Postdoctoral Fellow
¾ Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas, UNAM, Michoacán, México. 2011
(w/Miguel Martinez Ramos).
¾ Center for Tropical Research, Institute of the Environment, UCLA.2010
(w/Thomas B. Smith)
¾ Department of Biology, Stanford University. 2008 (w/ Rodolfo Dirzo).
Ph. D. Instituto de Ecología, UNAM. 2005 (advisor Rodolfo Dirzo)
B. S. Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM. 1997.
Impacts of mammal defaunation on plant-mammal interactions and the maintenance
of rain forest floristic diversity; Patterns and ecological consequences of tropical forest
deforestation and fragmentation; Role of seed predation and dispersal for plant
dynamics and its interaction with seed size variation; Application of non-invasive
methods for the study of mammal activity and abundance. Species distribution
School of Sciences, UNAM. Ecology. Instructor. B. S. class. 2003-2005.
Institute of Ecology, UNAM. Bio-conservation TA. Graduate class. Field Tropical
Ecology and Conservation, B. S. class. 2000.
School of Sciences, UNAM. Fundaments of GIS. Instructor. M. S. class. 2004.
2008 Fellowship from CONACyT to carry out postdoctoral research at the Center for
Tropical Research, University of California Los Angeles and the Centro de
Investigaciones en Ecosistemas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
2007 Certification as National Researcher (category candidate). National System of
Researchers (SNI), México.
2004 Fulbright research scholar, Department of Biology, University of Miami,
September 2004-June 2005 (w/Carol H. Horvitz).
2003 Fellowship from the OTS to attend course: Tropical Plant Systematic
2001 Oral presentation (co-authored with Rodolfo Dirzo) presented at the ESA 86
Meeting selected to be commented in Science.
2000 Short term Fellowship from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute to
carry out field work at the Barro Colorado Island. Advisor: S. Joseph Wright.
August 2000-October 2000.
2000 Fellowship from the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) to
pursue Ph. D. studies, 2000-2005.
1997 Fellowship from the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) to pursue
M. S. studies 1997-1999.
1996 Fellowship from the Center for Anthropological Research at Indiana University
to receive training on application of remote sensing techniques to monitor
anthropogenic perturbation.
1996 Fellowship from the Latin American Network of Botany to attend course:
Conceptual Bases for Biological Conservation.
1995 Fellowship from the OTS to attend course: Tropical Ecology and Conservation.
1993 Fellowship from Conservation International to carry out field work at the
Biosphere Reserve of Montes Azules in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.
2009-2010 Research scholar. Center for Tropical Research, Institute of the
Environment, University of California Los Angeles.
2006-2008 Research scholar. Department of Biology, Stanford University.
1997-1998 Research assistant: Land use change in Córdoba, Veracruz. PI: Valentino
Sorani, UNAM, Institute of Geography, UNAM, Mexico.
1996-1997 Research assistant: Assessment of the conservation status of the
mangrove ecosystem in Mexico. PI: Rodolfo Dirzo, Institute of Ecology, UNAM,
Mendoza, E., Fuller, T., Thomassen, H. A., Buermann, W. and Smith, T. B. Submitted.
Effectiveness of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor to protect biodiversity:
the case of tapirs in southern Mexico.
Mendoza, E., Martineau, P., Brenner, E. and Dirzo, R. In review. A novel method to
improve animal individual identification based on camera-trapping data.
Journal of Wildlife Management.
Mendoza, E. and Dirzo, R. 2009. Seed tolerance to predation: evidence from the toxic
seeds of the buckeye tree (Aesculus californica; Sapindaceae). American Journal
of Botany 96: 1255-1261.
Mendoza, E. and Dirzo, R. 2007. Does interspecific seed-size variation determine
differential predation by mammals? An experimental test in a Neotropical
rain forest. Oikos 116: 1841-1852.
Dirzo, R., Mendoza, E. and Ortíz, P. 2007. Effects of differential mammalian
defaunation on seed predation patterns in a Mexican tropical rain forest.
Biotropica 39: 355-362.
Mendoza, E., J. Fay and Dirzo, R. 2005. A quantitative analysis of forest
fragmentation in Los Tuxtlas, southeast Mexico: patterns and implications for
conservation. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 78: 451-467.
Mendoza, E. and Dirzo, R. 1999. Deforestation in Lacandonia (southeast Mexico):
evidence for the declaration of the northernmost tropical hot-spot. Biodiversity
and Conservation 8:1621-1641.
Dirzo, R., Mendoza, E. and Cachú, Y. 2009. Status of medium and large
mammals at the Jasper Ridge Preserve. En: Chiariello, N. (ed.). Jasper
Ridge Biological Preserve State of the Preserve Assessment. Jasper Ridge
Biological Preserve, Stanford University:
Mendoza, E. and Dirzo, R. 2009. Fragmentación del hábitat en la región de los
Tuxtlas y sus implicaciones para la conservación de la biodiversidad. In:
Segundo Estudio de País (Sarukhán, J. et al. eds). CONABIO, México.
Dirzo, R and Mendoza, E. 2008. Biodiversity. In: Encyclopedia of Ecology (S. E.
Jorgensen and B. Fath eds.) Elsevier, UK, pp. 368-377.
Dirzo, R. and Mendoza, E. 2001. Extinción de los procesos ecológicos: interacciones
planta-animal. In: Primack, R., Rozzi, R., Feisinger, P., Dirzo, R. and
Massardo, F. (eds), Fundamentos de Conservación Biológica: una perspectiva
Latinoamericana. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, pp 153-155.
Mendoza, E. 2010. El tapir, representante ancestral de una tierra de gigantes. Revista
Ciencia y Desarrollo. Febrero
Mendoza, E. 2008. Diversidad biológica. Tepalcates 2: 6-8.
Dirzo, R. and Mendoza, E. 2004. La selva de Los Tuxtlas, paraíso amenazado.
Pronatura. April-May, pp. 18-35.
PNAS (1), Biotropica (5), Biological Conservation (2), Ecology (1), Oikos (1),
Journal of Ecology (1), Journal of Wildlife Management (1).
2009 Mendoza, E. The importance of seed predation by rodents to understand the
impacts of defaunation in Neotropical rain forests. Defaunation Symposium.
Stanford University.
2008 Mendoza, E. Impacto cualitativo de la perturbación de hábitat en la interacción
entre mamíferos consumidores de semillas y plantas en la selva húmeda.
Symposium. Congreso Mexicano de Ecología 2008. Mérida, México.
2007 Dirzo, R., Mendoza, E., Betsabé, R. Aguirre, A. and López, J. C.
“Anthropogenic driven shifts in the nature and strength of antagonistic plantanimal interactions”. Symposium. Annual Meeting of the Association for
Tropical Biology and Conservation. Morelia, México.
2007 Mendoza, E. and Donatti, C. “Impact of vertebrate defaunation on seed
predation and dispersal of palms: implications for rain forest conservation”.
Symposium. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and
Conservation. Morelia, México.
2005 Mendoza, E. and Dirzo, R. “Differential tropical mammalian defaunation and
differential seed predation: implications for rainforests plant diversity”. Oral
presentation. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and
Conservation. Uberlandia, Brazil.
2005 Dirzo, R. and Mendoza, E. “Effects of differential hunting on seed predation
patterns and seedling recruitment in Mexican tropical forests”. Symposium.
Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.
Uberlandia, Brazil.
2002 Mendoza, E., Wright, S. J. and Dirzo, R. “Floristic diversity along a gradient of
defaunation in the insular system of Barro Colorado Monument”. Symposium.
Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.
2002 Mendoza, E. and Dirzo, R. “Ecological consequences of the selective
mammalian defaunation in tropical rain forests”. Oral presentation. 87 Meeting
of the Ecological Society of America. Tucson, Arizona, USA.
2001 Dirzo, R. and Mendoza, E. “Studies on the alteration of Neotropical forests
understories due to mammalian defaunation: experimental approaches and a
model of the possible underlying mechanisms”. Symposium. 86 Meeting of the
Ecological Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
1996 Mendoza, E. and Dirzo, R. Análisis de los patrones de deforestación en la selva
Lacandona (Chiapas, México). Poster. 81 Meeting of the Ecological Society of
America. Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
1996 Dirzo, R. and Mendoza, E. Evaluación de la diversidad florística y el estado de
conservación de las selvas húmedas en México. Workshop. Biodiversidad y
conservación de las selvas húmedas en Latinoamérica. Xalapa, Ver., México.
1995 Mendoza, E., Dirzo, R. and Sorani, V. 1995. Análisis de la tasa de deforestación
de la selva Lacandona y su correlación con factores socio-económicos. Oral
presentation. XIII Meeting of the Botanical Society of México. Morelos, México.
1995 Dirzo, R., Quijano, M., Mendoza, E., Sorani, V., Nuñez-Farfan, J. and
Domínguez, C. A. Evaluación del cambio en la cobertura de manglar en México
durante la última década. XIII Meeting of the Botanical Society of México.
Morelos, México.
Undergraduate advisor (Internships)
Milena Rosenfield. Tolerance of the seeds of the tree Aesculus californica to rodent
attack. Stanford University, 2007.
Elliot Brenner. Camera-trapping based bobcat individual identification . Stanford
University, 2008
Claudia Chen. Procesamiento de la información generada en un monitoreo a largo
plazo de la fauna de mamíferos de la reserva de Jasper Ridge, Stanford. Stanford
University, 2008
Undergraduate thesis
Diana Lucero Ramírez Mejía,: Ecología del tapir (Tapirus bairdii) en la reserva de la
biosfera de El Triunfo, Chiapas. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo,
Michoacán, México. 2010Yazmín Alejandra López Arroyo, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de
Hidalgo. Ecología del tapir (Tapirus bairdii) en el área de protección de flora y fauna
de Balan K’aax, Quintana Roo, Chiapas. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de
Hidalgo, Michoacán, México. 2010-
An integrative approach to assess the impacts of land-use and climate
change on Mexican tropical biodiversity. US$ 25, 000.00. Written with
Dr. Thomas B. Smith, Dr. John Pollinger, Dr. Miguel Martinez Ramos
and Dr. Alejandro Flamenco Sandoval.
A novel approach to monitoring the population status of the endangered
Baird’s tapir: the last Central American mega-herbivore. Latin American
Institute, UCLA. US$ 2,000.00. Written with Dr. Thomas B. Smith,
Center for Tropical Research, USA.
Consequences of tropical mammal defaunation on the structure and
diversity of the rain forest understory. National Commission for the Use
and Knowledge of Biodiversity (CONABIO), México. US$ 22,000. Written
with Dr. Rodolfo Dirzo, Stanford University, USA.
Center for Tropical Research, UCLA; Centro de Investigación en
Ecosistemas, UNAM. Morelia, México.
School of Biology, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos,
UAEM. Cuernavaca, México.
School of Biology, Universidad Veracruzana; Veracruz, México. Annual
Meeting of the Botanical Garden Association. Jardín Botánico, UNAM.
México, D. F.
School of Higher Studies Zaragoza, UNAM. México, D. F.
School of Sciences, UNAM. México, D.F.
School of Sciences, UNAM. México, D.F
Reviewer of scientific proposals certified by the National Council of Science and
Technology (by invitation) 2009-
Sociedad Científica Mexicana de Ecología 2008Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation 2009The Wildlife Society 2009LANGUAGE EXPERIENCE
Spanish, native speaker
English, advanced speaking, reading, writing and oral comprehension