Proceedings of the Third Internatiional Symposium m on Renewable E Energy and Sustaainability, Temixco, Moreloos, México, Septeember 9-11, 20155 STUDY OF THE CON NTENT OF SSUGARS IN P PLANTS OF AGAVE, FO OR PR RODUCTION N OF BIOETH HANOL Villa‐ Ramírez M M.S., Plascencia‐ Espinosa M M.A., Trejo‐Estrrada S.R. Ceentro de Investigaación en Biotecno ología Aplicada, In nstituto Politécnico Nacional, Tepetitla, Tlaxcala, C C.P. 90700, Mééxico. Correspond ding autor: m, Agave atroviirens is a succculent plan nt that grow ws in semi‐aarid soils in ccentral M Mexico, whicch is the mo ost importaant region o of biodiverssity for this genus. Th his plant beelongs to the Agaveceeae family with w 166 sp pecies; the Agave plants have been widely used by p people as ssource of fo ood, fiber, ffodder, m medicine, texxtile, constrruction, and d the produ uction of alccoholic beveerages. During the m manufacturing processses of agavve beveragees, the leavves are diiscarded an nd only is considered d the central portion of the plant or “p pinapple off Agave”; th his is the p portion used d to produce beveragges like pulque, tequ uila, mezcal and more recently pulcatta. In th his work waas used oholic production, reesidual materials of agave of beveerages obtained of alco w was measureed pineapples and leavves in the field for anallysis of estim mation off initial bio omass afterthat, weree analyzed the conteent of sugaars for diifferent meethods of h hydrolysis w with acid, aalkaline, and enzymatiic, and trreatment aalkaline‐enzzimatic, the measurees, obtained with tthis 4 trreatments, it was evaaluated for measure rreducing su ugars was u used 2 m methods, reffractometerr for to meeasure ºBrixx, and specctrophotometer in w where, we m measured reeducing suggars with M Miller metho od, and of sspecify fo orm, was measured diffferent sugaars how gluccose, xylosee and cellulo ose, for HPLC method, this work we alloweed to know w that hydro olysis method can geenerate higher contentts of sugars hydrolysab ble, and its later converrtion in biioethanol. Villa‐ Ramírez M M.S., Plascencia‐‐ Espinosa M.A A., Trejo‐Estradaa S.R. (2015) SStudy of the co ontent of su ugars in plants of agave, for p production of b bioethanol. Posster Session: Biofuels and alteernatives; Prroceedings of th he Third Interna ational Sympossium on Renew wable Energy an nd Sustainabilityy (Eds. E. Saantoyo, P.J. Sebastian, M. Lópeez de Haro), Tem mixco, Morelos,, México, September 9‐11, 20115.