community newsletter - Montgomery County Public Schools

The Principal’s Corner
We have had a wonderful start to our school year, and
it was great to see so many of you at our Back-toSchool Night and at the community picnic.
We have many upcoming events, and we hope you
will consider attending as many as you can. We will
be hosting several parent coffees this year, and part of
this time will include a school tour where our parents
can visit classrooms and see the great instruction that
is occurring at Daly. Our first coffee and tour is this
Friday, October 4 at 9:30 a.m.
On October 7, we will offer a Math Family Fun night,
where you and your child can come and learn about
your child’s upcoming math curriculum and ways that
you can help your child at home. Parents and their
children will enjoy learning math through hands-on
math games. We hope to see you there!
The law requires parents of students in prekindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade
attending public schools in Maryland to provide
information about student lead testing. Please
return the Lead Certificate provided to you during
Open House to the Health Room as soon as
possible. If another form is needed or you have
any questions, please contact me at 301-353-0939.
Maria Aliaga
School Health Room Aid
Upcoming Events
October 4
Our superintendent, Dr. Joshua Starr, will be
continuing his “Community Days” this year. The first
one will be October 14 at Clarksburg High School.
Please see more information about this on page three
of this newsletter.
October 7
Attached is information for parents of fifth grade
students on applying to the Upcounty Center for
Highly Gifted Middle School Program. There is a
timeline included and a website where you can access
additional information. If you have any questions,
please contact Mrs. Borchardt at the school.
October 18
Daly is excited to offer a four week after school club
presented by Kids Technology Education Center
(KTEC) starting in October. Space is limited to twenty
Kindergarten through second grade students. In
November, the program will be offered to students in
third through fifth grades. More information will
come home separately in todays Wednesday folder. If
you have any questions, please contact Jan Daisey at
the school. Students will be selected on a first come,
first served basis.
As the weather is changing, please be sure your child
is dressed appropriately. Students will be going
outside for recess as long as the temperature outside is
Mrs. Dietz, Principal
October 14
October 16
October 24
October 31
November 1
November 5
November 11 & 12
November 11-15
November 13
November 19
November 22
November 26
November 27
November 28 & 29
9:30-10:30 Parent Coffee and
6:30-7:30 Math Family Learning
Columbus Day/Family Visitation
from 9:30-11:00
5:00-8:00 p.m. Chick-Fil-A
Spirit Night
No School – Maryland State
Education Association
Fall Student Pictures
2:15-3:15 Fall Festival and Walk
for the Homeless
End of first marking period
No School – Professional Day
for Teachers
6:00-8:00 Family Literacy class
Early Release days-Parent
PTA Scholastic Book Fair
Reading Night for Parents with
magician Joe Romano
6:00-8:00 Family Literacy class
7:00-8:30 International Night
6:00-8:00 Family Literacy
Early Release Day
No School - Thanksgiving
Captain James E. Daly Jr. ES Community Newsletter
PTA News:
Hello, Daly Families!
We had a lot of fun at the Community Picnic and hope you did, too. It was wonderful to meet so many of you!
I’d like to thank the many volunteers who helped to make it happen.
A few items to note:
Our first Chick Fil A Spirit Night was a great success and we raised $137.00 for the school. This money will
be used to purchase new die cuts for the teachers’ workroom. The winner of the classroom competition was
Ms. Lorei’s class. Congrats, Ms. Lorei’s class! They should not get comfortable, though, because they only
won by ONE person. The next Chick Fil A Spirit Night is scheduled for October 16. When you attend be sure
to put your slip in the box at the condiment stand. The classroom with the highest number of attendees wins
free meals for the students and the teacher! Good luck!
If you have not yet done so, please turn in your Claire’s forms ASAP! Items will arrive and should be picked
up on Monday, October 21 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. We are not responsible for items not picked up at this timewe have no place to store the frozen food. Thanks for your cooperation to make sure orders are not left past
this time.
Finally, we are looking for volunteers to help with our Book Fair (November 11-15) and in planning
International Night (November 22.) We’d love your help! If you only have an hour or two, that is helpful to
I hope you will get involved! Together we can do big things for our children and our school.
YoursEmily Wilberg
Student Programs from Montgomery College
Youth Programs at Montgomery College Kids’ College
After-school Enrichment Courses for Students in Grades 1-12.
Germantown and Rockville Campuses
“Builders of the Future” is a special one-day program for students in Grades 4-6 on October 19, 2013 at the
Rockville Campus
“World Excursion” is a special one-day program for students in Grades 1 – 3 on November 2, 2013 at the
Germantown Campus
Register on their website at:, or call Montgomery College at 240-5677917.
Captain James E. Daly Jr. ES Community Newsletter
Energy Education at Captain James Daly Elementary
There is much to celebrate about STEM and Green Schools education. Our school is proud to partner with
greeNEWit, an energy solutions firm, to identify energy saving opportunities for our school along with
students and families at Captain James Daly Elementary School. On Friday, September 27, 2013, we
featured a day of energizing presentations to educate students on the importance of saving the environment
and taking action to improve our future global energy and resources situation. Leaders and energy experts
from greeNEWit ignited an interest in science, technology, energy, engineering, and math to help anchor
sustainability into the minds of students and faculty.
Built to bring these topics home in the form of action, greeNEWit has developed an Energy Savings
Incentive that gives families the opportunity to raise money for Captain James Daly Elementary School. For
each person in the Captain James Daly Elementary School network who signs up and completes a residential
quick home energy check-up, greeNEWit will give $20.00 to US! You can choose to take additional steps
toward your path to sustainability with an energy audit or the installation of solar panels. Our school will get
$40.00 for each completed energy audit and $50.00 for the successful installation of solar panels from
greeNEWit. Click the link for more information and to sign up
Be sure to indicate > OUR Schools > Captain James Daly Elementary so they know to properly credit the
proceeds. Thank you!
Mrs. Borchardt
Community Day with Superintendent Starr
On Monday, October 14, 2013, Superintendent Joshua P. Starr will be visiting our community. Dr. Starr
will spend the day meeting with staff and students as he visits schools throughout the Clarksburg, Damascus,
Gaithersburg, Northwest, Poolesville, Quince Orchard, Seneca Valley, and Watkins Mill clusters. He will
end this Community Day with a Town Hall meeting for parents, where you can ask questions and share your
thoughts and ideas. The Town Hall meeting will be held from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. at Clarksburg High School,
22500 Wims Road, Clarksburg. Free child care (ages 4 and up) and interpretation services will be provided.
For more information, visit the MCPS website at and search “Community
Days”, or call 301-279-3100. I hope you will be able to join Dr. Starr at the Town Hall meeting on October
El lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013, el Superintendente Joshua P. Starr visitará nuestra comunidad. Dr. Starr
pasará el día con el personal y los estudiantes mientras visita escuelas que pertenecen a los núcleos de
Clarksburg, Damascus, Gaithersburg, Northwest, Poolesville, Quince Orchard, Seneca Valley, y Watkins
Mill. El Dr. Starr finalizará este “Día de la Comunidad” con una Reunión Pública para las familias, en la
cual podrán hacer preguntas y compartir sus ideas. La Reunión Pública se llevara a cabo de 7:30 a 9:00
p.m. en Clarksburg High School, 22500 Wims Road, Clarksburg. Habrá servicio gratuito de cuidado infantil
(edades 4 años y superior) e interpretación de idiomas. Para más información, visite el sitio de internet de
MCPS en y busque “Community Days”, o llame al 301-279-3100. Espero
que pueda acompañar al Dr. Starr en la Reunión Pública el 14 de octubre.
Captain James E. Daly Jr. ES Community Newsletter
TITLE I Information
School Improvement Plan
All schools develop or revise a School Improvement Plan (SIP) each school year. During the summer and early fall,
schools draft the SIP by examining data collected from student assessments and parent and staff surveys. This data is
used to determine where to focus efforts to enhance and improve instruction based on the needs of our students, staff,
and parents; to allocate resources; and to plan parent and staff training. Parents are an important and vital part of the
SIP process, and are invited to participate so that their ideas and suggestions can be incorporated into the school’s
plan. For further information about the SIP please contact your school’s principal.
Plan de Mejoramiento Escolar
Todas las escuelas desarrollan o revisan un Plan de Mejoramiento Escolar (SIP) cada año escolar. Durante el verano y
comienzos del otoño, las escuelas examinan este plan y los resultados colectados de pruebas hechas a estudiantes al
igual que de encuestas a padres y personal escolar. Esta información nos ayuda a determinar areas en donde nos
enfocaremos para mejorar la instrucción basada en las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes, personal y padres; al igual
que asignar recursos y planificar entrenamiento para padres y el personal escolar. Los padres son una parte vital del
proceso de SIP y estan invitados a participar para que sus ideas y sugerencias sean incorporadas en el plan escolar. Para
más información sobre SIP favor de comunicarse con el Director de su escuela.
Right to Request Information
Our schools are fortunate to receive supplemental funding through Title I, a federal grant program for schools that serve
communities with students who have high economic needs. The federal legislation that establishes Title I regulations is
known as the No Child Left Beh!nd Act of 2001(NCLB Act). The NCLB Act requires the Montgomery County Public
Schools to inform you that you have the right to request information about the professional certification qualifications of
your child's teacher, substitute teacher, or paraeducator (formerly titled instructional assistant).
If you wish to request certification information about your child's teacher, paraeducator, or long- .term substitute
teacher, please submit a written request to the principal at your school. Your written request may include information
about the following qualifications: .
 Degree status and subject area of certification
 State of Maryland certification status, including conditional certification status
 Qualifications of paraeducators or long-term substitute teachers who may be working with your student
Your request will be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources, and you will receive a written response from them
within 30 business days. Please contact the principal if you have any questions.
Nuestra escuelas es afortunada de recibir fondos suplementarios a traves del Titulo L un programa federal de
donaciones para escuelas que sirven a las comunidades con estudiantes que tienenaltas necesidades economicas. La
legislacion federal que establece las regulaciones del Titulo Ise canoee como No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
(NCLBAct - Decreto Ning7inNfflo DebeQuedar Atras del 2001). El NCLB Act requiere que Montgomery County
Public Schools les informen a ustedes que tienen el derecho de solicitar informacion sobre las cualificaciones y
certificaciones profesionales de los maestros de sus hijos, maestros substitutos, 0 paraeducadores (anteriormente
llamados asistentes de instruccion).
Si usted desea solicitar informacion sobre la certificacion del maestro de su hijo/a, el araeducador 0 el
largo plazo, por favor, someta una peticion por escrito al director de su escuela. Su solicitud escrita puede
inc1uirinformacion sobre las siguientes cualificaciones :
 Titulo universitario y area de certi.ficacion
 Estado de la certificacion del Estado de Maryland, inc1uyendocertificacion condicional.
 Cualificaciones de los paraeducadores 0 substitutos a largo plazo que pueden estar trabajando con su estudiante
Su solicitud sera enviada a la Office of Human Resources (Oficina de Recursos Humanos) y usted recibira una
respuesta de ellos dentro de los proximos 30 dias de trabajo. Por favor, contacte al director si tiene preguntas.