August 7, 2016 - Our Lady of Angels Parish

Church of Our Lady of Angels
Rev. Kenneth J. Calder, Retired; in Residence
Rev. Jason N. Espinal, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Richard M. Lewkiewicz, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Msgr. Kevin B. Noone, VF, Pastor
Deacon Edward S. Gaine
Deacon Charles R. Hurley
Ann O’Brien, Director of Religious Education
Tele: 718-748-6553
Margaret Jones, Pastoral Care Minister
Tele: 718-836-7200 ext. 112
Soraida Puente, Spanish Ministry
Tele: 718-836-7200 ext. 102
Holy Angels Catholic Academy
337 - 74th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209
Mrs. Rosemarie McGoldrick, School Principal
Tele: 718-238-5045
The Letter to the Hebrews today sings a hymn
of praise to Abraham and to his faith, upon which
are founded the religions of Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam. Abraham is called “father” in faith by
more people on earth than anybody else, numerous
as the sands of the seashore or the stars of the heavens. Hebrews tells us it was this foundational faith
that led Abraham to obey God’s call when he heard
it, though he was called to journey to a land he did
not know and told he would father a mighty race
through a marriage he thought was barren. But
Abraham’s faith, the author of Hebrews tells us,
was his realization of what he hoped for, and the
evidence of what he could not see. How often are
we, in simple daily events of our own Christian vocation, called to an unfamiliar place or told we are
to do something we do not believe we can? How
fortunate we are to have Father Abraham as our
guide and example!
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Rectory: 7320 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11209
Telephone: (718) 836-7200 / Fax: 718-238-2466 / Website:
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm & Spanish Mass: 6:30 pm
Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am
Monday - Friday: 6:45, 8:30 am / Saturday: 8:30 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 11:00 AM - 12 Noon & 3:30pm - 4:45pm
Thursdays before First Fridays : 4:15pm - 4:45pm
Sacrament of Baptism
Celebrated at 12:30pm – on the Second Saturday of the
And at 1:30pm - on the Fourth Sunday of the month.
Baptismal Preparation
Please contact one of the priests or deacons to schedule
an appointment.
(Please bring the child’s birth certificate to interview.)
Anointing of the Sick
Following the 8:30 AM Mass on First Saturday of each
Sacrament of Marriage
Please make an appointment with one of the Priests at
least 6 months prior to the proposed date.
Recitation of the Holy Rosary
Weekdays after the 8:30 AM Mass
Miraculous Medal Novena
Wednesday after 8:30 AM Mass
Al-A-Non - Meets in the Pine Room on Thursday nights
at 8:00 PM. Please join us.
Our Lady of Angels Human Resources Center &
Food Pantry
Located at 336 - 73rd Street. Telephone number is
718-680-6344. Hours of operation are Mondays,
Wednesdays, from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
O.L.A’s Caregiver Support Group
Provides support and resources and meets every 2nd and
4th Wednesday from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM in the St. Joseph
Center. Entrance at 336 - 73rd Street Lower Level.
For more information call 718-680-6344.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Beginners meet every Wednesday from 6:45 to 7:45 PM
in the Pine Room. Regular meeting follows at 8 PM.
Our Lady of Angels Leisure Club
The Club meets Thursdays at 12:00 PM in the gym
and is open to all Men & Women 55 and over. There are
no sessions over the summer. They will resume in
SATURDAY, August 6th
8:30 Marjorie Connolly
5:00 Mary and John Freiser & Sullivan family (Msgr.
6:30 In Loving Memory of Dominga Marin Cortez
(Msgr. Noone)
SUNDAY, August 7th
7:30 OLA Parishioners (Msgr. Noone)
9:30 Catherine Orlando (Fr. Lewk)
11:30 Sarah & Marilyn Maguire (Fr. Lewk)
MONDAY, August 8th
6:45 Purgatorial Society
8:30 Augustyn Para
TUESDAY, August 9th
6:45 John William Russell
8:30 Martha & David Beddard
WEDNESDAY, August 10th
6:45 In Memory of Sr. Alice Francis Young
8:30 Rev. James E. Sullivan
THURSDAY, August 11th
6:45 Benita
8:30 Deceased members of Perrotta & Ferraro
FRIDAY, August 12th
6:45 Mary Keogh
8:30 James Fitzpatrick
SATURDAY, August 13th
8:30 Joseph Jachimczuk - 9th Anniversary
5:00 Kevin Whalen (Fr. Andrew)
6:30 Sweet Sixteen - Celia Orozco (Msgr. Noone)
SUNDAY, August 14th
7:30 OLA Parishioners
9:30 Josephine & Francesco Petrella
11:30 In Loving Memory of Emanuel Valiante &
Rosario Di Blasi
Dear Parishioners,
I am very grateful to Father Samy for his month long visit and assistance to our parish. I also appreciate Father Lewk’s adjusting his vacation to coincide with Father Samy’s stay so that I would have
weekend assistance.
Father Andrew DUNYO will return to us this summer on Wednesday of this week and I am grateful to
him also, so that Father Lewk will have help during the last three weeks of August when Father Espinal
and I will have our vacations.
During these past weeks, we have had part time assistance from Father Selva RAJ who gives mission
appeals for his bishop every weekend.
I’m just giving you a reminder: on Sunday, September 25, at the 12:pm Mass, we will open our year of
celebration of our 125th Anniversary as a parish.
The theme of the day is “Coming Home” to O.L.A. After Mass, there will be refreshments in the gym.
Father Labita, Msgr. Phillips and Father Devlin have said they will be present. A number of Sisters of
Charity and Franciscan Brothers as well as priest, religious sister and brother Alumni have also indicated their intention to be with us. Spread the word - it should be a great day!
Let’s pray for each other,
Msgr. Kevin Noone
July 31, 2016 - $7,519.50
August 2, 2015 - $11,638.50
711 attended the 6 Masses July 30th and July 31st
125 Years of Pictures
We are looking for Our Lady of Angels pictures that show our 125 year history.
If you are willing to share pictures with us, please send them to:
Our Lady of Angels Rectory
Theresa O’Daly
7320 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209
or scan and send them to: by mid-August, 2016.
Please indicate who the pictures belong to, identify people in the picture, occasion, and date.
We do not want to be responsible for originals -- copies preferred.
Any questions, feel free to call Our Lady of Angels Rectory @ 718-836-7200.
are held every Monday from 1:00 to 2:30 pm and from
7:30 to 8:45 pm in the Msgr. Cavanagh Room (enter the
school from the Memorial Yard).
Our next meeting will be on Monday, August 8th.
In the afternoon we will begin a discussion of the
Gospel of Mark and some of the Book of Revelation.
The topic will be Mark’s purpose in writing his gospel.
In the evening we will discuss Acts of the Apostles
22:22ff., where Paul tells us how strongly he believes in
Jesus Christ. All are welcome.
Night Sessions meets Friday nights
from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. The next meeting is on:
Friday, August 26, 2016.
In the St. Joseph Center
Day Sessions meets Saturday mornings
from 9:30am to 10:30am. The next meeting is on:
Saturday, August 13, 2016.
In the St. Joseph Center
Next meeting will be Monday, September 12, 2016
at 7:30 pm in the Msgr. Cavanagh Room.
The book is: Rogue Lawyer by: John Grisham
WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB Next Meeting will be Monday, September 19, 2016
at 7:30 pm in the Msgr. Cavanagh Room.
The book is: I Am Pilgrim by: Terry Hayes
Recently Enrolled:
Roger Capelia
JoAnne Della Sela
Anthony Dunleavy
Michael C. Rochford
James Hume
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
(R.C.I.A) Registration
1. You have been baptized Roman Catholic but
never received First Communion and
2. You have been baptized in another Christian
religion, but wish to join the Roman Catholic
3. You have never been baptized in any faith and are
considering being baptized in the Roman Catholic
If you answered yes to any of the above statements,
then please consider registering in Our Lady of
Angels’ R.C.I.A. Program.
Please contact Fr. Lewk at 718-836-7200 Ext. 108.
Classes are held weekly on
Wednesday evenings starting on September 14th.
Our Lady of Angel’s
C a t c h 3 3 Y o u t h M i n i s t r y
A place for our young men and women, of High School
and College age, to come together for fun, prayer, and
spiritual / catechetical discussions.
Fridays from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
We will take a break for the Summer.
However, we look forward to another year together,
hopefully with new faces too!
O.L.A.’s Catholic Annual Appeal Report
Parish Goal - $104,825.00
Current Pledge - $90,661.00
Received - $83,460.40
Current Total Donors - 272
Can you help us reach our goal?
Confirmation / Confirmación
Thursday, October 27, 2016 @ 4:00pm
Jueves, 27 de Octubre de 2016 @ 4:00pm
May the Souls of the Faithful Departed,
t hrough the Mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen
with / con
Bishop Raymond Chapetto
Our Lady of Angels’
Office of Religious Education
Registration for Faith Formation Program - Grades 1 through 9
All students attending a public or private school must be enrolled in religion classes every year for ongoing development and understanding of our Catholic Faith.
it is your responsibility to see that your child obtains a religious education
every year without exception.
Religious Education Office or Online @
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:30am to 3:00pm
A baptismal certificate is required for all New Students.
$75.00 per child / $100.00 First Communion (for Registered Parishioners).
Classes begin on September 18, 2016
Classes: Sundays from 9:00am - 10:20am with 10:30am Mass
Any questions?
Please call the Office of Religious Education (718) 748-6553 or email us:
Please Note: Late Registration Fees effective August 1, 2016
***St. Patrick’s Church, Bay Ridge sponsors:
Family BBQ and Moonlight Movie.
Movie : TBD.
To be held at: St. Patrick’s Parking Lot, Thursday,
August 18th - 6pm. The movie will be shown at
dusk. Free admission. Includes children’s ac vi es
and movie. Popcorn, co on candy, hamburgers,
hot dogs and beverages will be available, plus a
visit from the Ice Cream Man! This event is rated
“E” for everyone. Bring your own lawn chair, family and friends. Join us!
*** Brooklyn Irish American Parade Commi ee is
sponsoring: “1776 , The Ba le of Brooklyn (240th
Anniversary) Events. 718- 499 -9482
 Opening Ceremony: “Maryland 400” Commemora on @ 11am Saturday, August 20th
@ Rawley A.L. Post, 9th St. Bklyn. Followed by
a Memorial March to the Old Stone House,
5th Ave. btwn 3rd and 4th Sts.
 Closing Ceremony: Ba le AT Greenwood Cemetary, 5th Ave. and 25th St. Sunday August
28th @12n meet at the Arch. Memorial
March up to Ba le Hill. Followed by The Ba le
of Brooklyn Ceremony.
*** Brooklyn Irish American Parade Commi ee
con nued.. .Saturday August 20th - Our Lady
of Knock Day. Holy Name Church, 245 Prospect
Park West. 5pm - The Rosary & Crowning of Our
Lady of Knock. 5:30pm Mass followed by Rose
Lying at the Unborn Memorial. Followed by
Knock Video showing; Refreshments in Shepherd’s Hall.
*** Saturday, August 20th at 11am. Come celebrate our 200th Mass for PADRE PIO at Our
Lady of Grace -Avenue W & East 4th Street,
Gravesend, Brooklyn. Refreshments and Rosary
a er Mass. Contact the Rectory: 718-627-2020.
***A Diocesan Pilgrimage with Bishop DiMarzio to the Holy Doors of Rome, Assisi and the
Holy Land in the Jubilee Year of Mercy.
- Italy por on: September 15-23, 2016
-Op onal Holy Land Extension, September 2329, 2016.
Rome and Israel may be booked together or
separate. Brochure: Susan: 1 - 800- 842-4842
O u r L a d y o f A n g e l ’s
125th Anniversary
“Homecoming Celebration”
As noted in Msgr. Kevin Noone’s recent letter in the bulletin Our Lady of Angels
will kick off a year-long observance of our being a Community of Faith on Sunday,
September 25, 2016 at 12:00pm Mass
Calendar Raffles: A) If you need more raffles please contact the Rectory. B) if
you have not turned in your raffles please drop them into the collection or mail them to
the Rectory.
If you know anyone who would like to be contacted regarding our celebration,
please contact Ann O’Brien (718) 748-6553 or or Pam Hume
If you wish to donate to the celebration please call Msgr. Kevin Noone at 718836-7200.
Thank you.
The Arise Program is Coming to
Our Lady of Angels
We invite you to join the Arise program, which is a 3 year ( six weeks each )
parish centered process of spiritual renewal, evangelization and adult faith
formation that enables people to deepen their faith, develop a closer relationship
with Christ, grow in community and reach out in service to others.
The heart of this process will be gathering of small groups of people in
homes and in parish facilities to read and pray with the Scriptures. We are hoping
as many people will see this as a moment of grace and will participate.
The overall process guides the participants through five distinct periods of
time ( called seasons ) each of which is six weeks. See below:
Season 1- will begin the 1st week of October 2016 theme
“Encountering Christ Today”
Season 2- Lent 2017 “Change Our Hearts”
Season 3- Fall 2017 “In the Footsteps of Christ”
Season 4- Lent 2018 “New Heart, New Spirit”
Season 5- Fall 2018 “We are the Good News”
*** The CATHOLIC Tour, a Roman Catholic
Pilgrimage Apostolate is offering our
“Special” 7 Day Pilgrimage to Eternal Rome
operating from two Airline Gateways of: New
York JFK and Boston MA. The price of
$1999.00 is the all inclusive price. It includes
airfare, 3 star hotel, most meals, tour guide,
deluxe bus and more. The price is the same
from both airports and we can assist you in
securing air travel from your home city to one
of the 2 gateways listed above.
The travel dates from both airports will be
November 4-10, 2016. Brochures and reservation forms are available at The Catholic
Tour office. Call: 1-877-627-4268 toll free or
St. Patrick Parish Roamin’ Catholics Upcoming
trip: A day in Lancaster, PA. - Monday, October
Shopping at Kitchen Kettle, Samson at the Sights
and Sounds Theatre and Family Style Dining. The
day begins at the 8:15am Mass (bus leaves from
the front of St. Patrick Church at 9:00am).
$140.00 adult/$95.00 children. Deadline: September 15th.
For reservations - Please indicate name of the
trip you are interested in and the number of tickets. Send a check or money order payable to St.
Patrick Church along with your name, address and
phone number to: St. Patrick Roamin’ Catholics,
9511 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 or call
the Rectory at 718-238-2600 for more information.
Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14;
Mt 17:22-27
Ez 2:8 — 3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103,
111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn
Thursday: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59, 61-62:
Mt 18:21 — 19:1
Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63;
Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Mt 19:3-12
Saturday: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32;
Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 19:13-15
Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Ps 40:2-4, 18; Heb
Desde nuestro Bautismo, hemos sido
llamados a profundizar nuestra relación con Cristo.
Por eso nuestra parroquia se ha comprometido a
crecer en santidad con su participación en un
proceso parroquial titulado LEVANTATE, Unámonos
en Cristo.
Levántate iniciara en Octubre del 2016,
están invitados todos a unirse ya sea a través de la
oración, o con la participación en las pequeñas
Tendremos la oportunidad de compartir
temas tomados de los cuatro evangelios: San Mateo,
San Marco, San Lucas, y San Juan, donde se no
enseñara a:
 Conocer mejor a Dios
 Crecer espiritualmente
 Conocer gente nueva
 Hablar sobre Dios
 Mejorar nosotros mismos
 Poner la fe en acción
 Cambiar la manera en que vemos el
 Mejorar la relaciones
 Conocer distintos estilos de oración
 Rejuvenecer
Todos los Sábados después de la Santa Misa el
Equipo parroquial de Levántate, estará en el
vestíbulo de la Iglesia para responder las preguntas
de como participar en el proceso.
“La Nueva Evangelización
es un encuentro personal y profundo con Jesús”
Santa Misa en Español en Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles : El Sábado 13 de Agosto 2016 y todos los Sábados a las 6:30PM.
Tenemos la Santa Misa en Español.
Para mayor información hable con
Msgr. Kevin B. Noone, Padre Jason N. Espinal o con la
señora Soraida Puente. Tel: 718 836 7200. Ext. 102.
La Charla Bautismal:
Dia: 03 de Septiembre 2016.
Hora: 1:00 P.M.
Día de Bautizos:
10 de Septiembre 2016. Hora: 1:45 P.M
y 24 de Septiembre 2016 Hora: 6:30 PM
Para mayor información hable con
Msgr. Kevin B. Noone, Padre Jason N. Espinal o la señora
Soraida Puente. el: 718 836 7200 Ext. 102.
Requisito: Certificado de nacimiento del niño
Bendición Especial Cada Primer Sábado del Mes
Bendición para los feligreses que cumplen años.
Recibirán una bendición especial al final de la Santa Misa.
Devoción a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
La familia que desee llevar el cuadro de la imagen de Nuestra
Señora de Guadalupe pueden comunicarse con la señora
Magdalena Valerio Tel: 347-455-7804 y las familias que deseen
donar flores pueden comunicarse con la señora Antonia Valerio Tel:
Visitas a los Enfermos
Si tienes algún familiar o amigo enfermo, o conoces a alguien que
desee confesarse o recibir la Santa Comunión.
Puedes llamar a la Rectoría y dar su información.
Peregrinación al Santuario de la
Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la
Inmaculada Concepción
en Washington, D.C.
Sabado, 29 de Octubre 2016
Hora de Salida: 6:30am Frente la Parroquia
Costo: $60.00 por persona
Si Usted NO ha recibido sus sacramentos, Bautismo, Comunión y
“El servicio no es un privilegio, es un
Confirmación o esta contemplando hacerse Católico o desea
Contraer Matrimonio en la Iglesia Católica, nosotros podemos
servicio de Dios a tu vida para
ayudarle, tenemos “Catequesis Para Adultos (RICA)”.
sanarte a ti, para libertarte a ti,
Para mayor información hable con:
Msgr. Kevin B. Noone, Padre Jason N. Espinal o
la señora Soraida Puente.
Tel: 718 836 7200 Ext. 102.
No habrá estudio de Bilblia en tiempo de verano.
Iniciaremos de nuevo el 01 de Septiembre de 2016 a las
7:00pm en el Cavanagh Room.
para hacerte nuevo a ti, para
hacer nueva tu vida.
Al servir a Dios llenos de felicidad, nos
fortalecen en los momentos de