EL PASO ELECTRIC COMPANY ABSOLUTE GUARANTY OF PAYMENT OF OBLIGATION FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE In consideration of the extension of electric service hereinafter referred to as "Customer,"· I, to --------------at ' hereinafter referred to as "Guarantor," of ' absolutely guarantee payment to EI Paso Electric Company for any electric service bill incurred at the address of Customer, as stated hereinabove, in an amount not to exceed the computed deposit amount of $ which EI Paso Electric Company has established for Customer in the event that Customer defaults in any or all payments for electric service provided at Customer's address. If full payment has not been made, or if other acceptable arrangements for payment have not been made by Customer by the due date specified in the Customer's final bill, the unpaid balance, not to exceed the above-stated amount of $ , shall be transferred to the Guarantor's active account. Notice will be sent to Guarantor at the time of the transfer. FAILURE BY GUARANTOR TO PAY THE CUSTOMER'S DELINQUENT BILL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS GUARANTY SHALL RESULT IN THE TERMINATION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE TO GUARANTOR AT THE GUARANTOR'S RESIDENT ADDRESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 25.29 OF THE SUBSTANTIVE RULES OF THE TEXAS PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION. This guaranty shall remain in effect until the customer has paid electric service bills for the above address for twelve (12) consecutive billings without having service disconnected for nonpayment of bill and without having more than three (3) occasions in which a bill was delinquent and when the customer is not delinquent in the payment of the current bill. A Notary Public in Texas is not a practicing legal attorney. The guarantor and the guarantee should not expect to receive legal advice from the Notary Public. I hereby certify that I have read this entire Guaranty and fully understand and agree to abide by its terms; in witness whereof I have executed this Guaranty this __ day of , 20_ at El Paso County, Texas. Signature of Guarantor STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF EL PASO I, the undersigned notary public for the State of Texas, do hereby certify that the above-named individual personally appeared before me and under oath verified his review, understanding and acceptance of the terms contained in the foregoing document. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas JUl 3 0 'to DCGfTi' ~--..- ~-. CONTROL # Section Number __ Sheet Number Page ---=2;....._ -:7 1~o~f~2;....._ Revision Number _ _ _ .• ... Effective with service provided on or after July 1,2010 _ EL PASO ELECTRIC COMPANY GARANTIA DE PAGO DEL SERVICIO DE ELECTRICIDAD En consideraci6n a la extension del servicio de electricidad a en adelante lIamado "Cliente," can domicilio en _ , .,..,.----:--~:::---::::---:---::---.,..,.___:__:~---, yo, en adelante lIamada "E! Fiador," can domici/io en , doy garantia absoluta de pago a la Cornpafila de EI Paso Electric de cualquier cantidad que se adeude par concepto de servicio de electricidad en el dorniclllo de! Cliente arriba mencionado, par una cantidad no superior a $ que es el deposito establecido al Cliente par la Campania de EI Paso Electric en caso de incumplimiento en el pago. Si eJ adeudo no ha sido pagado en su totalidad 0 "EI Cliente" no ha hecho arregfos can la Campania a la fecha del vencimiento para el pago sefialado en el reeibo, la cantidad no pagada, que no exceda de $ , como se deja establecido, Ie sera cargada en su cuenta a "El Fiador." EI Fiador sera notificado al tiempo de aplicar el cargo a su cuenta. 51 EL FIADOR NO PAGA LA CUENTA VENelDA DE EL CLiENTE DE ACUERDO CON LOS TERMINOS DE ESTA GARANTIA, LE SERA TERMINADO EL SERVICIO DE ELECTRICIDAD A EL FIADOR EN SU DOMICILIO. DE ACUERDO A LA REGLA 25.29 DE LAS REGLAS SUSTANTIVAS DE LA COMISJON DE SERVICIOS PUSLICOS DE TEXAS. Esta garantia perrnanecera vigente hasta que "EI CHente" haya pagado 12 (doce) recibos de electricidad conseeutivos en su domicHio, sin que ef servicio se Ie haya sido suspendido por faJta de pago, sin que su cuenta haya estado vencida en mas de 3 (tres) ocasiones, y que el Cliente este al corriente en sus pagos. En el estado de Texas, un Notario Publico no tiene facultades legales. no deben contar con consejos legales de un Notario Publico. EI Fiador y la persona interesada Hago constar que he leldo en su totalidad este documen!o de Garantia, que 10 entiendo completamente y que me comprometo a cumplirlo en sus terminos, en testimonio de 10 aqui expresado formaliz6 esta Garantfa el dfa del mes de de 20__ en el Condado de E[ Paso, Texas. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF EL PASO Firma del Fiadar ) ) ) I, the undersigned notary public for the State of Texas, do hereby certify that the above-named individual personally appeared before me and under oath verified his review, understanding and acceptance of the terms contained in the foregoing document. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 37690 Section Number __ --==2~ SheetNumber ~7 Page ~2~o~f~2~ _ _ _ Revision Number Effective with service provided on or after July 1, 2010 _