Vocabulary Verb Conversation Activity

Spanish for You!® Vocabulary Verb Conversation Activity © 2013
Vocabulary Verb Conversation Activity
Number of Players: one or more
Materials: verb and vocabulary flashcards
• Place a pile of verb flashcards in the “you” form face down. (For more
challenge have verbs in the infinitive so players have to form the “you”
• Place a pile of vocabulary flashcards face down.
• Players take turns picking up one verb flashcard and one vocabulary
flashcard to form questions.
• Each player asks a question using the verb and vocabulary word he has
picked up.
• Other player answers in a complete sentence using the verb and vocabulary
• Player picks up the verb card - escondes (you hide) and vocabulary card los juguetes (the toys).
• He forms the question: ¿Escondes los juguetes? (Do you hide the toys?)
• Other player answers: Sí, escondo los juguetes. (Yes, I hide the toys.)
OR in the case when verb and vocabulary do not go together well:
• Player picks up the verb card - vives (you live) and vocabulary card - el
despertador (the alarm clock).
• She forms the question: ¿Vives en el despertador? (Do you live in the
alarm clock?)
• Other player answers: No, no vivo en el despertador. (No, I don’t live in
the alarm clock.)
Spanish for You!® Curriculum for Grades 3-8 Home or Class use