Consent Letter for Children Travelling Abroad Carta de consentimiento para menores que viajan al extranjero To whom it may concern, I, nombre completo del representante legal del menor full name of person giving consent Address: dirección (calle, ciudad) provincia, país address (street, city) province, country Telephone and email: teléfono telephone email am the parent, legal guardian or other authorized person or organization with custody rights, access rights or parental authority over the following child: Information about travelling child Name: nombre completo del menor child's full name Date and place of birth: día/mes/año nacimiento dd/mm/yyyy ciudad,provincia,país nacimiento city,province,country Number and date of issue of passport : número pasaporte passport number día/mes/año emisión pasaporte dd/mm/yyyy Issuing authority of passport : país emisión pasaporte country where passport was issued Information about accompanying person (A rellenar por AGEHLS) This child has my consent to travel with Name: nombre completo de la persona acompañante full name of accompanying person Relationship to child: relación con el menor (madre, padre, pariente, otro) relationship to child (mother, father, relative, other) Number and date of issue of passport: número pasaporte passport number día/mes/año emisión pasaporte dd/mm/yyyy Issuing authority of passport: país emisión pasaporte Contact information during trip country where passport was issued (A rellenar por AGEHLS) I give my consent for this child to travel to: Destination: país de destino name of destination country Travel dates: fecha de salida y fecha de regreso date of departure to date of return to stay with / at (if applicable) nombre del alojamiento o de la persona con la que permanecerá el menor name of accommodation or person with whom child will be staying at the following address dirección (calle, ciudad) provincia, país address (street, city) province, country Telephone and email teléfono telephone Signature(s) of person(s) giving consent firma de la persona que otorga el consentimiento signature of person giving consent día/mes/año dd/mm/yyyy email