July 2016 Recycled Clothing

¿Cómo podemos reutilizar la ropa vieja para crear nuevos estilos?
How can we reuse old clothing to create new styles?
Even though Fashion Week is a couple of months away, Mi Casita students will be prepping for
the runway! We are challenging students to create new use of old clothing. How can we
appreciate what we have and repurpose it for new use? Through studying design, art, and
nature, Mi Casita students will develop personal wardrobes using recycled materials and
recycled clothing. Throughout the month students will learn different techniques clothing design.
Please bring in any old clothing that you no longer want so we can use it to make new
products! We look forward to seeing a fashion show at the end of the month!
Throughout this unit, students will:
- Use scientific inquiry skills
- Demonstrate knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials
- Use tools to perform tasks
- Explore visual arts
- Explore and describe spatial relationships and shapes
- Use print concepts
- Compare and measure
- Demonstrate knowledge of patterns
- Use classification skills
- Use writing and drawing tools
- Show flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
tejer- to weave
coser- to sew
llevar- to wear
probar- to try
medir- to measure
modelar- to model
cortar- to cut
camisa- shirt
pantalones- pants
zapatos- shoes
medias- socks
bufanda- scarf
falda- skirt
vestido- dress
blusa- blouse
botones- buttons
estampados- prints
cartera- bag/purse
camiseta- t-shirt
gorra- hat
bolsa- bag
tela- fabric
combinación- combination
hilo- thread
sombrer- hat
ropa- clothing
material- material
estilo- style
lazo- ribbon
cremallera- zipper
algodón- cotton
seda- silk
suave- soft
elegante- fancy
tijeras- scissors