
Il Giardino d'Amore
Cathedral Church
Details forthcoming…
Have a blessed and holy week!
Love in Christ, Fr. Pat
St. Joseph Cathedral
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September 18, 2016
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
News & Notes
Father Pat presents “Amorie Laetecia”
In anticipation of our Diocesan Synod Father Pat will present an overview of “Amorie Laetecia” Pope Francis’ letter to the Church.In order
for as many of our parishioners as possible to take advantage of this
presentation it will be given twice. Please note the time and date
changes from last week.
The Morning session will be given Wednesday morning September 21st
from 10:30-11:45am.
The Evening presentation will be given Tuesday evening September
20th from 7:00-8:30pm. Both presentations will be given in Holy Family
Center (formerly Cathedral Auditorium).
This is offered through our parish’s “Growing in Our Faith” program.
For more information or questions please contact Bill Bischoff at
RCIA September 2016
For those who are interested in joining the Roman Catholic Church
now is the time to register for this year’s RCIA program. The RCIA is
for those who have not been baptized or who belong to another Christian denomination. It is also for Catholics who need to complete the
sacraments of both First Communion and Confirmation. Also invited
are those Catholics who have not been active in their faith and wish to
return to an active sacramental life in the Church. Classes are held on
Sunday from 10am-11:30am in the parish rectory.
For more information please contact Bill Bischoff at or call 619-239-0229 ex112.
For those adult Catholics needing just the sacrament of Confirmation
please refer to the article on Adult Confirmation in the bulletin.
Adult Confirmation - Eight Week Program!
For those adult Catholics who have not received the Sacrament of
Confirmation Saint Joseph Cathedral is offering an eight week preparation course beginning September 24th completing November 13th with
Confirmation to follow on a later date that month.
Classes are on Sunday from 10:00am-11:30am in the parish office. To
register for the class or for more information please contact Bill Bischoff at or call 619-239-0229 ex112.
Bible Study – Saint Joseph Cathedral
If you missed the Ministry Fair you still can let us know if you are interested in attending a Bible Study at Saint Joseph Cathedral. This response is to simply let us know if you would be interested, with specific
details to follow. If you are interested, please contact Bill Bischoff at or call 619-239-0229 ex112.
Recovering Grace
Saint Joseph Cathedral is hosting “Recovering Grace” – a four week
series taking an in-depth look at the living a meaningful, sacramental
life through the lens of recovery with Scott Weeman of Catholic in Recovery, Tuesday nights in October 7pm-8:30pm.
Each night will focus on a different sacrament as it relates to the experience, strength and hope of finding new life through the grace of God.
October 4th: The Healing Grace of Baptismal Waters
October 11th Reconciliation with God, Ourselves & Others
October 18th Continuing the Journey through Eucharistic Nourishment
Sunday, September 18
Ismael Tambaoan+
Leon Candelario+
Hannah Gonzalez
Maria Cecilia Valero, Thanksgiving
Pro Populo
Leoncia Teroy+
Monday, September 19
Isabel Haz+
Karelle Arcedera
Tuesday, September 20
Fr. Jacob Bertrand
Frances Laskawski+
Wednesday, September 21
Fr. Jacob Bertrand
Frances Laskawski+
Thursday, September 22
Fr. Jacob Bertrand
Jan Miller +
Friday, September 23
Lawrence Duggan
Kathleen Carr
Saturday, September 24
Maria P. Cruz & Arsenio De Leon+
Ignacia Lugo+
St. Joseph Cathedral
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September 18, 2016
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cursillo for St. Joseph Cathedral Community
Downtown Ultreya ~TODAY
Come to learn about the Catholic Cursillo Movement
Location: Our Lady of the Rosary Parish (entrance on State St.
Near the corner of Cedar St. Next to Church.
Enjoy Potluck, Music, Cursillo Presentation, Meditation and
Prayer. Presentation to be made by Lilia Garcia about Cursillo
for the St. Joseph Cathedral & Our Lady of the Rosary Parishes.
Faith Night at the Movies
Monday, Sept. 26th 6:30-9:00pm
Holy Family Center
We launch our new series of films with religious and moral
themes with “BELLA” (2006). This emotionally complex and
compelling story focuses on two friends-one damaged by the
past and the other afraid of the future-who help each other
make a pair of life-changing choices. No charge for admission,
and the popcorn is free too! This film is appropriate for teens
and adults. There is optional discussion in groups afterwards.
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina for the month of September will be on Tuesday,
September 27th at 6:00pm in the Parish Office
Ministerio Hispano
El Concilio Vaticano II nos ha llamado a imaginar la Iglesia
como el pueblo de Dios. Como una comunidad de creyentes
somos responsables por nuestros hermanos, por su salvación,
su peregrinar en la fe, su bienestar físico. Muchos de los documentos del Concilio y volúmenes de trabajos desde mediados
de la década del 60 nos dan consejos, guías y ánimo para ayudarnos unos a otros: a los pobres, a los ancianos, a los no nacidos, a los quebrantados, a los enfermos.
Porque el Concilio Vaticano II es parte de nuestra reciente
historia –sin duda muchos de nosotros ya habíamos nacido–
esto nos puede parecer una idea nueva y revolucionaria. Pero
las lecturas de hoy nos muestran que las enseñanzas sobre
justicia social han existido siempre. Ochocientos años antes de
nacer Cristo, Amós advirtió a los ricos que no engañaran a los
pobres. En la primera carta de Pablo a Timoteo, él insiste en
que todas las oraciones sean por todos; y finalmente, el Evangelio enfatiza la importancia de usar sabiamente el dinero.
Lecturas de Hoy
Primera lectura —
El Señor nunca se olvida del pecado de los que hacen
trampa a los pobres y abusan de ellos
(Amós 8:4-7).
Salmo —
Que alaben al Señor todos sus siervos
(Salmo 113 [112]).
Segunda lectura —
Reza al Señor, que quiere que todos se salven
(1 Timoteo 2:1-8).
Evangelio —
Sé responsable en todo. No pueden
ustedes servir a Dios y al dinero
(Lucas 16:1-13).
Noticias de la Parroquia
Misa de Comisión para Ministros Eclesiales y
Presentación sobre el Ano de la Misericordia
Martes, 20 de Septiembre
10:00am a 2:00pm
Iglesia San Judas, 1129 S. 38th St. San Diego, CA
Para inscripciones o información llamar a Leticia Trent
al 858-490-8232
Clases del Instituto
Vaticano II
Jueves, 29 de Septiembre
6:00pm a 9:00pm
Centro Sagrada Familia (Salon Parroquial)
Para inscripciones o información llamar a Leticia Trent
al 858-490-8232
Clases de Guitarra
Jueves, 6 de Noviembre
7pm a 8:30pm
Centro Sagrada Familia (Salon Parroquial)
St. Joseph Cathedral
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Jubilee Year of Mercy
Resources are available at
Faith Formation
Faith Formation is a vital element of every Catholic
parish. The role of parish faith formation is to provide
organized and systematic approach to the instruction
and practice of the faith for everyone in the parish
community. The goal of this formation is to give each
member an understanding of their faith so they can
evangelize and witness to the faith in the greater secular community. The programs offered at Saint Joseph’s Cathedral parish reflect the diversity of an urban Southern California parish.
In addition to the weekly catechetical program special
events and speakers are presented throughout the
parish’s pastoral year.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
RCIA an Invitation for everyone
to Community in Christ.
At St. Joseph Cathedral’s parish community we believe that everyone has an invitation to join the RCIA
process. The RCIA’s invitation is for those individuals who have not been baptized and wish to enter into
a relationship with Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic
Faith Community. The invitation is for those from
other Christian Faith communities who wish to become members of the Roman Catholic Church.
Catholics who have not completed the sacraments of
Confirmation and Eucharist will find the invitation is
for them to complete those sacraments. Catholics
who have not been active in their faith and wish to
return to an active sacramental relationship with the
faith community will find the RCIA a place to have
that journey. Also, Catholics who wish to renew their
faith by refreshing their knowledge of the church’s
teaching are most welcome.
Evangelization and Catechesis are the hallmarks of the
RCIA at St. Joseph Cathedral. For more information
write Bill Bischoff at or call
the Parish Office.
September 18, 2016
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday Children’s Faith Formation - Classes meet
every Sunday in the Auditorium.
English Classes
9:00 - 10:30am
Spanish Classes
11:40am - 1:30pm
For more information or to follow up on the Sunday
Children’s Faith Formation, please contact Alicia
Gutierrez at 619-239-0229 or
Youth Confirmation - The Sacrament of Confirmation is a two year faith journey. During those two
years, the youth and their families are expected to participate in Confirmation Preparation Ministry.
Classes are held every other Sunday from 3:00 to
5:00pm in the Auditorium. Please contact Sr. Ruth
Marie Barreda
Parents who wish to have their child baptized at the
Cathedral should contact the Baptismal Coordinator,
Sonia Escamilla at the Parish Office at 619-239-0229
or Parents are encouraged to
make contact with us at least two (2) months in advance of a desired baptismal date. This early contact
enables parents to be scheduled for the necessary sacramental formation session before the child’s baptism
and allows time for sponsors to obtain letters from
their parish pastor.
If you are a registered parishioner at St. Joseph Cathedral and need a letter of good standing in order to be
a godparent for a baptism at another parish, please
call the Office.
Couples who are interested in celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage at the Cathedral are encouraged to
visit the parish website to review
our guidelines for weddings. The next step is to call
the Rectory at (619)239-0229 and ask to speak to the
Wedding Coordinator, Lynn Martinez. Couples are
expected to contact us at least 9 months in advance of
the date in which they hope to celebrate their wedding.
St. Joseph Cathedral
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September 18, 2016
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Formación en la Fe Para Niños los Domingos - Las
clases se reúnen los domingos en el Auditorio.
Clases en Ingles 9:00 - 10:30am
Clases en Español 11:40am - 1:30pm
Para mas información o para darle seguimiento a la
Formación en la Fe para Niños, por favor de comuníquese con Alicia Gutiérrez al (619) 239-0229 o
Formación en la Fe
El propósito de la formación de fe es hacer lo que
Cristo dijo a sus apóstoles. Esto es proclamar el evangelio y llevar al pueblo a una comunión con Dios.
Todos los Católicos tienen la responsabilidad y el derecho de participar en la misión catequética de la Iglesia por virtud de su Bautizo; esto es un proceso de
vida, aprender y ensenar a ortos la fe. La Vida de la
Iglesia es catequética y es el responder a necesidades
de los que son catequizados.
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos
La comunidad parroquiana de Catedral de San José
extiende una invitación a todos al proceso de RICA.
La invitación es para Adultos que nunca han sido
bautizados y quisieran establecer una relación con
Jesucristo en la Comunidad Cristiana Católica Romana.
De igual manera la invitación es para Adultos de otras
comunidades Cristianas que quisieran ser miembro
de la Iglesia Católica Romana.
Católicos que aun no completan el Sacramento de
Confirmación y Primera Comunión se les invita a que
reciban los Sacramentos. A Católicos que no han
sido activos en su fe y quisieran regresar a una fe activa sacramental encontraran que RICA los guiara de
nuevo a su Fe Católica Romana.
La evangelización y el Catequesis son bases fundamentales en el programa de RICA en Catedral de
San José. Para mas información, se puede comunicar
con Alicia Gutiérrez al (619)239-0229 o
Confirmación Para Adolescentes - El Sacramento de
la Confirmación es un trayecto de fe de dos anos.
Durante estos dos anos, es obligatorio que los adolescentes y sus familias participen en el Ministerio en
Preparación para la Confirmación. Las clases se llevan a cabo cada domingo de 11:40am a 1:30pm en el
Auditorio. Por favor comuníquese con Alicia Gutiérrez al (619)239-0229 o
Los Padres que deseen bautizar a su hijo en Catedral,
deberían de comunicarse con la Coordinadora Bautismal Sonia Escamilla al teléfono de la Parroquia
(619)239-0229 o al correo electrónico Se les invita a los padres que se
comuniquen dos (2) meses antes de la fecha bautismal que desean. Este anticipo permite programar la
sesión necesario de la formación sacramental para los
padres antes del bautismo del niño/niña y también
permite que los padrinos obtengan cartas del pastor
de su parroquia. Si usted es feligrés registrado en
Catedral de San José y necesita una carta de recomendación para poder ser padrino/madrina de bautismo en otra parroquia, por favor llame a la oficina.
A las parejas interesadas en celebrar el Sacramento
de Matrimonio en la Catedral, se les invita a visitar la
pagina web de la parroquia para
revisar los requisitos.
El próximo paso es llamar a la Oficina Parroquial al
(619)239-0229 y pedir hablar con la Coordinadora de
Bodas, Lynn Martínez que le va a poder asesorar sobre las preparación matrimonial y de programar su
ceremonia de boda en Catedral. Es obligatorio que
las parejas se comuniquen con nosotros por los menos con 9 meses de anticipo de la fecha que desean
celebrar su boda.