levantarse - to get up me levanto nos levantamos te levantas os

Reflexive verbs in Spanish are used when the action is
reflected back onto the subject. The infinitive form ends
in ­se. (ex. levantarse) To conjugate the verb, drop ­se AND
the ending, put the correct pronoun in front of the verb, then
add the correct ending.
levantarse ­ to get up:
me levanto
nos levantamos
te levantas
os levantáis
se levanta
se levantan
Feb 11­3:39 PM
me levanto
te levantas
se levanta
levantarse - to get up
nos levantamos
os levantáis
se levantan
I'm going to get up at 6:00.
Voy a levantarme a las 6:00.
Me voy a levantar a las 6:00.
We are going to get up at 7:00.
Nos vamos a levantar a las 7:00.
Vamos a levantarnos a las 7:00
They want to get up late.
Ellos quieren levantarse tarde.
Ellos se quieren levantar tarde.
I want to get up late.
Quiero levantarme tarde.
Me quiero levantar tarde.
Feb 15­3:02 PM
arreglarse ­ to fix oneself up, get ready
Conjugate the verb cepillarse(to brush one's hair):
Aug 31­2:58 PM
bañarse ­ to take a bath
Aug 31­3:24 PM
Aug 31­3:24 PM
romperse ­ to tear (ex. clothes), to break (ex. arm, leg)
Aug 31­3:24 PM
acostarse (o ­ ue) ­ to go to bed
Aug 31­3:24 PM
sentarse (e ­ ie)­ to sit down
vestirse (e ­ i) ­ to get dressed
Aug 31­3:24 PM
Using your vocabulary list, write 3 sentences
describing things you do in the morning.
Por la mañana...
Todas las mañanas...
Aug 31­3:24 PM
Sep 1­1:31 PM
Use the verb levantarse to tell what time people in your family get up in the morning.
Sep 1­2:50 PM
Sep 24­1:35 PM
Sep 24­1:39 PM
Reflexive pronouns can be attached to an
infinitive (remember, the infinitive is not
As in English, some sentences in Spanish
have more than one verb. If one of the verbs
is reflexive, there may be more than one
possible place to put the reflexive pronoun.
Voy a levantarme.
Me voy a levantar.
Sep 28­8:51 AM
Ella prefiere bañarse por la noche.
Se prefiere bañar por la noche.
Fill in with "entrenarse"
a. Queremos ________________________.
b. _________ queremos _______________.
a. Voy a _________________ en el gimnasio.
b. ______ voy a _____________ en el gimnasio.
Vamos a acostarnos.
Nos vamos a acostar.
Sep 24­1:20 PM
Sep 24­1:23 PM
You are talking about what you and your family and
friends are GOING TO DO this week. Write 5 sentences
using reflexive verbs and the construction
"a form of ir" + "a" + an infinitive
Mi familia va a sentarse en la mesa para comer.
Nosotros vamos a peinarnos.
Mis amigas van a divertirse en una fiesta de cumpleaños.
Voy a levantarme temprano para correr.
Oct 1­11:26 AM
Sep 24­1:44 PM
Mar 4­11:42 AM