Phrasal verbs A To apply for = to ask for B To be about to = just going to, to be going to (now) To be brought up = to spend one's childhood To bring up = criar To be keen on = To back up = to help, to support To break up = to part, to split up (separarse) To be used to = estar acostumbrado To be full = estar lleno, saciado To be sth. No use = no tener sentido To bring sb. down = To be set in your ways = to have a clearly defined way of living To be bound for = to go towards To be worth + gerund = merecer la pena To be worth + infinitive = merecer la pena To be fed up = estar arto, can´t stand To be fed up with = to be tired To be bound = to be inevitable To be to blame = tener la culpa To be going on = estar ocurriendo, pasando To be astonished = estar atónito To be aware of = to be conscious of 1 To be tried (in court) = to be judge To be entitled = to have a legal right To blow up = volar To be shipwrecked = naufragar C To come up = to happen unexpectedly To come across = to find by accident, by chance (encontrar / pasar inesperadamente ) To come across = parecer To come round = volver en sí To come round = dejarse convencer To call on sb. = to visit sb. To carry on = to continue To count on = to be sure on To come into = to inherit (heredar) To come into = conseguir, obtener To catch up = to reach the same level as another person To check in = facturar (airport) / registrarse (hotel) To come up with = to suggest To care about = To carry out = to do, to perform To come about = to happen, to occur D To drop off = to sleep, to fall asleep To drive sb. mad = volver loco a alguien E To end up = terminar 2 F To fill up = llenar hasta el máximo To fall out = to argue To fall apart = To face up to = to confront To face up = enfrentarse To fall out with sb. = to have an argument with sb. To find out = to discover, averiguar (data, info) G To go up = to increase, to rise To give up = to stop, to leave, to surrender (rendirse, abandonar, tirar la toalla) To get used to = acostumbrarse To get on with = to have a good relation with To get on in life = to succeed To get away with = to go unpunished To get out of sth. = escaparse de un compromiso To get nowhere = no ser posible, no ir a ninguna parte To get hooked on = engancharse To get down to = to start seriously (work or studies) To get sb. down = to upset, to depress To get on well = llevarse bien To get hold of = to obtain sth. difficult to To go off = to explode, to sound (loud noise, alarm, etc) To go off = caducarse To give sb. a lift = to drop sb. off, acercar a alguien (llevar a alguien) To get over = to conquer, superar, recuperar 3 To go on = to continue doing sth. To go down = to drop, to fall To give sb. a row = echar la bronca a alguien To get over (a problem) = to find the solution to sth. To get over ( an illness ) = to recover from (an illness ) To get hold of sb. = to contact sb. To get away with sth. = to undiscovered, to go unpunished To get away with it = huir To get on with = ocuparse de To give off = desprender H To hit it off = to get on well immediately, from the beginning To hear from = to receive news from To hang up = descolgar To hand in = to give a / project, exam / to the teacher (entregar) To hold on = to resist To hold up = to stop, to delay To help out = echar una mano To hit the big time = to get to the top I J K To keep up to date = estar al día To keep up with the time = estar a la última To keep on = to do constantly To keep in = to agree (estar de acuerdo) 4 To keep up = to be on the same level L To lay out = to present (a format) To look over = to check To look on = to observe To look into = to investigate To look up = search for info (in books) To look for = to seek, search for info (in the net) To look in = to visit unexpectedly To lie doggo = to keep still, to hide, not to move To let sb. down = to disappoint To load up = to fill To lie in = to wake up late To lie down = tumbarse To look after = cuidar To let sb. know = to tell To look as if = parecer como si (appearance) M To make up = hacer las paces To make out = to distinguish, to see clearly, to understand To make up = to invent To mix up = to get involve N Ñ O P 5 To put on = ponerse una prenda To put up = to increase, to rise To put up = to tolerate, to stand To put up with = to tolerate sth. To put a strange = to cause difficulties To put sb. out = to cause bother to sb. To pull over = to stop to park your car To play truant = saltarse las clases To pour out = echar, servir (agua, café) To pay off = to be compensated Q R To run out = to get empty, to finish, to be spent To run into = encontrar dificultades / obstáculos To rush out = to run out S To split up = to break up, to part To stand up for yourself = to defend To set off = to set out = to start a trip To stand out = to be the most / best (destacar) To slow sb. down =to make sb. go slower To set up = to establish, to organize To stare at = to look intensely To set sail = to start sailing To switch on = encender To switch off = apagar 6 To show up = to land, aterrizar To send out = to emit To sound as if = Parecer como si (voice) To set yourself high standards = to aim high T To take off = despegar To tell somebody off = to reprimand To turn down = to refuse To turn out = to finish, to be in the end To take up = to occupy (espacio, volumen) To turn into = to covert, to transform To turn out sth. = to empty To turn out <that> = to be true, to happen that To take (any / no) notice = to pay (no) attention To take on = to assume, to acquire (adquirir forma, color) To take part = to participate To take on = to employ, contratar To take up = to start an activity To take off = ponerse de moda, to succeed, to become popular U V W To worth the bother = merecer la perna la molestia To work (sth.) out = to calculate, to deduce X Y 7 Z 8