press en - Council of the European Union

Council of the European Union
Brussels, 22 May 2015
25 May - 7 June 2015
Tuesday 26 May
Foreign Affairs Council (Development) ........................................................................................... 2
Thursday 28 and Friday 29 May
Competitiveness Council................................................................................................................. 3
Other events .................................................................................................................................. 4
Agenda of the President of the European Council
For video coverage of Council sessions and audiovisual material, please see the following Council websites:
– (live webcast of public deliberations, public debates and press
conferences), and
– (video material available for download in broadcast quality and photo gallery).
This document has been prepared under the sole responsibility of the Press Office.
Information may be subject to change, depending on further developments.
Press office - General Secretariat of the Council
Rue de la Loi 175 - B-1048 BRUSSELS - Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 -
Tuesday 26 May 2015
Foreign Affairs Council (Development)
Justus-Lipsius building, Brussels (15.00)
In the context of the negotiation of the post-2015 development agenda, EU Development ministers
are expected to adopt conclusions on "A new global partnership for poverty eradication and
sustainable development after 2015" in view of the 3rd UN conference on financing for
development next July and the UN summit on post-2015 in September.
Gender and development will also be on the agenda. Ministers will discuss how to support the
promotion, fulfilment and protection of women and girls rights in EU development policies and
programmes. Ministers are expected to adopt conclusions on gender in development.
A discussion of migration and development will be held as a follow-up to the special meeting of the
European Council on 23 April.
Ministers will also discuss the joint communication by the European Commission and High
Representative Federica Mogherini on capacity building in support of security and development
(train and equip) in preparation of the European Council in June.
The High Representative will take the opportunity to update ministers on the ongoing work on the
EU strategic review.
The meeting will be followed by a working dinner with the participation of UN Secretary General Ban
Ki-moon, dedicated notably to the discussion on post-2015.
Press officers:
Susanne Kiefer, tel. + 32 2 281 94 42,
Virginie Battu-Henriksson, tel. + 32 2 281 53 16
Spokespersons for the High Representative for Foreign Affairs:
Catherine Ray - tel. +32 2 296 99 21, +32 498 969 921,
Maja Kocijancic - tel. +32 2 298 6570, +32 498 984 425,
Thursday 28 and Friday 29 May 2015
Competitiveness Council
(industry - internal market - research - space)
Justus-Lipsius building, Brussels (9.30)
The two-day Council session will focus on targeted actions related to main building blocks of the
European economy that band together to produce tangible results in terms of economic growth
and job creation:
the cohesion and deepening of the internal market
the digitalisation of the intra-EU trade and the common research area
To this end, the Council will be invited to adopt conclusions on the digital transformation of
industry, a roadmap for the European research area for the years 2015 to 2020 and on open,
data-intensive and networked research as drivers for innovation.
The adoption of conclusions will follow the examination of the digital single market strategy issued
by the Commission on 6 May 2015.
The Council will be invited to reach a political agreement on revised rules on package travels, with
the purpose to adapt the travel market to the digital age and better address the needs of consumers
and businesses.
In the field of company law, ministers will hold a debate on the creation of a new European form of
single-member private limited liability companies, with a view to reaching an agreement on a
general approach. The aim of the proposal is to set up a common legal framework for online
registration of small companies across borders, with simplified requirements and a statutory capital
of just one euro.
The Council will also discuss the consumer product safety and market surveillance package with
a view to a general approach. One outstanding political issue of the package remains unsolved. It
relates to the proposed provision for establishing a mandatory country of origin marking for non-food
Pre-Council briefing: Tuesday 26 May at 10.00.
Further information
Digital single market
Industrial policy
European Research Area
Digital agenda: towards a thriving-data-driven economy
Press officer: Victor Flavián, tel. + 32 2 281 67 15,
Latvian presidency: Jānis Rungulis, tel. +32 473 523 485,
Other events
28 and 29 May
EU/ACP joint ministerial Council
29 May
EU-Japan summit (Tokyo)
31 May - 2 June
- Informal meeting of ministers for agriculture and fisheries
2 - 3 June (Riga)
EU-USA Justice and Home Affairs ministerial meeting
7 - 8 June (Elmau, Germany)
G7 summit
- Latvian presidency website