Columbus Overview (English)

Institutional Presentation
This information is strictly private and confidential
Columbus Overview
Columbus Merchant Banking is an independent boutique investment bank that provides
advisory and capital markets service. We offer unbiased and unconflicted advice
for our clients in any type of investment banking transaction
Š Columbus was founded at the end of 2004 by former senior officers responsible for Citigroup’s Investment
Banking business in Argentina and Uruguay
Š Columbus has offices in Buenos Aires and Montevideo and employs ten professionals (7 ex-citibankers)
Š Columbus members have been Capital Market Makers in the region and have worked together for more than 22
years (16 at Citi and 6 at Columbus), developing a strong deal-making track record in local and cross border
M&A, Equity (Public & Private), Fixed Income, Syndicated Debt, Restructurings and Project Finance
Š Columbus members hold extensive international “on-the-field” work experience (USA, Europe and Mercosur)
in the Investment Banking Industry: over 350 deals for over US$ 38 billion total value
Š Columbus members have successfully structured sophisticated deals and financial products in Emerging
Markets under all macro environments and capitalized from these experiences
Š Columbus has generated more than 50 Investment Banking deals in six years with clients such as Village
Cinemas, Procter & Gamble, Groupe-Casino, Celulosa Argentina, Exolgán, Noble Grain, AES, ING Group, Ivax
Pharmaceuticals, Macri Group, Dolphin/Pampa Energía, Iplan and Grupo de Narvaez, among many others
Š Columbus has been one of the most active Investment Banks in Argentina in the past years, and currently
holds the fourth position in the local mid-size M&A rankings, overcoming top tier international financial
What Columbus Stands For
Š Commitment: From the beginning the partners of Columbus are completely involved in the
transaction, personally taking care of the clients’ necessities through the process
Š Independence: Unbiased and unconflicted investment banking services
Š Excellence: Superior execution capabilities by Partners under international standards
Š Experience: Our Partners average almost 20 years in the investment banking industry, developed in
leading global financial institutions at major financial markets
Š Industry Knowledge: Columbus has thorough knowledge, relationships and experience in almost any
industry. However, we are not industry specialists, we are deal specialists!
Š Global Coverage: Our presence in Argentina and Uruguay and partnership with Global M&A enhances
our regional and international coverage and facilitates the maximization of business opportunities
Š Seniority: Exclusive dedication by Partners to each client
Š Reach: Superior access to a wide variety and type of investors in different markets
Š Long-term Thinking: Columbus privileges developing long-term relationships with clients, delivering
superior advisory services in any type of transaction and marketplace
The Global M&A Partnership
Š Columbus is a member of Global M&A since
Global Office Network
2007 representing Argentina and Uruguay
Š Global M&A is the world’s most active
investment banks
Š The partnership represents the best of two
worlds: a personal investment banking service
delivered by seasoned deal makers combined
with seamless cross-border corporate finance
Š Global M&A’s is focused in mid-market
transactions, valued up to €250 million, with
each partner been carefully selected as 'best of
breed' in their own local territories
Š In the last 10 years, Global M&A has closed
more than 1,500 transactions with an aggregate
deal value of more than €30 billion
Š Columbus was able to enhance its global
coverage and deal origination & execution since
its partnering with Global M&A
45 different investment banking boutiques and more than 300
bankers across Europe, Asia, America and Australia
Columbus Partners
Alejandro Dillon
Managing Partner
Fernando Herrera
Diego Augsburger
Age: 47 yrs
IB Exp.*: 24 yrs
Age: 43 yrs
IB Exp.*: 20 yrs
Age: 43 yrs
IB Exp.*: 20 yrs
Š Former Citigroup M&A Head for Southern
Š BA from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Š London Business School: former ADP and
International Alumni Board Member
Š Former professor: Master in Finance - UdeSA
Š Former Board Member IAE “Centre for
Š Former Citigroup Equity Head
Š Former Citigroup Private Equity
Coordinator Argentina
Š BA from the University of Buenos
Aires (UBA)
Š Former professor Master in Finance –
Š Former Citigroup Fixed Income &
Loan Syndication Head Argentina
Š BA and CPA from the University of
Š Professor Master in Finance – UTDT
Julio Fermo
Alejandro de Nevares
Martín Lombardi
Age: 40 yrs
IB Exp.*: 16 yrs
Age: 43 yrs
IB Exp.*: 21 yrs
Age: 41 yrs
IB Exp.*: 16 yrs
Š Former Citigroup Structured Finance
Head IB Argentina
Š CPA from University of Rosario (“UR”)
Š Master in Finance – CEMA
Š Master in Bankruptcy – UBA
Š Professor: Master in Finance – UTDT & UR
Note (*): Investment Banking Experience
Š Former Citigroup New York Latin
American Institutional Investor Sales
Š BA from the University of Buenos
Aires (UBA)
Š MBA Fuqua School of Business – Duke
Š Former Director Citigroup Uruguay.
Head of FI Public Sector
Š CPA for Universidad de la República
Š MBA University of Georgia
Š Professor Master in Finance – ORT
Investment Banking Services
Mergers & Acquisitions
Š Buy & Sell Side
Corporate Advisory
Capital Markets
Š Valuations
Š Private Placements
Competitive Processes
Š Debt Restructurings
Š Loan Syndication
Direct Negotiations
Š IPO Advisory
Š Corporate Debt Distribution
Š Divestitures
Š Capital Structure
Š Securitizations
Š Strategic Partnerships
Š Strategic Advisory
Š Mezzanine Finance
Š Management Buy Outs (MBO)
Š Hold-out situations
Š Acquisition Finance
Š Leveraged Buy Outs (LBO)
Š Credit Rating Assessment
Š Financial Asset Origination
Š Fairness Opinions
Š Private Equity Origination
Columbus Team Previous Achievements*
“Deal of the year”. Private debt restructuring:
Transportadora de Gas del Sur (2004). Argentina
“Deal of the year” Latin American sovereign debt
restructuring: Republic of Uruguay (2003). Uruguay
First “APE” and “debt to equity” restructuring:
Autopistas del Sol (2003). Argentina
20-year Sovereign Bond: The Republic of
Argentina, 20 year maturity (2000). Argentina
Largest corporate bond issue: Baluma (Conrad
Resort) (1999). Uruguay
Biggest M&A in retail sector: TIA (1999). Argentina
First credit card securitization: Aerocard (19971998). Argentina
Record M&A sell side: Havanna (1997). Argentina
First Mercosur project bond: IEBA (1997). Argentina
First private equity acquisition finance: Mandeville Hicks Muse Tate & Furst (1995). Argentina
First corporate issue post-Tequila: Hidroeléctrica
Piedra del Águila (1995). Argentina
First FRN: Edelap (1994). Argentina
First Latam consumer securitization: Trinity Trust
(1993). Argentina
First global IPO: Telefónica de Argentina (1991).
First Euro CD: Banco Rio NY Agency (1991). Argentina
First commercial paper: Bunge (1991). Argentina
First corporate bond (ON): Pluspetrol (1989). Argentina
More than 330 transactions executed between 1991 and 2004
28 debt restructuring and 4 M&A deals during the Argentine crisis (2002-2004)
More than US$ 38 billion in aggregate deal value for M&A, Equity, Debt, Privatization and Debt Restructuring
Uruguay: More than 20 transactions in M&A, fundraising and debt restructurings
Note(*): Deals done by our team of professionals before joining Columbus
Columbus’ Current History and Track Record
Columbus has been an active player in the local and regional market since inception
Relocated to its current office headquarters
In just two years, Columbus was recognized as a Lead Top
Player in Argentina by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
Despite Argentina’s farm crisis and the outburst of the subprime crisis,
Columbus continued to be very active in M&A and fundraising deals with
clients such as Gafisa, Cadbury and Copérnico among others
By March, Columbus had closed the divestment of
Leader Price Argentina by Groupe-Casino
Columbus continues to be one of the most active
investment banks, leading the local market
Columbus was founded at the end of 2004
In just months, Columbus was working for
Noble Grain in a regional deal
In its first year Columbus closed deals with top-tier
companies such as Procter & Gamble and Village Cinemas
Ranked among the Top 5 advisors in Argentina by Thomson
Closed several regional M&A deals and debt restructuring process
with companies such as Fiplasto, Herix and Village Cinemas
Ranked fourth (#4) in cumulative league tables for the past three
years, overcoming top tier international financial institutions
Joined Global M&A to enhance its global reach
Closed several deals in M&A, financing and debt restructuring with
international companies such as Ivax, Village Cinemas, Iplan,Exolgán and
Fada, among many others
Occupied the second position (#2) in Thomson Financial M&A rankings
Argentina M&A Rankings
Columbus has been one of the leading Investment
Banks in Argentina in the past three years
Top 10 Advisors by deal count (Jan07 - Mar10)
Š Columbus holds the fourth position (#4) in the local
market, overcoming top tier international financial
ŠThis ranking reflects Columbus’ growth and leadership
in the Argentine market
Source: Thomson Financial, deals under US$ 150 million
Columbus Selected Credentials
Dashalmix S.A.
Grupo Palmero
September 2010
June 2010
May 2010
March 2010
March 2010a
February 2010
AR$ 20 MM medium
term financing
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
M&A Sell Side
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
December 2009
October 2009
July 2009
June 2009
Financial Advisor
Advisor in the
restructuring of its
financial liabilities
M&A Sell Side
Financial Advisor
M&A Sell Side
Financial Advisor
May 2009
Financial Advisor
Copérnico Capital
August 2008
Financial Advisor
November 2008
Financial Advisor
Las Malvinas
July 2008
June 2008
June 2008
May 2008
March 2008
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
Columbus Selected Credentials (cont.)
Club Atlético
Química del Norte
March 2008
January 2008
October 2007
September 2007
July 2007a
July 2007
AR$ 25 MM medium
term financing
Structuring and
placement of Private
Notes for US$ 10 MM
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
June 2007
June 2007
February 2007
July 2006
May 2006
Advisor in the
restructuring of
its debt
M&A Sell Side
Financial Advisor
M&A Sell Side
Financial Advisor
January 2007
Consumer finance
portfolio financing
for US$ 6 MM in UYP
Block Trade of
Telecom Argentina
Class C Shares
Financial Advisor
November 2005
October 2005
Advisor to the
minority shareholders
in the acquisition of
the controlling stake
October 2005
September 2005
Advisor in the
restructuring of its
financial liabilities
and capital structure
September 2004
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
November 2005
M&A Sell Side
Financial Advisor
Why Columbus?
For superior advisory services in any investment banking transaction,
there is what you know you need and what you should avoid…
à Exclusive dedication by Partners
Ä Execution by generalists – Seniors at
mandate & closing only!
à Deal execution by top tier professionals
Ä Huge deal teams with marginal dedication
à Proven experience in closing deals under
Ä Lack of flexibility, transparency and
different market scenarios
à Unbiased and unconflicted investment
banking services
à Efficiency: unparalleled cost with access to
senior execution
à Only focused in serving our clients’ interests
Ä Evident conflicts of interest
Ä Best resources only dedicated to seven-digit
Ä Transaction focus lost among a wide array of
corporate interests
A deal cannot afford the cost of not having the right advisor…
Contact Details
Av. Coronel Díaz 2857
C1425DRB | Buenos Aires | Argentina
T: +54 (11) 4802-4700
Alejandro Dillon
Fernando Herrera
Diego Augsburger
Julio Fermo
Alejandro de Nevares
Verónica Klammer
Matías O’Farrell
Germán Buffo Sempé
Francis Btesh
Martín Lombardi