Unit Processes in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems:

Unit Processes in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems:
Ultraviolet Light Irradiation
Thomas M. Losordo, Ph.D.1
Don Conwell2
Principal Scientist & Chief Engineer, Aquaculture Systems Engineering
Technical Director UV Systems,
Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc.
1791 Varsity Drive, Suite 140
Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 USA
So far within this column, we have reviewed critical considerations and major unit
processes, solids removal, biofiltration, aeration and oxygenation that are used in Recirculating
Aquaculture Systems (RAS). In this installment, we will review important considerations
relative to using UV light in RAS.
Microorganisms (including disease-causing bacteria) are killed or significantly damaged
(the DNA of the organism) when exposed to an adequate fluence (read dose). This fluence is
defined by time and intensity of the exposure of ultraviolet (UV) radiation of the proper
wavelength, typically between 240 – 280 nm, referred to as UV-C. Keep in mind, that when
UV light is discussed, the term sterilization is often used and misused. There is a difference
between UV light being used for the sterilization or disinfection of water and the use of UV light
to reduce bacterial numbers and control pathogens in aquaculture production systems. In many
cases, while the latter may be possible and desirable, the former may not be economically
achievable beyond small hatchery, nursery, or laboratory scale systems.
UV And Bacterial Load
With that said, ultraviolet light is often considered the process of choice in aquaculture to
reduce the bacterial load within the water and water column of RAS production systems. The
most important factor in order for UV light to work effectively in aquaculture is that the water
should have low turbidity and high UV transmittance (UVT). Therefore, water within the system
should be exposed to UV light where the water will be most free of suspended & dissolved solids
that cause the reduction in UVT. Turbidity related to the color and particulate content of water is
often measured as a function of transmittance of UV light in water and is commonly referred to
as %UVT. UVT is measured as a percentage of 254 nm light applied through a 1 cm square
sample of water. A high UVT, such as 90 – 95%, indicates that the water clarity is good (the
transmittance is high). Therefore the applied UV radiation will have the desired impact on the
bacterial population residing in the water.
When applied in RAS, as in most other aquaculture systems, the component that supplies
UV radiation should be down-stream of all of the other water clarifying processes. The UV light
source would be positioned after solids removal processes such as drum screen filters, bead
filters, foam fractionation and even ozone contactors. In fact, when ozone is utilized in
aquaculture, the application of ozone will typically improve the water’s UVT by several %
thereby enhancing the UV process. Following the ozone process with UV will also serve the
purpose of destroying residual ozone before it has a chance to find its way back to the culture
tank (where it can cause harm to the cultured organisms).
Lethal Dose
While the effective dose of UV is largely influenced by the UVT, the lethal dose also
depends on the target organism. There are numerous comprehensive reviews of the dose of UV
radiation required to kill bacteria, viruses, mold spores, and yeasts. An example can be found at
http://www.emperoraquatics.com/harmful-waterborne-pathogens.php#pathogen-uv-doses. UV
light components are marketed to provide a given dose of UV light at a specific flow rate and
Typically, manufacturers categorize units that have effective doses measured in
millijoules per square centimeter (mJ / cm2) or micro-watt seconds per square centimeter (µ-Ws /
cm2) at a given flow rate and UVT. You can convert mJ to u-Ws by multiplying by 1000. These
UV dosages are calculated at end-of-lamp-life to guarantee adequate disinfection when the
systems’ lamps are at their lowest output. A commonly used lamp type/style for UV disinfection
in RAS systems is Low Pressure/ High Output (LPHO). These lamps are also known in the
industry as amalgam lamps. Their end-of-life rating is typically 80% of the initial new lamp
output at 12,000 hours. These lamps convert, on average, 35-40% of their electrical input watts
to usable UVC disinfection watts. As a result, they are an economical (on an electrical
consumption basis) UV lamp to operate in RAS applications.
The effective UV dose listed by the manufacturer can be affected by altering the rate of
flow. That is, the UV dose is inversely proportional to the flow rate. For example, the dose rate
can be doubled by cutting the flow past the UV light source in half.
UV Light Components
UV light components comes in two basic formats; the most common being the
pressurized tube in shell design. In this design, the water is pumped under pressure into the unit’s
vessel (or shell) past the UV lamps which are isolated in clear quartz sleeves. These units are
made of materials ranging from plastic to various grades of stainless steel, depending upon the
pressure requirements of the system and the liquid being processed. The tube in shell style units
are typically used on systems with flow rates below 2,000 gpm. The primary application
limitations to this design are the need for multiple units if the UV dose requirement is high or the
UVT is low. Other constraints on this style of UV are the need for proper bypass piping for
servicing and the possibility of increased head loss resulting in additional pumping requirements.
In RAS systems with high flow rates, high UV dose requirements, or low UVT, the
preferred method is to use a low head channel UV array. In the past, the typical channel array
consisted of several lamps spaced evenly in a series of horizontal racks. These would have been
submerged in the water column or channel creating a UV “fence” where all the water must pass
through before returning to the pumping sump or culture tank. The primary application
limitations to the horizontal array design were that the lamp/quartz sleeve sealing mechanisms
were fully submerged causing durability and reliability issues with the lamps’ electrical
These systems also required considerable amounts of maintenance to keep them
operational. This substantially increased the cost of ownership. In recent years the channel UV
has undergone significant design improvements involving the relocation of the lamps from the
horizontal plane to the vertical plane. This has dramatically improved the dependability and
ease of service as well as reduced initial capital cost. With the advent of the vertical channel
array it has become more cost effective to employ UV light in larger scale RAS systems. Both
designs can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. UV designs.