PORVS PARA In general, ldftl expresses the notion of aiming at or

In general,ldftl expresses
the notion of aimingat or movingtoward a goal. It maymean.farin the sense
of "destinedfor'', "toward", or 'in the directionof'.
lJsePABA whenyou meao:
l Destination:Specificplacein future
Mafranayo salgoparaMadrid. Tomorrow I leavefor Madrid.
2. Intendedfor: usage:
Intendedfor: who or what
Estevasoesparalas flores. This glassis for flowers.
EstevasoesparaJuan. This glassis for John.
3. Purpose-Figurativegoal,
In order tq
Reasonfor doing som€thing,
Purposeor function:
Yo estudiopararecibir una "A.' en el examen.
I studyin order to get an A on the test. (With infinitive)
Yo trabajomuchoparacomprarun coche.
Las tijeras sonparacortar. (Scissorsarefor cutting.)
4. Standardfior comparison:
(Consideringthe fact tlnt,
In spiteof the faa that)
Parasernorteamerican4ella hablaespaflolmuy bien.
For a North American,shesp€aksSpanishvery well.
5. Specificpoint in future time:
(Time by which. . .) Deadline
Estaleccionesparamaffana.This lessonis for tomorrow.
Lo necesitoparalas tres de la tarde. I needit by 3:00 p.m.
6. Employment
Ella trabajaparaMicrosoft. Sheworks for Mcrosoft.
7. Estar para:To be r€adyto or aboutto:
Estamosparasalir. We areaboutreadyto leave.
8. Someone'sopinion.
Parami, no esunabuenaidea. For mq it's not a good idea.
?ara siempre." Forever
9. SpeciaUcommon
Use@[ whenyou mean:
L Cause
Due to/becauseof
On accountof
Compr6el regalopor Maria. I boughtthe gift for Maria.
(Maria couldn't do it.)
Yo lo hicepor amor. I did it for love. (On accountof)
2. Choice:
In favor of
El vot6 por el PresidenteObama.
Yo estoypor llevar uniformesen la escuela.
3. Movementthrough space.
By, through,along
Viajamospor Espafia.We traveledthrough Spain.
El barcopasopor la orilla. The boat passedby the shore.
4. In exihangefor, substitution:
Yo pagu6cinco dolarespor la pluma.
5. Objectof errandor action:
Ir (to go), mandar(to send),volver (return),venir (to come),
luchar(to fiChtfot
El nifro fue por agua. The boy went for water.
Ella mand6por el m6dico. Shesentfor the doctor.
El volvi6 por su libro. He retumedfor his book.
El luch6 por la libertad. He fought for libertl.