1. IDENTIFICATION DETAILS Title: Degree in Advertising Faculty/School: Communication Sciences Course subject: Social Research Techniques Type: Optional Year / Semester: Third Year – 6 Semester Subject: Environment and Market Foundations Module: Basis for a General Theory of Advertising Language: Spanish Total number of undertaken by pupil: th hours Credits ECTS: 3 Code: 1953 75 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE The ongoing social and cultural transformations of our day-to-day have a direct or indirect impact on advertising activities. For this reason, professionals working in this area of Social and Human Sciences must acquire and use the necessary tools to analyse, study, design and propose new alternatives, from their field of action at work, that will give rise to personal, professional and business advantages. These tools are the Social Research Techniques present in many areas of Social Sciences that feed into Advertising to create, plan, measure and propose new alternatives for advertising actions. 3. SKILLS TO DEVELOP 3.1. General Skills To be able to research and deepen into the communication process and its social impact. To acquire the capacity to creatively ask and answer fundamental questions pertaining to what, why and the consequences of human, social, political and economic events. To be able to conduct research and analysis of advertising productions that involve handling sources, data and documents applicable to this type of productions. To acquire decision-making and problem-solving skills in the scope of the student’s professional and research activities. 1 3.2. Specific Skills To define research topics that can contribute to better-knowing special and current events and to properly apply the search results, in accordance with the standards for persuasive communication and public relations disciplines. To adequately identify and use documentation, market research and advertising media sources. To retrieve, organise, analyse and process valuable information on the advertiser and its brands, products or services and to use all this in a confidential and positive manner to meet the advertiser’s goals. To make project and research presentations in public or through any communication media. 3.3. Complementary Skills To be acquainted with the different Social Research Techniques, what they are used for, why they are used, when to use them and in what particular moment. To know the knowledge areas of Social Sciences that feed into Advertising to create research methodologies within their fields of action. To analyse the qualitative and quantitative methodologies used in Advertising and to know when it is most suitable to use one of the two, or even both, in the same research. 4. WORK TIME DISTRIBUTION CONTACT HOURS REMOTE STUDY HOURS 30 45 5. OBJECTIVES Students seeking to obtain the Degree in Advertising must know the Social Research Techniques currently used in Advertising. Additionally, students must know how being acquainted with these tools helps to lay down principles for the creation, planning, research and empirical as well as scientific knowledge for advertising actions. 6. INDEX OF SUBJECTS Unit 1. SOCIAL RESEARCH: DEFINITION AND CONCEPTS Unit 2. SOCIAL RESEARCH DESIGN Unit 3. SOCIAL RESEARCH TECHNIQUES IN ADVERTISING Unit 4. RESEARCH AREAS IN ADVERTISING 7. METHODOLOGY/LEARNING ACTIVITIES Face-to-face activities will be combined with individual work undertaken by students: in-class theoretical lectures, in-class workshops, individual readings, reading comprehension, resolution and debate, presentation of assignments. 2 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY - Callejo, Javier. Viedma, Antonio (2005) Proyectos y estrategias de investigación social. McGraw-Hill. Madrid - Corbetta, Piergiorgio (2010) Metodología y técnicas de investigación social. MacGrawHill. Madrid - González Lobo, Mª Ángeles. Carrero López, Enrique (1998) Manual de Planificación de Medios. ESIC Editorial. Madrid - Ruíz Olabuénaga, José Ignacio (2008) Metodología de la Investigación Cualitativa. Quinta Edición. Universidad de Deusto. Bilbao-España - Perelló Oliver, Salvador (2009) Metodología de la Investigación Social. Dykinson, S.L. Madrid - Sierra Bravo, R (2001) Técnicas de Investigación Social. Parainfo. Madrid. 9. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Websites of Interest: Autocontrol de la Publicidad (Self-control in Advertising) http://www.autocontrol.es Revista El publicista (El Publicista Magazine) http://www.elpublicista.com Revista Control (Control Magazine) http://www.controlpublicidad.com Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (Spanish National Institute of Statistics) http://www.ine.es 3