302 vellous courage, and rare skill A l ־V a l e n c i compelled the enemy encamped before Safi to give w a y , and raised the siege. Azamor is stated to be the later place of residence of this brave Jewish hero; and to Azamor we will accompany the Portuguese conquerors. Azamor, but a few miles distant from Fez, was next to Safi, the chief town of the province of Duccala. Long before the capture of Safi, by the Portuguese, K i n g Manuel, in order to continue the friendship and peace which Jotlo had established with the Moors of Azamor, kept some trustworthy Portuguese in this town. A t their instigation, and with the assistance of the Jewish Rabbi there, Rabbi Abraham, in 1512, the inhabitants of Azamor, by letters and treaties, and with the consent of their chief, Mulei Zeyan, submitted themselves to the K i n g of Portugal. Mulei Zeyan, who ruled with the greatest tyranny, had several times violated the contracts with Portugal, and Manuel, therefore, determined in 1013 to conquer Azamor. For this purpose he equipped a fleet of more 1 2 para hir contra los Xarifes, que estauan en aquel tiempo sohre la forlaleza de Cepfa, y tcnian may afligidos h los Portuguezes v as alios del Rey D. Manuel que la defendian. Llegaron entonces los nauios de nuestro Alualensi al puerto de Cepta, y auiendo desembarcado la genie en tierra, espero tiempo oportuno de la noche, y con qnatocientos Nombres deo sohre el ezercifo del Xarife, que eran mas de treynta mil, y mafaron mas de cinco mil dellos, sin perder uno solo de los suyos. Luego al otro dia alsfzjo el Xarife el cerco y se retiro a Fez. Aboab, Xomologia (Amsterdam 1629) 305 /. 1 El Tirano Xarife d ׳Marrueeos cerco a la ciudad de Safi en el anno de 1539 con cien mil hombres y el valiente Samuel Yalenciano Judio de A2amor, y Almirante dc guerreros Yergantines, que formo h su costa, socorria h los cercados Portuguezes, y con admirable industria, y audicia desbarato h los Mahometanos y descerco a la Ciudad. Barrios, Historia Universal Judayca, 8 f. 2 Dam. de Goes I. c. 367: Muito antes da tomada de f'afim por el Bey D. Manuel continual• nas pazes e amiza de etc. (Compare likewise Schiifer 1. c. I l l , 119, who, like ourselves, translates G o e s ) . . .per medo dos quaes (cavallecros) o de hum Babi mor dos Judeos, per no me Babi Abraham (why Schiifer does not mention the Rabbi, we do not know) &c.