Last update: 04-02-2016 860124 - 32201MAR - Marketing and Business Creation Coordinating unit: 860 - EEI - Igualada School of Engineering Teaching unit: 732 - OE - Department of Management Academic year: 2016 Degree: BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN INDUSTRIAL SCHEDULING ENGINEERING (Syllabus 2011). (Teaching unit Compulsory) ECTS credits: 6 Teaching languages: Catalan Teaching staff Coordinator: ROSA VIDAL TUSAL Degree competences to which the subject contributes Specific: 2. (ENG) Capacitat per identificar diferents segments de mercat i buscar-ne de nous, desenvolupant estratègies de màrqueting per a cada segment i elaboració d'un pla que permeti una orientació reeixida cap al mercat. Gestió del llançament de nous productes identificant les maneres d'actuació adequades per a la correcta planificació i gestió. Transversal: 1. EFFICIENT ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - Level 3. Communicating clearly and efficiently in oral and written presentations. Adapting to audiences and communication aims by using suitable strategies and means. 3. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION - Level 3. Using knowledge and strategic skills to set up and manage projects. Applying systemic solutions to complex problems. Devising and managing innovation in organizations. 4. TEAMWORK - Level 3. Managing and making work groups effective. Resolving possible conflicts, valuing working with others, assessing the effectiveness of a team and presenting the final results. Learning objectives of the subject Study load Total learning time: 150h Hours large group: 40h 26.67% Hours medium group: 11h 7.33% Hours small group: 0h 0.00% Guided activities: 15h 10.00% Self study: 84h 56.00% 1/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Last update: 04-02-2016 860124 - 32201MAR - Marketing and Business Creation Content (ENG) MÀRQUETING Learning time: 75h Theory classes: 20h Practical classes: 5h Guided activities: 8h Self study : 42h (ENG) CREACIÓ D'EMPRESES Learning time: 75h Theory classes: 20h Practical classes: 6h Guided activities: 7h Self study : 42h Planning of activities (ENG) CLASSES EXPOSITIVES Hours: 74h Theory classes: 40h Self study: 34h (ENG) EXERCICIS I ESTUDI INDIVIDUAL Hours: 41h Practical classes: 11h Guided activities: 10h Self study: 20h (ENG) TUTORITZACIÓ I AVALUACIÓ Hours: 5h Guided activities: 5h 2/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Last update: 04-02-2016 860124 - 32201MAR - Marketing and Business Creation Bibliography Basic: Kotler, Philip ... [et al.]. Dirección de marketing. 12ª. Madrid [etc.]: Prentice Hall, 2006. ISBN 8420544639. Burgos García, Enrique; Cortés Ricart, Marc. Iníciate en el marketing 2.0 : los social media como herramientas de fidelización de clientes. Oleiros, La Coruña: Netbiblo, 2009. ISBN 9788497453912. Rajadell Carreras, Manel. Creación de empresas. 3ª. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 2009. ISBN 9788498803747. Complementary: Rodríguez Ardura, Inmaculada. y comercio electrónico en la sociedad de la información. 3. Madrid: Piràmide i ESIC, 2008. ISBN 9788436821970. Santesmases Mestre, Miguel. Marketing : conceptos y estrategias. 5ª. Madrid: Pirámide, 2004. ISBN 9788436821161. López-Pinto Ruiz, Bernat. La Esencia del marketing [on line]. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 2001Available on: <>. ISBN 8483015358. López-Pinto Ruiz, Bernat. La Esencia del marketing : casos prácticos [on line]. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 2002Available on: <>. ISBN 8483015854. Maqueira Marín, Juan Manuel; Bruque Cámara, Sebastián. Marketing 2.0 : El nuevo marketing en la web de las redes sociales. Madrid: Ra-Ma, 2009. ISBN 9788478979127. 3/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya