In order to keep our church and its grounds looking beautiful, we

Sentinel 6-2-16
In order to keep our church and its grounds looking beautiful, we need
your help. Please plan on helping this Saturday with our Spring Cleanup.
It is scheduled for Saturday, June 4 starting at 8:30 AM.
Please bring yard tools. We also need several weed eaters (we will
provide the gas). Lunch will be served afterwards.
te esperamos este sábado 4 de junio a las 830 am, limpiaremos los
jardines de la parroquia y todos sus alrededores vengan listos y
preparados para con guantes y herramientas de jardinería traiga un
weed eater o guadaña se proporcionará la gasolina y nos servirán
almuerzo al finalizar.
Our parish is planning a Year of Mercy Pilgrimage Retreat to St. Bernard’s Abbey,
EWTN and the Shrine on the Blessed Sacrament in Alabama. This is a wonderful
opportunity to grow in our spirituality. The pilgrimage will be July 18-21. More
information is available in the bulletin, The Sentinel email and in the poster in the
Gathering Area. For questions please talk to Lillian Isaac.
Debido al Año de la Misericordia, la parroquia está planeando un RetiroPeregrinación al Monasterio de San Bernardo, el canal católico de televisión EWTN
y el Santuario del Santísimo Sacramento en Alabama. Esta es una maravillosa
oportunidad para crecer en nuestra espiritualidad. La peregrinación se llevará a
cabo del 18 al 21 de julio. Más información lea el boletín parroquial, y lea el cartel
en el Area de Convivencia. Lillian Isaac
Garden Angels Needed!!!
It’s time to sign up for a summer of fun in our amazing garden!
Each family takes a turn helping with garden maintenance for a week (or so) over the
summer. During your week, you will be responsible for watering, weeding and troubleshooting
the garden. The best part, though, is you get to harvest and eat whatever comes in season
during your week! Have a black thumb? No clue how to tie up tomatoes or harvest beans?
No worries at all! We’ve got you covered! The SMS Garden is a teaching garden available to help
you and yours learn all things compost, green leaves and tasty treats!
Your kids have worked hard this spring to get our soil planted and we need your help to keep it
going strong all summer long!
Please contact Heather Champney with your available dates for helping out and with any
questions or concerns you might have.
Feel free to partner up with another family or split weeks at your convenience.
Thank you for being a part of this amazing family and ensuring we grow strong and healthy into
the future!